Posts tagged: Bernie Sanders

DNC Chairman Dumbfounded When Asked About the Difference Between Democrats and Socialists


Written by James Longstreet

Democratic National Committee Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz got a jolt of introspection, a quick glance at oneself, like walking by a picture window and being surprised by the reflection.

Chris Matthews, bravely admitting that he once knew the answer to this question, sought the answer from Debbie.

“What is the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist?” Matthews asked.  Wasserman Schultz was at a loss (video):

She didn’t answer the question. … Continue Reading

The 2016 Presidential Race, Explained in 4 Charts


Written by Andrew Stiles

The 2016 presidential election will feature a matchup between a white millionaire Yale graduate from the Democratic Party (Hillary Clinton) and whichever candidate emerges from the diverse Republican field.

How diverse is this year’s crop of GOP candidates? It might be the most diverse in history, regardless of party. Let’s take a look at the current state of the 2016 race, using charts to explain everything you need to know.


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An Honest Socialist


Could Bernie Sanders show Elizabeth Warren
how to beat Hillary Clinton?

Vermont U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, an avowed independent Socialist, has decided to run for the Democratic presidential nomination, and if nothing else his presence will be entertaining. He has no chance of winning, but he could prove instructive for voters as a demonstration of where the American political left wants to go.

The 73-year-old second-term U.S. Senator from the country’s most liberal state, and former mayor of Burlington, is sincere about his progressive politics.… Continue Reading

Far-Left Media Looking for a Clinton Challenger


Written by Don Irvine

There may be many in the mainstream media who are looking forward to a presidential run by Hillary Clinton, but the far-left media, which has never been crazy about Hillary, is actively seeking someone else to become the Democratic Party standard bearer in 2016, according to Politico’s Maggie Haberman and Hadas Gold.

The anti-Clinton drumbeat from the left includes, a relatively new website aimed at progressive millennials, and left-wing magazines In These Times and The Nation.… Continue Reading

Illinois on Verge of Becoming America’s Most Democratic State


Written by Russ Stewart

Illinois is an anomaly. It is “The Land of Lassitude.” Voters are passive, partisan and forgiving. In state government, there are no checks and balances to Democratic abuses, ineptitude and favoritism.

In any other state, when a governor is impeached, indicted, convicted and imprisoned, the party of that incumbent would be shamed, tarnished and ousted. Not in Illinois.

In any other state, when one party controls all the levers of government — governor, both houses of the state legislature and the supreme court — and that party fails to govern effectively, voters would hold them accountable and they would be ousted.… Continue Reading