Posts tagged: the Church

Rally for Jesus Part I (Illinois Family Spotlight #213)

A few dozen Christians met to Rally for Jesus outside Calvary Church in Orland Park in mid-August. Many Christian leaders spoke and prayed during this rally, and this edition of spotlight is the first of a series of highlights from the event. Spotlight 213 features IFI and IFA Executive Director David E. Smith, and current 109th state representative and 55th state senate candidate Darren Bailey.

A big thank you to Calvary Church and Pastor Ron Citlau for hosting this rally.… Continue Reading

“Always Late to the Party” (Illinois Family Spotlight #155)

This episode features the relatively recent annual interview Monte Larrick conducts with Kirk Smith, the executive director of the Illinois Christian Home Educators, ICHE. They discussed homeschooling, the larger venue ICHE’s annual convention has migrated to, the lamentable fact that the church of Jesus Christ seems to always be tardy in responding to dramatic occurrences in the culture. They also discussed the legal ramifications of choosing to home school, how to get started, and epic failed attacks on home educators rights in Illinois thanks to a massive response by homeschoolers.… Continue Reading

“How Can My Vote Glorify God?” (Illinois Family Spotlight #116)

Dr. Eric Wallace joins Monte Larrick in this podcast. Dr. Wallace is the president of the Freedom’s Journal Institute. A former pastor, adjunct professor, author, military, and political candidate are descriptors used by others to describe Dr. Wallace. However, he prefers to be recognized first and foremost as a believer in Jesus Christ and a servant of God.

They converse on the criteria for identifying a candidate who deserves your vote, christian conservatives deserting their biblical values when voting, racism in the church, and what we as Christians can do to combat racism.… Continue Reading