Posts tagged: GOP

Dear Trump Supporters: Hear Me Out Before You Vote


Dear Trump supporters:

America hears you.

You are angry with the gridlock caused by the petty bickering of professional politicians more interested in being lackeys to lobbyists and other big-money donors than in improving the lives of average wage-earning Americans. Money, jobs and opportunities seem to flow upstream to those who already have everything, rather than downstream to those most in need. Truly, this is how most Americans feel.

The question for this election is: Which candidate will actually do something about it?… Continue Reading

Gov. Bobby Jindal Accurately Describes Donald Trump


Written by David E. Smith

At a National Press Club event in Washington D.C. on Thrusday, Louisiana Governor and GOP presidential candidate Bobby Jindal took on billionaire and GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump.

Gov. Jindal began his statements saying, “I want to say what everyone is thinking about Donald Trump but is afraid to say.”  Jindal went on to say, “He is shallow, there is no substance. He doesn’t know anything about policy, he has no idea what he is talking about.… Continue Reading

The Question Trump Can’t Answer


Written by Michael Medved

In the GOP debate, Donald Trump said he couldn’t commit to support the ultimate nominee, and refused to rule out a third party run, but he never faced the obvious follow-up question. If he really cares about the conservative principles he now espouses, why wouldn’t he promise to support the Republican nominee?

Does he think that there is any chance that Hillary Clinton would come closer to representing a conservative agenda than any conceivable GOP candidate?… Continue Reading

Trump On Obama In 2009: “I Think He’s Doing A Really Good Job…He’s Totally A Champion”


“Well, I think he’s sort of a guy that just has a wonderful personality,
a good speaker, somebody that people trust.”

Written by Andrew Kaczynski

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump praised President Barack Obama in 2009 in his book Think Like A Champion and on CNN’s Larry King Live.

Trump, who is currently hovering near the top of the Republican field in recent presidential polls, wrote of Obama in his book, “what he has done is amazing.”… Continue Reading

The Many Ways in Which Donald Trump Was Once a Liberal’s Liberal


Written by Hunter Schwarz

Has Donald Trump ever been wrong about anything? (Also, does he ever cry? Has he ever had self-doubt? Has he ever lay in bed awake at night crippled with anxiety?)

Perhaps no presidential candidate has the self-confidence he does, even in the face of some glaring flip-flops on his political positions. Where lesser candidates would dodge questions about why they’ve changed their mind or give a focus-group-tested line about how they evolved, Trump doesn’t admit to ever having a different opinion.… Continue Reading

Iowa Paramount for Walker, Says Pundit


Written by Chad Groening

A conservative political pundit believes Scott Walker must win the Iowa caucuses next year if he has any chance to win the 2016 GOP presidential nomination.

After months of speculation, the Wisconsin governor made it official on Monday, announcing he is a candidate for 2016 Republican presidential nomination. David Bozell, president of the politically active not-for-profit ForAmerica, describes Walker as “living proof that conservatism works if you’re willing to fight for it.”… Continue Reading

At His Own Peril, Jeb! Spurns Conservatives on Education and Immigration


Written by William Sullivan

We all know the famous Republican Jeb! (as his campaign seems eager to avoid use of his last name and believes an exclamation point will get people excited about him, I’ll indulge that wish) who is now an immediate heavyweight in the Republican primary after his long-expected announcement for president.

But don’t let the R that often makes its way in front of his name fool you.  Jeb! loves lots of things that Democrats and big government progressives love.… Continue Reading

Cruz Says GOP Candidates Afraid to Talk “Gay” Marriage

Ted Cruz

Taking on the competition in his run for the White House, GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz says that there are many Republican politicians who are scared to jump into the debate over same-sex “marriage” and religious liberty, including some of the candidates he’s running against.

Written by Michael F. Haverluck

While speaking at the Watchman on the Wall three day conference that ended Friday, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz told the crowd of more than 600 in the nation’s capital that he is not afraid to champion their religious freedom. … Continue Reading

GOP Presidential Hopeful Carly Fiorina Says If Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage, She ‘Wouldn’t Reverse It’


Written by Michael Gryboski

Carly Fiorina, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, has stated that if the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down state-level gay marriage bans, she “wouldn’t support an amendment to reverse” their decision.

Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard who announced her candidacy earlier this month, spoke with the blog Caffeinated Thoughts last week and was asked: if the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down state laws banning gay marriage would she support a hypothetical amendment overturning the decision.… Continue Reading

Open Letter to Conservative Presidential Candidates


Written by Laurie Higgins

The campaign is up and running, and there’s nothing that the liberal press salivates over more than asking conservative presidential contenders what they think about all things homosexual—especially homosexual “mirage” (to borrow Pastor Doug Wilson’s term) or “pseudogamy” (to borrow Professor Anthony Esolen’s term).

Most conservative politicians respond with nervous, evasive, self-conscious, and intellectually unsatisfying answers. The reasons for their awkward and ineffective responses likely range from ignorance to fear to absence of genuine conviction.… Continue Reading