Posts tagged: Build Back Better

The Left’s Climate Fear-Mongering, Christian-Bashing, Race-Baiting Fever Dreams

Written by Robert Knight

Sometimes, you have to laugh at how obvious the leftists and their media have become in their quest to orchestrate “build back better.” When they’re not shoving irreversible surgery at vulnerable children or abusing the legal system to persecute a former president, they’re pushing the latest iteration of climate hysteria.

This past week, the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Dubai, of all places, released an agreement that calls for “transitioning away from fossil fuels,” which The Washington Post called “the root cause of the climate crisis.”… Continue Reading

Applied Discernment of 11th Congressional District GOP Primary Shows 2 or 3-Person Race

Written by John Lopez

As originally published in late February, the Illinois 11th Congressional District Republican primary election presents the Republican Party with a solid chance to flip the U.S. House seat currently held by Congressman Bill Foster (D, Naperville).

Here on Illinois Family Action, discernment was stressed to be applied to the six Republican men and women who filed in IL-11.

The candidates include:

  • Mark Carroll, 48, North Aurora
  • Jerry Evans, 38, Warrenville
  • Andrea Heeg, 55, unincorporated Geneva
  • Catalina Lauf, 29, Woodstock
  • Susan Hathaway-Altman, 55, unincorporated Geneva
  • Cassandra Tanner Miller, 35, Elgin

The 11th District includes portions of 8 counties, as shown on the map above.… Continue Reading

Romney, Murkowski and Collins: Weak-kneed Republicans

Written by Robert Knight

What part of a judge being soft on child pornography offenders don’t they understand?

Having embraced every perversion under the sun and proclaimed it all good, Democrats in the U.S. Senate predictably voted 50-0 on Thursday to affirm Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court.

That would include Joe Manchin. The senator from West Virginia has stood in the gap against some of the Democrats’ worst schemes like “Build Back Better.”… Continue Reading

Biden Administration to Compile a List of Religious Vaccine Objectors

Written by Jorge Gomez

The Biden administration appears to be testing the idea of putting together a list of Americans who have religious objections to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Recently, the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia announced a new records system that will store the names and “personal religious information” of all employees who make “religious accommodation requests for religious exception from the federally mandated vaccination requirement.”

But this is only one agency implementing this type of tracking system.… Continue Reading

The Dark Side of The Left’s Tyrannical ‘Democracy’

Written by Robert Knight

In the name of “democracy,” Democrats want to get rid of our current system of government.

That’s no small thing, given that the Constitution has held up for 240 years — longer than any other. The founders’ design of a federal republic with representative decision-making and checks and balances has ensured unparalleled freedom and prosperity, unlike “democratic people’s” regimes worldwide.

Some liberals are so angry at U.S. Senator Joe Manchin, West Virginia Democrat, for capsizing Joe Biden’s $5 trillion socialist Build Back Better bill that they want to do away with the U.S.… Continue Reading

Your Costs For Biden’s Bloated Bureaucracy

Written by Oliver North and David Goetsch

“Drain the swamp!” Those three words were more than a mantra for the Trump administration. They were shorthand for reducing the number of nameless, faceless bureaucrats who control the lives of Americans by enforcing a plethora of government regulations without ever standing for election. Now, with Joe Biden in the White House, the swamp is again overflowing. recently published the latest appalling figures on the federal government’s “internal” spending.… Continue Reading