Written by Dr. Everett Piper
On May 10, 1933, students in 34 university towns across Germany gathered to burn more than 25,000 books. The works of authors like Albert Einstein, Ernest Hemingway and Helen Keller went up in flames.
At the same time, 40,000 people gathered to hear the German Minister of Public Enlightenment, Joseph Goebbels, give a speech applauding those who were “commit[ting] to the flames the evil spirit of the past.” The unwanted ideas of Western civilization fueled the bonfires of Berlin.… Continue Reading
Tags: Albert Einstein, AOC, Big League Politics, Book Burning, Chris Coons, Dana Nessel, Dianne Feinstein, Ernest Hemingway, Facebook, First Amendment, George Santayana, Heinrich Heine, Helen Keller, Jack Dorsey, Joseph Goebbels, Khmer Rouge, Mark Zuckerberg, Mazie Hirono, Nazi, Pol Pot, Twitter
Media Watch, Political | David E. Smith |
November 23, 2020 5:00 AM |
Comments Off on Pandering Democrats Protect Own Ideology But Say Nothing to Defend Free Speech
Written by David Limbaugh
A lot of things worry me about a Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration, but nothing troubles me more than that it will accommodate the left’s disturbing march toward selective suppression of free speech.
Much of the war against this sacred liberty occurs at the level of our culture, but when a leftist-friendly administration is in power, our efforts to combat this culturally will be more difficult.
As a result of structural and technological changes in our society, threats to free speech no longer come from government alone, and so, our constitutional guarantees against encroachments are now inadequate.… Continue Reading
Written by Daniel Horowitz
When was the last time we saw governments embrace the violent, racialist political agenda of a specific racist organization and make the citizenry obey it by force of law while exempting its adherents from the actual laws on the books? If you are conjuring up images of the KKK during the Jim Crow days in the South, you are not missing anything. So why is this suddenly OK when it comes to an organization that names itself Black Lives Matter?… Continue Reading
Tags: Allyson Rowen Taylor, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Conservative Review, Daniel Greenfield, Daniel Horowitz, David Duke, E Pluribus Unum, Facebook, Jewish Lives Matter, Jews, Jim Crow, KKK, Louis Farrakhan, Nazis, neo-nazis, New York Times, NYPD, Palestinians, Rodney King, sin, StandWithUs, the Constitution, the South
Federal Issues, Marriage, Family & Culture, Political | Benjamin D. Smith |
July 13, 2020 4:00 AM |
Comments Off on The Black Lives Matter Agenda Is Racist And Anti-Semitic. Why Are Politicians Embracing It?
Written by Robert Knight
Two theories are circulating about the origin of the COVID-19 coronavirus.
The media are still selling the idea that it probably arose from an infected bat at an outdoor live animal food market in Wuhan. That’s also the Chinese Communist Party’s line.
The media don’t want people thinking that communist researchers at the Wuhan Virology Institute’s BSL-4 lab might have been directly responsible.
However, a plausible scenario is that the virus was, indeed, cooked up in the lab.… Continue Reading
Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Anand Giridharadas, Ayanna Pressley, Bernie Sanders, Chinese Communist Party, Clare Lopez, Coronavirus, COVID–19, Democrat Party, Facebook, Green New Deal, impeachment, Joe Biden, Mark Zuckerberg, Nancy Pelosi, Wall Street Journal, World Health Organization, Wuhan Virology Institute
Federal Issues | David E. Smith |
April 29, 2020 8:00 AM |
Comments Off on Cooking Up a Viral Moment
Written by Ken Blackwell
Looking over the frenzied political landscape in America today — one marred by constant clashes between right and left — a single issue rises above the rest. In many areas of public life, conservatives — their words, views and values — are under assault. Ultra-left, radical activists methodically expunge conservative speech and conservative ideas from public discourse.
This threat to the First Amendment and to the sharing of viewpoints held by roughly half of all Americans is taking many forms.… Continue Reading
Tags: Andy Ngo, Antifa, Campus Reform, Facebook, First Amendment, Harmeet Dhillon, Instagram, Publius Lex, Quillette, Speech First, TechWatch, The College Fix, The Media Research Center, Twitter, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, University of Michigan, University of Texas-Austin, Wall Street Journal
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
July 25, 2019 4:00 AM |
Comments Off on Attacks on Conservative Speech Take Many Forms
Written by Robert Knight
Tyranny can arrive fast in the form of tanks and jackboots. Or it can come gradually, snuffing out liberty and replacing it with fear.
The latter is what we’re facing today, as cultural Marxists advance their doctrines and silence any dissension.
Each day brings new examples, but here are a few that show why a sleeping church and any friend of liberty had better wake up before it’s too late.
Social media giants Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, Google’s YouTube and even Pinterest have all been caught censoring Christians and conservatives.
… Continue Reading
Tags: A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality, Amazon, Cultural Marxism, David Roark, Democracy Dies in Darkness, Donald J. Trump, Drag Queen Story Hour, Facebook, Jaelene Hinkle, Jeffrey Bezos, Joseph Nicolosi, Living Hope Ministries, Martin Niemoller, Megan Rapinoe, NARTH, National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, Pinterest, Reparative Therapy of Male Homosexuality, The Village Church, Thomas Aquinas Psychological Clinic, Twitter, Vimeo, Washington Post, YouTube
LGBTQ Agenda, Media Watch | David E. Smith |
July 22, 2019 5:00 AM |
Comments Off on How Democracy Dies in Darkness
Written by David Grogan
Recently, representatives from Facebook and Twitter appeared before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee to respond to claims that their companies are engaging in the censorship of conservative news and voices. For years, conservatives have lamented the power of Big Tech over political discourse and their bias against the Right.
U.S. Senator Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) made sure to point out that, in her view, the evidence conservatives have for social media bias is purely anecdotal.… Continue Reading
Tags: Big Tech, Carlos Monje Jr., Chris Kyle, Communications Decency Act, Donald Trump Jr., Facebook, Fidel Castro, Gizmodo, Jack Dorsey, Jim Jordan, Jon Kyl, Josh Hawley, Kay Cole James, Lois Lerner, Mark Meadows, Mark Zuckerberg, Marsha Blackburn, Mazie Hirono, Mitt Romney, Mother Teresa, New York Times, Planned Parenthood, Rand Paul, Ronna Romney McDaniel, Scott Walker, Steven Crowder, Susan B. Anthony List, Ted Cruz, Twitter, Unplanned, Washington Post, Western Journal
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
May 6, 2019 6:04 AM |
Comments Off on Facebook & Twitter: Biased Against the Right?
Written by David Limbaugh
There’s no question that animosity exists on both sides of the political spectrum, but have you noticed how personal it has become for many on the left?
It is disturbing how intolerant and filled with rage leftist extremists have become, and how many more people are falling into the category of leftist extremism.
But what concerns me as much as this pattern of ill will and abuse from leftists is that it is unchecked by their peers and often applauded.… Continue Reading
Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bill de Blasio, Bill Kristol, Chick-Fil-A, Clarence Thomas, Dan Cathy, Facebook, George W. Bush, Google, Hank Johnson, Jimmy Kimmel, Jonathan Chait, Jr., Kirstjen Nielsen, Luke O’Neil, Mitch McConnell, Obamacare, Pam Bondi, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Stephen Miller, The Boston Globe, Thin Blue Line, Twitter, Unplanned
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
April 13, 2019 7:00 AM |
Comments Off on Leftists Whipping Themselves Into a Jacobin Frenzy
Written by Dr. Everett Piper
It’s “1984” and we are living in schizophrenic times. Dickensian times. Orwellian times. The best of times, but yet the worst.
Times where we demand the truth while reveling in our lies. Times of great material gain but times of even greater moral loss. Times of monetary advancement, yet times of shocking mental decline. Times of the pathology of the intellect and the reprobate mind. Times of calling good evil and evil good; bitter sweet and sweet bitter.… Continue Reading
Tags: 1984, Ben Shapiro, Candice Owens, Colorado Civil Rights Commission, David Horowitz, Declaration of Independence, Dennis Prager, Dickensian times, Everett Piper, Facebook, Jack Phillips, Mark Zuckerberg, Martin Niemoller, Orwellian times
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
September 4, 2018 7:00 AM |
Comments Off on Liberal Nonsense on Parade
Written by Robert Knight
Since November 2016, the Deep State and its media allies have spent considerable time and money cultivating animus toward President Trump and the Republican-led Congress among younger voters.
Many Millennials came unglued in the wake of the election and still are. The Left is counting on their turning out to elect progressives in November. Social media bristle with anti-Trump and anti-conservative invectives, and some of it spills over into anti-American rants.
As author William J.… Continue Reading
Tags: David Kyle Foster, Deep State, Diamond and Silk, Facebook, Google, Howard Zinn, James O’Keefe, Lois Lerner, Mark Zuckerberg, Mitt Romney, President Trump, Seton Motley, Shadow ban, Ted Cruz, Twitter, Vimeo, William J. Federer
Media Watch, Religious Liberty | Benjamin D. Smith |
June 16, 2018 4:00 AM |
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