Posts tagged: Joe Biden

Saving Our National Hyde

Written by Dr. Jerry Newcombe

Watch out whenever a politician says, “I’m a devout Catholic, but…” Whatever follows the “but” shows where their true allegiance lies. So it is with President Joe Biden and U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who are out of step with their Church’s teaching. Both have expressed a desire to see abortion rights extended, even up to the moment of birth—which is infanticide.

Now they even want to repeal the Hyde Amendment, a 40-year old congressional measure that blocks federal funding for abortions.… Continue Reading

NFL Salutes Woke Culture

Written by Robert Knight

Five years ago, on Sept. 11, 2016, the National Football League unveiled a remarkable two-minute video, “Football Is America.” Featuring well-known black and white players, the video saluted the military, first responders, and the idea of e Pluribus Unum – out of many, one. They didn’t actually use the phrase, but it was clearly the message.

Football, the players said, was a great healing agent following the horror of the 9/11 terrorist attack 15 years earlier.… Continue Reading

CNN’S Lemon of a Town Hall Meeting

Written by Tim Graham

CNN became apoplectic whenever former President Donald Trump called them “fake news,” but on July 21, they offered President Joe Biden a nationally televised boost that can accurately be described as a “fake town hall.”

A real town hall would sell tickets in a city like Cincinnati and let the locals mix it up with the president and ask him whatever was on their minds. That’s not what CNN did. It was an “invitation only” audience, which means nobody boos or laughs at inappropriate times.… Continue Reading

Biden’s Baleful Border Betrayal

Written by David Limbaugh

Is there anything the left won’t blame on their fantastical scapegoat, climate change? Don’t bet on it. Their latest dodge is blaming the border crisis, which they created, on the climate crisis, which they invented.

A Politico article is headlined, “It’s Not a Border Crisis. It’s a Climate Crisis.” That’s a convenient twofer. Never let an opportunity to blame a crisis on climate change go to waste. Well played.

But to the left, I guess the border catastrophe isn’t a crisis.… Continue Reading

As Crime Skyrockets, Americans Want More Police

Written by Michael Haverluck

As crime escalates in some of America’s largest Democrat-run cities, politicians in the same party continue to press for defunding of law enforcement across the country. But according to recent nationwide poll, three-fourths of Americans would like to see additional police officers on the streets.

The latest USA Today/Ipsos poll revealed that President Joe Biden and Democrats are not pushing popular policy when it comes to Americans’ safety and well-being.

“In the survey, 7 in 10 supported increasing police department budgets; 77% said they would like additional police officers deployed on street patrols,” the USA Today/Ipsos poll disclosed.… Continue Reading

On a Collision Course with National Disaster

Written by David Limbaugh

If I were leading President Joe Biden’s central committee and my goal were to destroy America as founded and ensure that it lose its distinction as the world’s freest and most powerful nation, I doubt I could concoct a superior strategy than adopting the Biden administration’s message and policy agenda.

The administration is creating total societal chaos, fomenting disorder and undermining the rule of law at every turn. As the first duty of government is to protect and defend its citizens, we might be alarmed to consider that the administration is engaged in a multi-pronged strategy to do the opposite.… Continue Reading

Neil Steinberg’s Flawed Take on Critical Race Theory

Written by James E. McNally

Opposition to the teaching of a seriously flawed ideology known as critical race theory has drawn the ire of Chicago Sun-Times columnist Neil Steinberg. His column is riddled with almost as many flaws as the NY Times “1619 Project”, apparently championed by Steinberg, which inanely asserts that the American Revolution was conducted because the colonists feared that Great Britain was about to abolish slavery, a ridiculous charge (among many contained in the document) debunked by serious historians of various political persuasions.… Continue Reading

Democrats Are Not the Working Class Party

Written by Walker Wildmon

For years, we’ve been told that the Democratic Party is the party of the working class. Democrats have traditionally been associated with the workers’ unions and government programs that are aimed at assisting middle- to low-income families. I would submit to you that this association is built on faulty ground.

Democratic elected officials in Washington have made a few major policy decisions that have had tremendous negative effects on middle-to low-income families.… Continue Reading

Stopping Communism One School District At A Time

Written by Robert Knight

Once upon a time not so long ago, Loudoun County, Virginia, was the most conservative county in the Washington, D.C. metro area.

An exurb outside the Beltway with a high-tech corridor rivaling California’s Silicon Valley, plus the Washington Football team’s headquarters and Dulles Airport, Loudoun’s sprawling suburbia is supplanting farmland like super-charged kudzu.

The eastern part is home to more than 100 huge, gray “data centers,” through which more than 70 percent of the world’s Internet traffic flows. … Continue Reading

Why June Could be Decisive for Religious Freedom and the Future of the Nation’s Highest Court

Written by Jorge Gomez

June could be a critical month for religious freedom in America like never before. Over the next few weeks, the U.S. Supreme Court is likely to release most of the decisions for its current term—including cases in which First Liberty is fighting to defend people of faith and religious organizations.

Below, we’ll recap several First Amendment cases pending before the nation’s highest court and how the outcome in each of these could be a turning point for the constitutional freedoms of millions of Americans.… Continue Reading