Posts tagged: COVID

GOP Governors Must Repel The Invasion

Written by Daniel Horowitz

It’s unparalleled in human history. No other sovereign nation has ever voluntarily invited millions upon millions of invaders, primarily young men, to line up at the border and march into the country. With over 140,000 estimated illegal aliens just in the past two weeks (which would be an annual flow of 3.7 million) – even before the official rescission of Title 42 on Thursday – we are out of time to stop this invasion through traditional means.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: A Conversation with Allen West

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this special episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick interviews Lt. Colonel Allen West at the 2023 Black Conservative Summit. Allen West is the executive director of the American Constitutional Rights Union, is a constitutional conservative, former member of Congress, and combat veteran.

In this interview, Colonel West speaks on the issues of military competence, international security, border control, and a plethora of domestic issues. West capitalizes on the issue of corruption in the federal government and states,

We have to get back to constitutional governance, which means that laws are made by a legislative branch.

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Congressman Chip Roy Introduces Game-Changing Medical Freedom Bill

Written by Daniel Horowitz

There is no life or liberty so long as our health care is controlled by an artificial government-created cartel. Endless government programs, regulations, subsidies, and market distortions have created a monopoly of health care providers and health care insurers. Government tax policies tether health care to medical insurance and medical insurance to place of employment, while boxing out the patient from being the true consumer. As we saw with COVID, this monopoly is not only a problem with costs, but has deadly consequences, as the government was able to channel tyranny and dangerous protocols through a narrow network of health care administrators, while censoring the few remaining independent practice physicians questioning the narrative.… Continue Reading

We Already Have National Divorce … It’s Just One-Sided

Written by Daniel Horowitz

As family structure declines in America, divorce has skyrocketed. Although divorce is very undesirable, there are times when it’s necessary. At that point, the objective is to forge a separation plan as amicably as possible. After all, divorce is mentioned in the Bible itself. Sure, the wife might still keep the surname and the two divorcing will share custody of the children and inevitably interact with each other regarding both the children and shared assets, but sometimes the most advisable thing to do is to limit the exposure you have in a toxic relationship.… Continue Reading

Integrating Politics and Science—By First Separating Them

Written by Dr. Lucian Gideon Conway III

Freedom inherently involves risks. If you want your children to roam free at the local playground, they might injure themselves on the big slide. If you want the freedom to watch baseball, someone might get hit in the head by a stray line drive. All decisions about restricting freedom thus require a cost/benefit analysis that weighs the benefits of freedom against the potential risks.

In practice, this analysis requires two very different sets of considerations.… Continue Reading

The Lies That Blind American Citizens

Written by Robert Knight

It’s not healthy when citizens automatically discount whatever the government or media tell them.

That’s what happens in totalitarian countries like North Korea, China or Venezuela.

We have this now in America, thanks to a ruling elite who lie ever more boldly. Girls can be boys. Men can be women. The border is secure. Inflation is all in your head. COVID-19 will kill you unless you do exactly what we tell you to do.… Continue Reading

Biden’s Border, Criminal Justice, Health Care, and COVID Policies Responsible for Drug Poisoning Epidemic

Written by Daniel Horowitz

What are the consequences of 235,000 people teeming over our border per month?

Over 107,000 Americans died from drug poisoning, often from counterfeit pills containing fentanyl, funded by the Chinese government and concocted by the Mexican drug cartels. Why is there no clamor to fight the cartels with the same resoluteness with which we are fighting a proxy war halfway around the world?

Earlier this month, the CDC announced that an estimated 107,622 Americans died in 2021 from drug poisoning, up 15 percent from 2020 and more than double the number from just seven years before.

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5 Observations and Outcomes From the U.S. Supreme Court’s Likely Reversal of Roe and Casey

Written by Daniel Horowitz

In one of the most unprecedented bombshells in political history, an apparent draft of Justice Sam Alito’s unreleased majority opinion overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked to Politico Monday night. While this opinion will dredge up endless commentary stemming from legacy moral divisions on the issue, most of the political prognosticating will miss the mark. Moreover, as welcoming as this news is for any pro-life conservative, it does come with some potential pitfalls long-term unless we build on the momentum for other issues as well.… Continue Reading

Al Roker Shares Planet Panic With Barack Obama

Written by Tim Graham

Whenever Barack Obama grants an interview to one of his adorers in the media, one who arrives bathed in the glow of servility, everyone should be reminded that this is a major reason why people don’t trust the media.

In every interview, Obama is treated as a global celebrity and as the wisest of wise men. One can understand a journalist offering more tender inquiries to an ex-president, but there is no difference in tenderness between now and during his presidency.… Continue Reading

Ivermectin Being Confiscated by Customs While Chinese Fentanyl Pours Through The Mail

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Never before have drugs as safe as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin been deliberately demonized to the point that pharmacies refused to fill prescriptions. So countless Americans who were desperate for COVID treatment turned to Indian vendors for relief. Now, I’m getting numerous complaints from podcast listeners that they are having their packages confiscated by customs and the FDA. Meanwhile, Chinese fentanyl pours through the mail and other lethal drugs come over our border in plain sight, as even dark red states relax restrictions on marijuana.… Continue Reading