Posts tagged: John Kasich

Kasich’s Conscience Prefers a President Who’ll Put Boys in Girls’ Locker Rooms

Written by Terence P. Jeffrey

John Kasich wants people to believe he is supporting Joe Biden for president because his “conscience” compels it.

Assuming Kasich is being honest about this, a rational observer can draw only one conclusion: He is a moral idiot.

On Monday, the Columbus Dispatch ran a story with this headline: “Kasich Says Conscience Led Him to Biden.”

In an interview with that paper, this former Republican governor of Ohio presented himself as a moral hero for backing the former vice president.… Continue Reading

Joe Walsh Challenging Trump in the Primaries (Part 1)

Written by David E. Smith and John Biver

Joe Walsh, one-term congressman and failing radio talk show host, announced on August 25th that he is now a candidate for president of the United States and will challenge President Donald J. Trump in the Republican primaries. No, this is not an article from the satirical website The Onion.

According to one news source, other people considering a run against President Trump are “former Tennessee Senator Bob Corker; Mark Sanford, a former South Carolina congressman who was also the state’s governor; and former Ohio Governor John Kasich.”… Continue Reading

Abortion at the Core of Both Left and Right

Written by Auguste Meyrat

Whether Americans like it or not, abortion has become the defining issue of the two main parties.  A Democrat can be many things – a moderate; a corporatist; or a shrill, uninformed socialist – but he must be pro-choice, as shown in the recent move to repeal the pro-life Mexico City policy, which prevents foreign aid going to organizations that fund or encourage abortions.  The same applies to the Republicans, who range from government-friendly “moderates” to staunch say-no-to-all-spending libertarians but who all must try to uphold the rights of the unborn – except Gov.… Continue Reading

What Does it Mean to Be a Republican?

Written by Lt. Col. Allen B. West

[Over the summer], MSNBC host and former U.S. Congressman from Florida Joe Scarborough said on a late night talk show that he was no longer a Republican. Scarborough admitted that he would be registering as an Independent. This is the same Joe Scarborough who came of age in the constitutional conservative ideological legislative revolution of one Newt Gingrich and his “Contract with America”. Of course, these days there are many folks changing their party affiliations to Independent.… Continue Reading

Obama Speeds Up Influx of ‘Refugees’ Before Trump


Written by Michael F. Haverluck

According to the Refugee Processing Center, the Obama administration has already welcomed 23,248 individuals to the United States as “refugees” through the first 11 weeks of the 2017 fiscal year – almost doubling the 13,786 who were accepted for the same period in 2016.

Obama’s goal is to bring in as many refugees into America as possible through a concerted effort – before Trump takes over the presidency – says WND News Editor Leo Hohmann, who recently published the book Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest through Immigration and the Resettlement Jihad.… Continue Reading

“Next Steps for the Pro-Life” (Illinois Family Spotlight #019)


Jill Stanek, the National Campaign Chair for the Susan B. Anthony List, joins the show to discuss the state of affairs of the pro-life movement.  Topics include Governor John Kasich’s recent decisions on abortion legislation and what victories are within the pro-life movement’s reach within the next election cycle.

"Next Steps for the Pro-Life" (Illinois Family Spotlight #019)
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Which Candidate Will Protect Our Daughters?


Written by Bryan Fischer

An O’Fallon, Missouri man was arrested on April 23 after allegedly secretly filming women in a Target dressing room.

Matthew Foerstel, 26, faces felony charges for invasion of privacy in the second degree and unlawful possession of a firearm.

The Brentwood Police Department arrested Foerstel on April 23 after he allegedly held a camera phone under a dressing room door while a female shopper tried on swim suits at the Target store in Brentwood.… Continue Reading

John Kasich Tells Christians to ‘Get Over It’ On Religious Liberty


Written by Joe Newby

For the second time, the George Soros-funded John Kasich told Christians to “get over it” on religious liberty laws and laws that require people to use the bathroom designated for the gender with which they were born.

“What I’d like to say is, just relax,” he said during an appearance at CNN. “If you don’t like what somebody’s doing, pray for them, and if you feel as though somebody is doing something wrong against you, can you just for a second get over it?… Continue Reading

Kasich: I ‘Probably’ Wouldn’t Sign Bill Keeping Men Out of Women’s Restrooms


Written by Ben Johnson

John Kasich said on Sunday that he would “probably not” sign a bill preventing biological males from using women’s restrooms, locker rooms, and showers – and those who are hung up on the issue should “take a deep breath,” “chill out,” and “get over it.”

Face the Nation” moderator John Dickerson ended his interview with the the Ohio governor and presidential hopeful by asking if Kasich would sign a bill similar to the one enacted by North Carolina Gov.Continue Reading

You Blew It, Kasich, Move Aside

Written by J. Matt Barber

Much will be written about the utter thrashing GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump took at the hands of the far-more prepared, knowledgeable, qualified and otherwise principled Sens. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio during Thursday night’s Republican presidential debate on CNN. I will, therefore, focus, instead, on another Republican candidate who’s absolutely got to go: Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

Many thanks to Hugh Hewitt for asking the question. In a campaign where the noise of myriad, and in many cases less critical, issues has drowned out the single greatest threat to God-fearing Americans’ individual liberties – the secular left’s tireless efforts to end our constitutional religious free exercise and freedom of conscience – Hewitt exposed John Kasich as an avowed enemy to the First Amendment and a devoted ally of Democratic sexual change agents.… Continue Reading