Posts tagged: Bill Maher

Turning America Into a 3rd World Country

Written by Robert Knight

Another day, another vote-buying scheme from the Biden regime.

[Last] week, President Biden announced $7.7 billion in bailouts to 160,000 more people who owe money on their student loans. Never mind that the U.S. Supreme Court said he had no authority to shift the burden to taxpayers. Under this regime, the U.S. Constitution is Silly Putty.

Expecting people to repay loans for which they agreed to the terms is what Democrats might call “a threat to democracy.”… Continue Reading

The COVID Debacle Should End All Calls For Government-Run Healthcare

Written by Peter Heck

Liberal commentator Bari Weiss made headlines last weekend by prosecuting the actions of U.S. public health entities and government for their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, suggesting that future generations will consider them to have committed a “moral crime.”

Her words may have inflamed the Fauci-fanatics in American society, but coming on the heels of the CDC’s stunning admission that natural immunity was six times more effective during the Delta variant wave – despite the fact that public health officials shamed those who were suggesting as much at the time – there are more citizens than ever who are now choosing COVID realism over alarmism.… Continue Reading

Critical Race Theory: Myths, Marxism, and More

Written by Dr. Paul G. Kengor

Few modern topics have become as divisive as critical race theory, which is no surprise, given that CRT divides. It divides people into groups pitted against one another, into categories of oppressed vs. oppressor. What’s worse, your group defines you. This certainly flies in the face of the Judeo-Christian conception of all individuals as children of God made in the image of God.

What’s making CRT even worse are misunderstandings and misconceptions on both sides, from the left and the right.… Continue Reading

Freedom Is A Risky Business…

Written by Tad Armstrong

This op-ed will be hard-hitting. It’s time to tell the unvarnished truth. It is lengthy because I cannot shorten what needs to be said. If you care about Constitutional freedom, you will take the time. If your goal is to take America down the path of socialism, perhaps you might be interested in reading this in order to to better understand your adversary.

Although it is hard for me to believe, we are a divided nation.… Continue Reading