Posts tagged: Chicago Tribune

Will Illinois Lose the Invest In Kids Scholarship Tax Credit Program?

Written by Calvin Lindstrom

Illinois enacted the Invest In Kids Scholarship Tax Credit Program in 2017. This program offers a 75 percent income tax credit to individuals and businesses that contribute to qualified Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGOs). The SGOs then provide scholarships for students whose families meet the income requirements to attend qualified, non-public schools in Illinois.

It is a carefully regulated process, but it works.

The total amount of tax credit that could be granted per year was $75 million dollars.… Continue Reading

Chicago Tribune Endorses NO Vote on Amendment 1

Written by John Lopez

On Monday morning of Columbus Day, the Chicago Tribune issued its first endorsement for the 2022 General Election, and it was a “No” vote on Amendment 1.

“We endorse a no vote.  We support the rights of unions to represent their members and to bargain collectively for the best deal they can secure.  But we do not see an Illinois threat to those rights, and we see this endorsement as an opening to skew the balance of power in the public sector to an unacceptable degree.”

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SAFE-T Act, Illinois Democrats Must Be Repealed

Written by David E. Smith

Illinois Democrats and their allies in the media are trying to obfuscate and deceive voters about the problems with the pro-criminal SAFE-T Act. Laurie Higginsarticle was posted last week on the IFI website and on our social media platforms. It didn’t take long for Facebook overlords to falsely label it as “false information” with the disclaimer “checked by independent fact-checkers.” The boost of Laurie’s article was also stopped.

Their partisan duplicity must be exposed!Continue Reading

Susan Hathaway-Altman Use of Sword of the Spirit at Candidates Forum Cuts Deep into Catalina Lauf

by John Lopez

Reader discretion is advised.
Some of the images contained in this article may be disturbing for some readers.  

Republican congressional candidate Susan Hathaway-Altman (R, unincorporated Geneva) had a very big June 14 as the primary campaign in the 11th Congressional District winds down to its June 28 conclusion.

Early in the morning, the Chicago Tribune published its endorsement of Altman’s candidacy in the IL-11, stating:

“…our endorsement goes to Susan Hathaway-Altman, a business executive…who supports a rollback in federal spending and jump-starting the economy through tax cuts.”

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Leftist Effort to Revise American History

Written by Walter E. Williams

There is very little new under the sun. The monument and statue destruction that we are witnessing has been witnessed in other times and other places. A tyrant’s first battlefield is to rewrite history. Most notable were the political purges of Joseph Stalin. The Soviet government erased figures from Soviet history by renaming cities — such as the Imperial capital of St. Petersburg to Petrograd and Leningrad and Stalingrad — and eradicating memories of czarist rule.… Continue Reading

Madigan’s Troubles Reach Towards Pritzker

Written by Christine Misner

Could Mike Madigan’s luck have finally run out? That’s what many in Illinois are wondering as news of a federal investigation into a bribery scheme linked to the longtime Democrat and Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives have revealed. Calls for him to resign are starting to come from around Illinois. Plus, court records are showing that the scandal may have a link to fellow Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker.… Continue Reading

Chicago: A Hellhole for Parole, Free Bail, and Jailbreak for Violent Gun Felons

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Why aren’t Republicans pounding the lectern with righteous indignation about violent gun felons being let off easy by the judicial system the same way Democrats engage in cerebral gyrations over guns? Democrats have sob stories for their gun control agenda. Republicans need to look no farther than Chicago as the poster child for criminal control.

On June 23, 2017, Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson stood beside then-Gov. Bruce Rauner and celebrated the passage of a bill stiffening sentences on gun felons.… Continue Reading

State Rep. David Welter Needs To Hear From You

Written by David E. Smith

State Representative David Welter (R-75th Dist.) is promoting some town hall meetings next week in Morris, Plano, Wilmington, and Seneca so that he can “listen to your feedback, your questions, and concerns.” We thought you, a conservative pro-family voter in this district, should know how your local state representative has been voting in Springfield.

For a number of important reasons, we believe your local official, Rep. Welter, has failed us. (See this flyer for more information.)… Continue Reading

Infanticidal Democrats Took Their Cues from Barack Obama

Written by Trevor Thomas

When it comes to the most significant moral issues of our time, no one should be surprised by immoral actions of modern liberals. You can be saddened, shocked, angry, disgusted, and the like, but you should not be surprised.  This is certainly true when it comes to the issue of even infanticide.

For decades, Democrats have dehumanized the unborn and argued against protecting the most innocent and helpless among us, even when they escaped death in their mothers’ wombs.  … Continue Reading

The “Trans”-Identifying Pritzker Issues Ultimatum to GOP

Written by Laurie Higgins

JenniferPritzker is playing macho hardball with the GOP, issuing an ultimatum: Change the GOP positions on all matters related to deviant sexuality or he’ll take his ball of money and stomp home. And by home, I mean the Democratic Party.

As most Illinoisans know, the billionaire cousin of our loo-less billionaire governor J.B. Pritzker is “Jennifer” Pritzker, a husky 69-year-old man who, after retiring from his 27-year Army career now pretends to be a woman—a Republican woman.… Continue Reading