Posts tagged: George Floyd

A World Upside Down: Illinois Cop Killer Initially Treated Like Victim by Local CBS Affiliate

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Sadly, there is nothing new about the story of Darion Lafayette. A young black suspect with a long rap sheet who kills a cop with a gun he was able to purchase despite Illinois’ tough gun control measures — that is essentially the story of every major city. What is new, however, is that after the other cop in this deadly altercation was forced to kill Lafayette, the local media initially treated Lafayette as a martyr, despite the fact that the officer was justified by a mile.… Continue Reading

BLM’s Legacy a Year Later: Terror on America’s Streets

Written by Daniel Horowitz

This week, the Biden White House hosted the family of George Floyd to mark the one-year anniversary of his death in police custody. His brother, Philonise, expressed hope that things are “slowly” moving in the right direction and that they are “making progress” in their war on cops. However, what is not going in the right direction is justice for victims of crime thanks to the agenda spawned by their movement.

Thanks to the pandemic and less social mobility, crime has been decreasing in most countries.… Continue Reading

Ruling Elites Continue Cultural Cleansing Rampage And Not Even Honest Abe Is Safe

Written by Robert Knight

It may be Christmastime, but our ruling elites are keeping up their campaign of cultural cleansing.

Not even Honest Abe is safe.

In San Francisco, a committee tasked to rid the school system of now-disgraced public figures at 44 sites says that a high school named after Abraham Lincoln, who freed the slaves and held America together through the Civil War, ought to drop the Great Emancipator.

“Lincoln, like the presidents before him and most after, did not show through policy or rhetoric that Black lives ever mattered to them outside of human capital and as casualties of wealth building,” explained first-grade teacher Jeremiah Jeffries, chairman of the renaming committee.… Continue Reading

Leftist Rioters, Like their Marxist Muses, Are Literal Revolutionaries

Written by David Limbaugh

How do we make sense of the nonstop craziness going on in our society? Is there a common denominator, or is it all happening randomly?

Well, it’s unlikely that multiple sectors of society just happen to be imploding at the same time without some causal forces behind them. And you don’t have to be a garden-variety conspiracy theorist to realize that some kind of intelligent design is at work here.

I personally think we’re in the throes of spiritual warfare.… Continue Reading

The Race Hustle in the BLM Era

Written by Robert Knight

The Chinese COVID-19 lockdown has cost tens of millions of Americans their jobs, but one group is doing quite well, thank you.

That would be race hustlers, who have been thriving since George Floyd’s shocking death in police custody in late May and the protests and riots that followed.

The race hustlers have struck it rich thanks to their counterparts in the streets who are looting, burning, and shooting people. That sends chills up corporate spines.… Continue Reading

The Left is Trying to Bring Segregation Back

Written by Peter Heck

Among other places, it recently showed itself in CHAZ, or CHOP, or whatever name the anarchists in Seattle ended up calling their little exercise in autonomy that predictably ended in murder, theft, and humiliating failure.

And don’t think I was rooting against them.

For someone who has always thought it is much easier to point out the superiority of conservative thought by being able to point to actual examples of leftism-in-action rather than arguing against theoretical concepts being taught by unserious utopian dreamers in campus lecture halls to doe-eyed freshmen who are incapable of resisting conformity, I was all for CHAZ continuing in perpetuity.… Continue Reading

10 Ways Trump Can Push Law and Order – and Make it Stick

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Tweeting out “Law and Order!” every few days with an exclamation mark is OK, but it’s little solace to this country when we are actually suffering from the most widespread and protracted period of anarchy and violence in the modern era. It’s time for President Donald Trump to act on law and order, push a winning legislative and budgetary agenda with safety and security as its cornerstone, and communicate those ideas every day to the silent majority looking to the president to fight back.… Continue Reading

The Silent Majority Can Be Silent No More

Written by David Limbaugh

Lately it seems that we conservatives can’t win even when we’re winning. But the country is under siege, so we cannot indulge the luxury of being discouraged.

This year has been one body blow after another to the nation we love. First, there was the coronavirus, and we thought, “How can this get any worse?” Then came the economic shutdown and the incalculable pain and suffering it brought. Next were the riots, the radicals’ unopposed seizure of a section of Seattle and the maniacal efforts throughout the country to defund the police.… Continue Reading

Democrat Party Should be Dismantled Over History of Slavery, Racism

Written by Alex Newman

With mobs of indoctrinated young people now targeting America’s Founding Fathers and even the foundations of the nation under the guise of tearing down “racism,” a much more logical place to start would be dismantling the Democratic Party. The party’s shameful history is literally filled with vicious racism, violence and oppression of black Americans.

It was America’s Founding Fathers who enshrined the then-revolutionary idea that “all men are created equal” and are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.”… Continue Reading

How to Cultivate Racism and Hate in America

Written by Robert Knight

What would we do without virtue signalers instructing us about how hopelessly racist America is?

They’ve been out in force even more than usual since the tragic death of George Floyd and the riots that followed.  It’s hard to escape their false narrative, peddled by CNN, the major networks, every major newspaper and most politicians.

They say America has made little or no racial progress in the last 60 years, that the police are all wannabe Bull Connors, that income inequality is enforced by “institutional racism,” and that “America is a failed social experiment,” as Harvard professor Cornel West says.… Continue Reading