Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
On February 18, President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order that expands access to In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF).
According to the White House,
“The Order recognizes the importance of family formation and that our Nation’s public policy must make it easier for loving and longing mothers and fathers to have children.”
The executive order goes on to cite the dangerously low fertility rate America is currently facing, as well as the difficulty many families are having as they try to have children.… Continue Reading
Tags: Allie Beth Stuckey, Christians, Cory Booker, infertility, IVF, Katy Faust, Planned Parenthood, President Trump, Sanctity of Life, Tammy Duckworth, Them Before Us, White House
Faith & Religion, Federal Issues, Sanctity of Life | Alyssa Sonnenburg |
February 25, 2025 5:00 AM |
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Kirk Smith, executive director of Illinois Christian Home Educators (ICHE), wonders what will be the straw that finally breaks the camel’s back – the backs of Christian parents, even the backs of moral, non-Christian parents – when it comes to deciding to leave the cesspool of government schools? Will it be the recently passed legislation that requires availability of feminine hygiene products in both female and male school restrooms or will it be the mandate to teach hardcore sex education to public school students as early as kindergarten?… Continue Reading
Tags: Bourbonnais, Christians, government schools, homeschooling, ICHE, Illinois, Illinois Christian Home Educators, Illinois Legislature, kids, Kirk Smith, left, Monte Larrick, Olivet Nazarene University, proficiency, public schools, the left, Woke, wokeism
| Benjamin D. Smith |
June 22, 2021 12:21 AM |
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Ever wonder why most secularists seem perpetually angry? Consider the possibility that they are trying to be justified by works–dry bones trying to walk around all by themselves. This phenomena is especially evident in Critical Race Theory (CRT), where people are either prompted to feel like they are the chosen “race,” or are told that they are inherently evil and can only be saved by keeping the “antiracist” law. There is no grace in CRT, only judgement and condemnation.… Continue Reading
Tags: agape love, America, antiracist, Ceasar LeFlore, Christians, critical race theory, David Smith, government schools, humans, Jesus Christ, Monte Larrick, public schools, school
| Benjamin D. Smith |
May 11, 2021 12:51 AM |
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Gambling isn’t a niche issue. It may be low in a hierarchy of important issues, but this sin easily destroys lives, families and communities. Like all sin, gambling promises unprecedented reward in exchange nothing but ends up taking everything. Ken Darnell joins this episode of spotlight to discuss gambling–specifically, how it denies the sovereignty of God and is contrary to the Word of God. Monte, David and Ken start with hamartiology, including a loving rebuke of two podcast hosts who once thought a hair of gambling was okay.… Continue Reading
America was founded on the principles of the Scriptures, which contain the prescription for the family unit. Joining Monte Larrick to discuss the absolute necessity of a strong biblical family (one man, one woman–in covenant till death–with many children) for healthy civilization is Dr. Allan C. Carlson, the founder of the World Congress of Families. Monte and Allan discuss the role the biblical family played in the foundation of America, and the problem of familial deterioration all over the world.… Continue Reading
Tags: 1619, 1619 Project, 1630, America, America's founding, Christians, Dr. Allan Carlson, Family, Jamestown, Wolrd Congress of Families
| Benjamin D. Smith |
April 20, 2021 12:01 AM |
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Successful plans are best built on a foundation of strategic thinking. When it comes to political involvement, Christian apologist Dr. Frank Turek states that Christians ought to focus their efforts on motivating and mobilizing the citizens who share their worldview on the most critical issues of the day. Speaking at the 2017 IFI Worldview Conference, Dr. Turek also poses and answers these key questions: what is the purpose of government; can morality be legislated; how can we counter self-defeating statements; and what’s at stake and what should we do?… Continue Reading
Tags: apologetics, Christian Podcast, Christians, Church and State, CrossExamined, Dr. Frank Turek, Morality, Podcast, Presuppositional apologetics, religion
| Benjamin D. Smith |
February 23, 2021 12:22 AM |
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A few dozen Christians met to Rally for Jesus outside Calvary Church in Orland Park in mid-August. Many Christian leaders spoke and prayed during this rally, and this edition of spotlight is the first of a series of highlights from the event. Spotlight 213 features IFI and IFA Executive Director David E. Smith, and current 109th state representative and 55th state senate candidate Darren Bailey.
A big thank you to Calvary Church and Pastor Ron Citlau for hosting this rally.… Continue Reading
Rick Laib, a Sergeant with the Will County Sheriff’s Office and the Republican candidate for Illinois’ 11th congressional district seat, joins Monte Larrick for this very timely edition of Spotlight. Sgt. Laib relates the challenges of running for office when the most effective methods of campaigning have been eliminated due to the Coronavirus and he offers suggestions as to how citizens can best help first responders during this crisis. Monte and Sgt. Laib also discuss government spending in light of COVID-19, the responsibilities of government and individuals regarding future preparedness, and the tension between the government’s quarantine orders and the public’s constitutional right to religious freedom.… Continue Reading
The Reverend Franklin Graham joined Monte Larrick for an interview right before the IFI fall fundraising banquet last year and is featured on this episode. They talked about freedom of speech, why Christians need to be involved in politics, why only God can ultimately change today’s culture, how Rev. Graham believes we can change the education system, where civil disobedience is permitted, the conundrum in Illinois education with the new LGBTQ history mandate, and finally a message from Reverend Graham to the Christians in Illinois.… Continue Reading
On this edition of Spotlight, David Smith and Monte Larrick are joined by the IFA Board of Directors Chairman Rich Hartian to discuss the vital upcoming election; specifically Christians voting Biblical values, the importance of the traditional nuclear family, legislating morality, Conservative Party Gubernatorial Candidate Sam McCann‘s singular actions, the arguments for and against supporting certain candidates in the Illinois governors race, IFA’s down-ballot endorsements, including State Representative Tom Morrison‘s critical race,
They also discuss why the life issue is so significant in deciding who gets your vote.… Continue Reading