Posts tagged: Donald Trump

Republicans Need To Stop Being Cowards on Abortion

Written by David Harsanyi

How many voters know that the Democratic Party supports legalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy on demand for virtually any reason? How many voters know this position aligns with only six other countries in the world — three of them, not incidentally, being North Korea, Vietnam and China?

How many voters know that Democrats want to pass a federal law banning states from stopping sex-selective abortions or the dismembering of the post-viable unborn or the requirement of parental and guardian notification for minors before getting abortions?… Continue Reading

NPR Won’t Hide Their Hatred of Republicans and Fox News

Written by Tim Graham

National Public Radio left Twitter in a hilarious huff. In a statement, CEO John Lansing announced, “We are not putting our journalism on platforms that have demonstrated an interest in undermining our credibility and the public’s understanding of our editorial independence.”

This contains multiple layers of comedy. For starters, NPR is a platform that has demonstrated an incredibly aggressive interest in undermining the credibility of Fox News Channel and the public’s understanding of how it balances out NPR’s relentless liberal bias and censorship.… Continue Reading

U.S. Senator Cruz Grills Secretary Mayorkas On His Failure To Protect America

Written by Gabriel Syme

Government officials go before U.S. Senate Committees all the time to testify about various things. When they do so, they are expected to answer the questions posed to them by our elected officials – that is the purpose of such inquiries. But lately, we have increasingly seen Democrats stonewall, obfuscate, and demonstrate an outright inability to answer basic questions about their respective jobs. A prime example of this is when U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) recently questioned the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, about the disaster that is the United States’ southern border.… Continue Reading

Intimidation 101: From Trump to Transgender Mania, Leftists’ War on America is Intensifying

Written by Robert Knight

In the space of a week, we saw three children and three adults executed at a Christian school in Nashville, the indictment of former President Donald Trump, and the advent of the national “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

We also saw the current White House occupant awkwardly joking at length about his love of ice cream before addressing the Nashville massacre. The word “inappropriate” is wildly inadequate. Within moments, he segued into a gun control rant.… Continue Reading

Progressives Have Made Science a Religion Not Worth Following

Written by Peter Heck

In the lead-up to the 2022 midterm elections, Northeastern University ran an analysis attempting to evaluate how much political endorsements actually matter in determining the outcome of a race. The consensus of their assembled experts and professors seemed to be that someone like former President Donald Trump‘s endorsement of a candidate during a midterm election might help at the periphery, but, “there are more fundamental variables affecting election outcomes than endorsements.”… Continue Reading

Lab Leak Story: How Elite Scientists Lied and Concealed the Truth

Written by Michael Barone

When the Wall Street Journal reported in a front-page lead story that the Department of Energy had concluded the COVID-19 pandemic resulted from a leak from China’s Wuhan laboratory, you might have argued it was old news. The FBI had already, it turns out, come to the same conclusion and with a higher degree of confidence (moderate) than the Energy Department (low).

Those agencies’ conclusions, moreover, came as a result of a May 21 directive from President Joe Biden to multiple intelligence agencies to review two “equally plausible scenarios” for COVID’s origin, “whether it emerged from human contact with an infected animal” (the zoonotic theory) “or from a laboratory accident” (the lab leak theory).… Continue Reading

When ‘Pants on Fire’ Fact Checks Are About Biden’s Pants

Written by Tim Graham

The so-called fact-checkers are energetic defenders of President Joe Biden — almost like they’re his siblings or his nephews. No cockeyed critique of Biden is silly enough for them to forgo the urgent need to “check.” They’re perpetually poised to pounce!

PolitiFact gave us two examples on Feb. 10. Both were “Pants On Fire” warnings, but only one was about pants. The headline was “Joe Biden put his pants on backwards,” and their headline continued: “We know all about pants.… Continue Reading

U.S. Senate Confirms Biden’s 100th Judicial Nominee

Written by Jorge Gomez

This week, the U.S. Senate confirmed President Joe Biden’s 100th federal judicial nominee, reaching that milestone faster than his two predecessors. At this point in their presidencies, Trump had 88 judges confirmed and Obama had 67.

Biden’s judicial confirmations include one U.S. Supreme Court justice, 30 circuit court and 69 district court judges. The wave of confirmations this week included:

  • Cindy K. Chung to the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals.
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Lies From Big Tech and ‘Big Guy’ Biden

Written by Robert Knight

The constant trickle of lies coming out of Washington became a gusher this past week.

We’ll look below at President Biden’s State of the Union speech. But first, Big Tech took center stage at a U.S. House Oversight Committee hearing on Wednesday.

Former Twitter executives testified that Twitter has never hassled conservatives. Nor were they politically motivated to censor the New York Post’s coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop just before the 2020 presidential election.… Continue Reading

Integrating Politics and Science—By First Separating Them

Written by Dr. Lucian Gideon Conway III

Freedom inherently involves risks. If you want your children to roam free at the local playground, they might injure themselves on the big slide. If you want the freedom to watch baseball, someone might get hit in the head by a stray line drive. All decisions about restricting freedom thus require a cost/benefit analysis that weighs the benefits of freedom against the potential risks.

In practice, this analysis requires two very different sets of considerations.… Continue Reading