IL GOP Chairman Tim Schneider Needs To Resign
Written by Illinois Family Action
In the past couple months, much has been written about the future of the Illinois Republican Party. Our situation couldn’t be worse. After a vicious March Primary and disastrous losses in the November election, the Illinois Republican Party (IL GOP) remains divided, with leadership refusing to take responsibility for the current situation.
The IL GOP needs new leadership to unite the Bruce Rauner and Jeanne Ives factions of the Party and to stand behind our State and National Platforms if it hopes to interest and draw voters. If Republicans in our state are to raise “a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people,” as Ronald Reagan once said, we must unite and work together to get back on the right track.
The current IL GOP chairman, Tim Schneider, has divided the Party and for the following reasons should be asked to step down:
1.) Chairman Tim Schneider tolerated years of lying by Bruce Rauner. When Rauner announced his candidacy for Governor, Tim Schneider was recruited to lead the IL GOP. He was Rauner’s faithful supporter from the beginning. Schneider stood behind Rauner as he lied about his support for HB 40 and then lied daily about the record of Jeanne Ives during the primary election. Finally, Schneider knew Rauner did not want to run for a second term, but remained silent about this during the fall election season while countless volunteers and donors were working their precincts.
2.) Chairman Tim Schneider has done nothing to defend the IL GOP Platform. He remained supportive of Rauner while Rauner supported government funding of abortion, an income tax hike without pension reform, transgender birth certificates and a sanctuary state bill, just to name a few.
3.) Chairman Tim Schneider doesn’t learn from his mistakes. At the December meeting of the Republican Party, Schneider thanked Rauner for his contributions to the IL GOP, especially his financial contributions which have not left the Party more financially sound. No mention was made of the division Rauner created in the Party by his blatant lies and deception, or his disloyalty to the Platform causing distrust and disrespect among Republican voters. Schneider offered no solutions for uniting the Party other than surveying Republicans on issues of concern to them.
This Saturday, February 9th, the State Central Committee, which is the governing board of the IL GOP, will meet in Bolingbrook to review the results of the statewide survey and discuss ideas for moving the Party forward.
If you share our belief that new leadership is needed for the IL GOP, please make two calls asking for Tim Schneider to resign as chairman of the Illinois Republican Party.
~ Please call the office of the IL Republican Party at 312-201-9000.
~ Then please call your State Central Committeeman. Tell him/her that you want Tim Schneider to resign so a new consensus leader can be elected to help lead the IL GOP back on the right track.
The Illinois State Central Committee Members:
1st Congressional Dist: Shaun Murphy worthgop@gmail.com 708-670-7160
2nd Congressional Dist: Judy Dieckelman diekelmanj@aol.com 708-243-5019
3rd Congressional Dist: Sean Morrison sean@morrisonsecurity.com 773-294-4166
4th Congressional Dist: Jay Reyes gopjay@att.net 708-351-0349
5th Congressional Dist: Jack Dorgan jmdgop@yahoo.com 847-698-0630
6th Congressional Dist: Robert Grogan rgrogan@aol.com 630-207-1133
7th Congressional Dist: Mark Hosty westsidemark@gmail.com 708-514-5624
8th Congressional Dist: Ryan Higgins ryan@ryanhiggins.com 312-590-6186
9th Congressional Dist: Charlene Foss-Eggemann char@romt.us 312-593-8663
10th Congressional Dist: Mark Shaw markshawlaw@hotmail.com 847-609-3482
11th Congressional Dist: Roger Claar bbmayor@aol.com 630-212-2200
12th Congressional Dist: Barbara Viviano barbv@viviano.us 618-971-9555
13th Congressional Dist: Fred Floreth f.floreth@comcast.net 217-324-5986
14th Congressional Dist: Stanton Bond stan@stanbond.com 630-440-1007
15th Congressional Dist: Chapin Rose cr@chapinrose.net 217-621-7055
16th Congressional Dist: John McGlasson jmx28093@frontier.com 815-260-5238
17th Congressional Dist: Jan Weber jweber@msn.com 309-714-1617
18th Congressional Dist: Michael Bigger mike@mikebigger.com 309-238-0113
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