Posts tagged: Bernie Sanders

What Part of “No Religious Test” Don’t We Understand?

Written by Jerry Newcombe

The U.S. Constitution says there can be no religious test applied to those seeking office at the federal level (Article 6, clause 3). But lately some on the left are trying to apply a type of religious test against some would-be Trump nominees.

Two years ago, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) raked a Trump nominee over the coals because of the man’s theological views. Russell Vought, a nominee to the Office of Management and Budget, attended Wheaton College.… Continue Reading

The Green New Deal: Myths and Migraines

Written by Dr. Daniel Boland

The Green New Deal (GND) is the Democrat Party’s latest version of the American Dream. The GND is a lengthy list of radical proposals for total transformation of our culture, our economy, our health care and educational systems, our environmental conditions, and on and on.

The GND expands government incomprehensively. No more carbon-spewing airplanes. High-speed rail will take us everywhere. Government-administered universal health care for all but no private insurance (so wait your turn).… Continue Reading

Bernie’s Bolshevik Bona Fides

Written by Robert Knight

So, it’s come to this: one of America’s major parties is in the grip of a crazy old communist – Bernie Sanders, 77 – and a crazy young communist – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 29.

The two of them are driving the Democrats’ green microbus upon which the other presidential wannabees are scrambling to get aboard.

This column is about the crazy old communist – Vermont U.S. Senator Sanders, who just announced his candidacy for the presidency and raised $6 million.  … Continue Reading

Democratic U.S. Senators Refuse to Ban De Facto Infanticide

Written by Laurie Higgins

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act was just defeated because we don’t have enough U.S. senators who oppose infanticide. The vote was 53 in favor and 44 opposed—including 2020 presidential hopefuls Booker, Gillibrand, Harris, Klobuchar, Sanders, and Warren—falling 7 votes short of the 60 needed to pass. Illinoisans should take note that both our senators, Durbin and Duckworth, voted against banning de facto infanticide. This exposes the repugnant and pernicious moral degeneracy of many in our ruling class.… Continue Reading

Pro-Aborts Aren’t Victims; They Create Victims

Written by Peter Heck

It’s one of the most curious approaches to a lopsided public policy battle I’ve seen, and yet it continues to work.  The propensity of pro-abortion advocates to play the underdog is so frighteningly effective, I have to ask if the portion of the general population that falls for it has taken complete leave of their senses.

I understand this approach meets the “speak truth to power” mantra that the political left has adopted.  … Continue Reading

Are the Democrats Bent on Suicide?

Written by Patrick Buchanan

After reading an especially radical platform agreed upon by the British Labor Party, one Tory wag described it as “the longest suicide note in history.”

The phrase comes to mind on reading of the resolution calling for a Green New Deal, advanced by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and endorsed by at least five of the major Democratic candidates for president.

The Green New Deal is designed to recall the halcyon days of the 1930s, when, so the story goes, FDR came to Washington to enact the historic reforms that rescued America from the Great Depression.… Continue Reading

Infanticidal Democrats Took Their Cues from Barack Obama

Written by Trevor Thomas

When it comes to the most significant moral issues of our time, no one should be surprised by immoral actions of modern liberals. You can be saddened, shocked, angry, disgusted, and the like, but you should not be surprised.  This is certainly true when it comes to the issue of even infanticide.

For decades, Democrats have dehumanized the unborn and argued against protecting the most innocent and helpless among us, even when they escaped death in their mothers’ wombs.  … Continue Reading

The Left’s Growing Record of Insanity

Written by Robert Knight

To say the Left in America has gone off the rails is like saying the Super Bowl is a fairly popular football game.

It’s hard to keep up with the tsunami of cultural and economic insanity thundering through a thousand outlets every day, but here’s a try.  You thought Vermont’s Democratic Socialist U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders was radical?  Current Democratic leaders start with his views and go further left.

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi mocks the idea of securing America’s southern border as something only a bigot like President Trump would want.  … Continue Reading

What a Socialist Really Wants

Written by Bruce Deitrick Price

What exactly is a socialist?  You could spend all day studying encyclopedias and not settle anything. Using various definitions, you could probably prove that anybody is or isn’t a socialist.

So let’s talk to a socialist.  Ignore the verbiage and look inside his head.  When someone announces to the world, “I’m a socialist,” what is that person thinking?

With this focus, everything becomes simpler.  Socialists may not be able to claim experience, learning, smarts, or success.  … Continue Reading

Pseudo-Green Leftism

Written by Bruce Walker

The left pretends to care about the environment.  It sounds as though Bernie Sanders is going to make this faux interest in protecting the environment a salient point of any 2020 presidential run.  In fact, leftism – both economic leftism and social leftism – is the primary cause of environmental problems.

Sanders, who honeymooned in the Soviet Union, apparently missed the horrific destruction of nature under the Soviets, who were dramatically worse for the environment than the tsars.  

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