Posts tagged: Bernie Sanders

Are the Democrats Bent on Suicide?

Written by Patrick Buchanan

After reading an especially radical platform agreed upon by the British Labor Party, one Tory wag described it as “the longest suicide note in history.”

The phrase comes to mind on reading of the resolution calling for a Green New Deal, advanced by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and endorsed by at least five of the major Democratic candidates for president.

The Green New Deal is designed to recall the halcyon days of the 1930s, when, so the story goes, FDR came to Washington to enact the historic reforms that rescued America from the Great Depression.… Continue Reading

Infanticidal Democrats Took Their Cues from Barack Obama

Written by Trevor Thomas

When it comes to the most significant moral issues of our time, no one should be surprised by immoral actions of modern liberals. You can be saddened, shocked, angry, disgusted, and the like, but you should not be surprised.  This is certainly true when it comes to the issue of even infanticide.

For decades, Democrats have dehumanized the unborn and argued against protecting the most innocent and helpless among us, even when they escaped death in their mothers’ wombs.  … Continue Reading

The Left’s Growing Record of Insanity

Written by Robert Knight

To say the Left in America has gone off the rails is like saying the Super Bowl is a fairly popular football game.

It’s hard to keep up with the tsunami of cultural and economic insanity thundering through a thousand outlets every day, but here’s a try.  You thought Vermont’s Democratic Socialist U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders was radical?  Current Democratic leaders start with his views and go further left.

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi mocks the idea of securing America’s southern border as something only a bigot like President Trump would want.  … Continue Reading

What a Socialist Really Wants

Written by Bruce Deitrick Price

What exactly is a socialist?  You could spend all day studying encyclopedias and not settle anything. Using various definitions, you could probably prove that anybody is or isn’t a socialist.

So let’s talk to a socialist.  Ignore the verbiage and look inside his head.  When someone announces to the world, “I’m a socialist,” what is that person thinking?

With this focus, everything becomes simpler.  Socialists may not be able to claim experience, learning, smarts, or success.  … Continue Reading

Pseudo-Green Leftism

Written by Bruce Walker

The left pretends to care about the environment.  It sounds as though Bernie Sanders is going to make this faux interest in protecting the environment a salient point of any 2020 presidential run.  In fact, leftism – both economic leftism and social leftism – is the primary cause of environmental problems.

Sanders, who honeymooned in the Soviet Union, apparently missed the horrific destruction of nature under the Soviets, who were dramatically worse for the environment than the tsars.  

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Miseducated or Stupid?

Written by Walter E. Williams

A recent Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation survey found that 51 percent of American millennials would rather live in a socialist or communist country than in a capitalist country. Only 42 percent prefer the latter. Twenty-five percent of millennials who know who Vladimir Lenin was view him favorably. Lenin was the first premier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Half of millennials have never heard of Communist Mao Zedong, who ruled China from 1949 to 1959 and was responsible for the deaths of 45 million Chinese people.… Continue Reading

Definitions of Socialism Broaden as Support for Capitalism Drops, Gallup Research Shows

Written by Wendy Wilson

Americans today are less likely to define socialism as government ownership of the means of  production and more likely to describe it in relation to equality or government benefits and social services, according to a new Gallup poll conducted in September.

Only seventeen percent of Americans in 2018 define socialism as government ownership of the means of production compared to twice that number in 1949 when Gallup first surveyed Americans on the term.… Continue Reading

Why People Keep Falling for Socialism, Despite the Evidence

Written by Walter E. Williams

Poverty is no mystery, and it’s easily avoidable.

The poverty line that the Census Bureau used in 2016 for a single person was an income of $12,486 that year. For a two-person household, it was $16,072, and for a four-person household, it was $24,755.

To beat those poverty thresholds is fairly simple. Here’s the road map: complete high school; get a job, any kind of a job; get married before having children; and be a law-abiding citizen.… Continue Reading

What The Rise Of Kamala Harris Tells Us About The Democratic Party

Written by Perry Bacon Jr.

In the days after Hillary Clinton’s defeat, the two people who seemed like the Democratic Party’s most obvious 2020 candidates, then-Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, hinted that Clinton had gone too far in talking about issues of identity. “It is not good enough for somebody to say, ‘I’m a woman; vote for me,’” Sanders said.

Other liberals lamented that the party had lost white voters in such states as Ohio and Iowa who had supported Barack Obama, and they said Democrats needed to dial back the identity talk to win them back.… Continue Reading

The Left is Always Wrong: Election Meddling Edition

Written by Tom Trinko

Twelve Russians have been indicted for hacking the DNC and releasing DNC emails showing that the DNC had violated its own rules and worked against Bernie and for Hillary in the primaries.

Leftists are talking about the Russians meddling in the U.S. election as a result.  The problem is that while hacking the DNC is illegal and the Russians should be prosecuted, how can telling the voters that the DNC conspired against Bernie be considered “meddling” in our election?… Continue Reading