Posts tagged: Antifa

10 Ways Trump Can Push Law and Order – and Make it Stick

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Tweeting out “Law and Order!” every few days with an exclamation mark is OK, but it’s little solace to this country when we are actually suffering from the most widespread and protracted period of anarchy and violence in the modern era. It’s time for President Donald Trump to act on law and order, push a winning legislative and budgetary agenda with safety and security as its cornerstone, and communicate those ideas every day to the silent majority looking to the president to fight back.… Continue Reading

Democrat Party Should be Dismantled Over History of Slavery, Racism

Written by Alex Newman

With mobs of indoctrinated young people now targeting America’s Founding Fathers and even the foundations of the nation under the guise of tearing down “racism,” a much more logical place to start would be dismantling the Democratic Party. The party’s shameful history is literally filled with vicious racism, violence and oppression of black Americans.

It was America’s Founding Fathers who enshrined the then-revolutionary idea that “all men are created equal” and are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.”… Continue Reading

Because Black, Red, Yellow, Brown, and White Lives Matter, Let’s Help Them

Written by Laurie Higgins

Black lives do matter, but not because they’re black—which, as “progressives” continually tell us—is just a social construct. Black lives—like red, yellow, brown, and white lives–matter not because of the color of their skin but because they are human lives created in the image and likeness of God and endowed by God with unalienable, intrinsic rights.

Since society is composed of fallen humans with desperately wicked hearts, many forces conspire against people of color and colorless people, including some toxic systemic forces that demand solutions.… Continue Reading

Young White Liberals Living Out Their “Teenage Anarchist Fantasy”

Written by Peter Heck

Make no mistake about it, Anna Kendrick, the actress/singer famous for roles in the Pitch Perfect and Trolls movies, undoubtedly considers herself quite woke. She is a Hollywood actress who is fully cognizant of what she’s supposed to say, when she’s supposed to say it, and what power she is supposed to “speak truth” to in order to maintain pop culture credibility.

That said, Kendrick bravely ventured into a position of “unlikely voice of reason” on Twitter recently when she properly identified what the mainstream media has been decidedly unable to deduce or unwilling to admit.… Continue Reading

CNN Seems Blissfully Unaware That They Are a Punchline

Written by Peter Heck

Feverishly covering the story that noted left-leaning, pro-LGBT news anchor Shepard Smith had abruptly left Fox News after 23 years, CNN’s “senior media reporter” Oliver Darcy expressed his stoic concern about what this meant for the future at Fox:

First of all, I understand the potshot at Fox. Darcy is attempting to sustain a career at a supposed news network that, far from being Fox’s rival, is struggling to even compete with the ratings of Hallmark Channel, Investigation Discovery, and TLC in primetime.… Continue Reading

Chicago Mayor Vows to Obstruct the Deportation of Illegal Aliens

Written by Timothy J. Dailey

Last week as the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) reportedly conducted the biggest one-day sweep in U.S. history, picking up 680 illegal workers in Mississippi, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has reiterated that her city will not enforce immigration laws.

At a press conference, Lightfoot charged ICE with “terrorizing” and “traumatizing” immigrants, and defiantly stated that the city had “taken measures over the past few weeks to ensure the Chicago Police Department will not cooperate with ICE.” … Continue Reading

Attacks on Conservative Speech Take Many Forms

Written by Ken Blackwell

Looking over the frenzied political landscape in America today — one marred by constant clashes between right and left — a single issue rises above the rest. In many areas of public life, conservatives — their words, views and values — are under assault. Ultra-left, radical activists methodically expunge conservative speech and conservative ideas from public discourse.

This threat to the First Amendment and to the sharing of viewpoints held by roughly half of all Americans is taking many forms.… Continue Reading

The Left Chases Alternative Reality

Written by Robert Knight

The American Left has so many people vying to be the Alternative Reality poster child that it may be difficult to pick a winner.

In recent weeks, we’ve seen a slew of entries:

Hillary Clinton recently praised an 11-year-old schoolgirl in Maryland who refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and “took a knee” like NFL players. “It takes courage to exercise your right to protest injustice, especially when you’re 11!… Continue Reading

The Real Threat to American Democracy

Written by Tom Trinko

The real danger to American democracy doesn’t come from Russia.  The Russians had little impact on the last election, succeeding only in revealing that the DNC was breaking its own rules to suppress Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders.

Unfortunately, there are people who are working to undermine American democracy.  Here’s a short list of some of them:

1. Antifa: The Washington Post’s new slogan is “Democracy dies in darkness.”  But most of the left either overtly or tacitly approves of the use of violence by Antifa to silence voices it doesn’t like.  … Continue Reading

ANTIFA ALERT! Keep Your Eyes Open November 4, 2017

Written by Steve Huston

Love him or hate him; appreciate his stands or stand against him; for better or for worse; President Donald J. Trump is the President of the United States of America—OUR president. Denial doesn’t change fact nor does it remove the responsibility of Christians to pray for him and all citizens to respect the office which he holds.

Admittedly, there are times it is hard to know what side of an issue the president will finally land on; but this administration has claimed some victorious moments and—by God’s grace—given this country a reprieve from its quickened downward spiral which had taken place during the last administration.… Continue Reading