Posts tagged: Jeanne Ives

“For Your Kids” (Illinois Family Spotlight #217)

2020 is different in many ways, but a closely contested election is not of them. This podcast spotlights the Illinois races for U.S. Senate and U.S. Sixth Congressional District by hosting the respective GOP candidates, Mark Curran and Jeanne Ives. Monte and Dave host them by Zoom webinar to discuss a score of issues, especially those closely related to the upcoming election. All the issues and debates seem to boil down to the sort of moral world we leave to the next generation.… Continue Reading

Five New GOP Women to Watch in 2020

Written by Carol Davis

It’s a great time to be a woman in Congress — if you’re a Democrat.

Women make up nearly a quarter of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate with 127 voting members, the highest percentage in history. Only 21 of these members are Republican. That’s one Republican woman for every six Democratic women serving in Congress. In last year’s historic midterms, the number of Republican women in Congress actually decreased.

I’ve never been a fan of identity politics, but I understand from experience that identity matters, whether one likes it or not.… Continue Reading

State Rep. David Welter Needs To Hear From You

Written by David E. Smith

State Representative David Welter (R-75th Dist.) is promoting some town hall meetings next week in Morris, Plano, Wilmington, and Seneca so that he can “listen to your feedback, your questions, and concerns.” We thought you, a conservative pro-family voter in this district, should know how your local state representative has been voting in Springfield.

For a number of important reasons, we believe your local official, Rep. Welter, has failed us. (See this flyer for more information.)… Continue Reading

Sue Rezin Unfit for the 14th Congressional District

Written by David E. Smith

Over the summer State Senator Sue Rezin (R-Morris) announced that she is officially running for the 14th Congressional District (map) in hopes of challenging freshman U.S. Representative Lauren Underwood (D-Naperville) in the November 3, 2020 General Election. At the time of this writing, the Republican primary election (March 17, 2020) will include candidates James Marter (R-Oswego), State Senator Jim Oberweis (R-Sugar Grove), and four other lesser known candidates.

It is our unequivocal opinion that Sen.… Continue Reading

“They Got Everything They Wanted and More” (Illinois Family Spotlight #153)

This edition of Spotlight features a Townhall event where former state rep Jeanne Ives and current State Rep John Cabello recapped the 2019 spring legislative session with an eye for the “bi-partisan” budget, gas tax, a pay raise for legislators, and other mind numbingly stupid laws only Illinois could conceive.

"They Got Everything They Wanted and More" (Illinois Family Spotlight #153)
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“It Really Comes Down to A Money Issue” (Illinois Family Spotlight #145)

This edition of spotlight features comments from Jeanne Ives, a former Illinois state representative and gubernatorial candidate.

Ives discusses the potential negative fiscal impact of legalizing marijuana, Illinois economic potential and incompetence.

"It Really Comes Down to A Money Issue" (Illinois Family Spotlight #145)
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IL GOP Chairman Tim Schneider Needs To Resign

Written by Illinois Family Action

In the past couple months, much has been written about the future of the Illinois Republican Party. Our situation couldn’t be worse. After a vicious March Primary and disastrous losses in the November election, the Illinois Republican Party (IL GOP) remains divided, with leadership refusing to take responsibility for the current situation.

The IL GOP needs new leadership to unite the Bruce Rauner and Jeanne Ives factions of the Party and to stand behind our State and National Platforms if it hopes to interest and draw voters.… Continue Reading

Illinois Conservative Union Calls for New GOP Chairman

Almost one month has passed since the November 6th midterm elections. Many have analyzed the losses suffered by the Republican Party in Illinois. To the base of the Party – Conservatives who stand firmly on the adopted Republican Party platform – the causes are abundantly clear. Party leadership made no attempt to unify the Party, failed to support good candidates and failed to effectively communicate to voters the principles of the Republican Party. Due to this failure of leadership and lack of accepting any responsibility for the losses, Illinois Conservative Union (ICU) calls for Tim Schneider to step down from his position as Chairman.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Jeanne Ives’ State of the State

Written by David E. Smith

This week’s Spotlight features a presentation by one of Illinois’ finest, Jeanne Ives, who recently spoke in Rockford at a forum organized by Concerned Christian Americans, a chapter of Illinois Family Institute. Representative Ives recapped and analyzed the results for Illinois in the midterm election, keying in on specific races/areas where traditionally Republican strongholds switched from red to blue.

Representative Ives also discussed the need for cohesion within the Republican Party and highlighted what conservatives ought to do in order to take back seats in the next election cycle.… Continue Reading

“State of the State” (Illinois Family Spotlight #122)

This podcast features a presentation by one of Illinois’ finest: Jeanne Ives. Current State Representative Ives gave a presentation in Rockford describing where Illinois stands after the 2018 midterms and what conservatives can do in the next few years to regain control. In the second half, Jeanne fields questions from the audience.

"State of the State" (Illinois Family Spotlight #122)
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