Posts tagged: Hillary Clinton

Planned Parenthood Staffer Attacks Hillary Clinton for Calling Baby an ‘Unborn Person’ and ‘Child’

Hillary Clinton, Unborn

Written by Leonardo Blair

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton is now facing the wrath of pro-choice activists who are attacking the former first lady for saying a baby is a “child” and an “unborn person.”

Clinton made the comment after she was asked about her position on abortion and if she believes an unborn child has constitutional rights during an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd.

“When or if does an unborn child have constitutional rights?”

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How The Clintons Made Donald Trump

DEM 2016 Clinton

Written by Ben Shapiro

Donald Trump is a boor. He’s a vulgarian, a liar, an ignoramus. He has only the most cursory grasp of policy, a stentorian voice and a great big set of self-assurance. He’s winning the Republican nomination.


It is partly because of the Clintons.

While the media point and laugh at the Trump reality show carnival, they forget that the Clintons originally took us all to the circus. This week, we found out that Hillary Clinton’s email scandal now occupies the attention of 147 FBI agents, and that she will be questioned by the FBI.… Continue Reading

Team Cruz: It’s Time To Pull The Goalie & Name Your Running Mate


Written by John J. Kirkwood

Before he can crush the serial felon that is Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz has got to beat the serial liar that is Donald Trump.  And he must do it before the love child of De Niro’s Wag the Dog and Pacino’s Simone becomes the Republican Presidential nominee.  The Donald may be the biggest farce in American political history but he’s rallying the dispossessed with the verve and the acumen that The Governor showed in Woodbury.… Continue Reading

Hillary Clinton’s Emails Reveal an Anti-Semitic Streak in Democratic Party


Written by Jim Kouri

While much is being discussed in the United States regarding presidential hopeful and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized email system and the suspicious emails discovered by inspectors general, the Congress, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and non-government groups such as Judicial Watch, nothing is being reported regarding Mrs. Clinton and Israel.

During her highly praised campaign by her news media sycophants, Hillary Clinton is portrayed as a true friend of Israel, despite having scolded the leaders of the Jewish State in her book for their treatment of the Palestinians.… Continue Reading

Just How Bad a Candidate Will Hillary Be?


Written by Bruce Walker

I asked last March, “Just How Bad a Candidate Would Hillary Be?”  As Hillary locks up the Democrat nomination, the question is “Just How Bad a Candidate Will Hillary Be?”  Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton may be the most pathetic presidential nominee of any major political party in our nation’s history.

First dispel the myth of her husband as a consummate politician.  Bill was a flop as governor of Arkansas and as president of the United States. … Continue Reading

Dear Trump Supporters: Hear Me Out Before You Vote


Dear Trump supporters:

America hears you.

You are angry with the gridlock caused by the petty bickering of professional politicians more interested in being lackeys to lobbyists and other big-money donors than in improving the lives of average wage-earning Americans. Money, jobs and opportunities seem to flow upstream to those who already have everything, rather than downstream to those most in need. Truly, this is how most Americans feel.

The question for this election is: Which candidate will actually do something about it?… Continue Reading

“Hookers For Hillary”

Written by Kelli Serio

With a new campaign called “Hookers for Hillary,” Dennis Hof says his girls will do anything they can to support Hillary.

“I’m reaching out to the Democrats in northern Nevada and saying ‘what can we do to help?’” Hof told The Daily Caller. “Air Force Amy has announced that she’s going to give another half-hour to any donor who donates to Hillary. An extra half-hour of time in the bedroom. That’s her way of supporting.… Continue Reading

No Cindy Sheehan–Style Media Attention for Benghazi Victim’s Father


Written by Jonah Goldberg

For partisan Democrats, when the word “Benghazi” comes up, the sophisticated thing to do is roll your eyes. If the name Charles Woods comes up, the normal thing to do is say, “Who?”

So let’s talk about Cindy Sheehan for a moment instead. Remember her?

For a while, she was the Joan of Arc of the anti-war Left. The mother of a U.S. Army specialist killed in Iraq, Sheehan held a vigil outside President George W.… Continue Reading

Why the Media Don’t Want You to See the Must-See 13 Hours


Written by Jack Cashill

The more naïve members of the Hillary Clinton campaign have long dreaded the release of Michael Bay‘s factual account of the Benghazi attack, 13 Hours.  The more sophisticated members of that campaign were less worried.  They were confident their friends in the media would scare off all but the most deluded “tea-baggers.”

Yes, the media will try.  They are trying.  I am not sure, however, that they will succeed.  In the age of social media, word of mouth is much more significant a force than it ever was before.  … Continue Reading

Planned Parenthood Backs Hillary Clinton in First-Ever Presidential Endorsement

Written by Michael Gryboski

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton listens at a campaign town hall even in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on Dec. 29, 2015.

Planned Parenthood announced its endorsement of Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton.

The endorsement is the first in the largest abortion provider’s roughly 100-year-long existence.

In a statement released by Planned Parenthood Action Fund, the group labeled Clinton the “best presidential candidate for reproductive rights, hands down.”

“Hillary Clinton holds the strongest record on reproductive rights of all presidential contenders in not just this election, but in American history.… Continue Reading