This past week, at the very time multiple reports show that our country’s high priest of “scientism” — his eminence, the grand and glorious Dr. Anthony Fauci — has been lying to us about everything from the effectiveness of his monastic lockdowns to the side effects of his sacramental vaccines, the “Branch Covidians” took to the airways to call anyone who dares challenge their false religion and its venerated spiritual leader, cultists.  
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The current President of the United States has only one requirement for his new U.S. Supreme Court Justice, and that requirement is the new Justice must be a Black woman. In a recent poll from Fox News, about 76 percent of Americans oppose this racist statement from Joe Biden. They would prefer Biden choose someone based on credentials, rather than the color of their skin or their sex (what a surprise). Even 54 percent of Democrats oppose the blatant racism from Biden. While at face value this poll seems to validate that the American people are siding with conservatives, I believe it shows a deeply disturbing trend among the population.
Over the past several decades, things have changed, and not for the better. In contemporary America—a nation whose culture is increasingly controlled by the left—rugged individualism and personal responsibility are being purposefully and systematically supplanted by a victimhood mentality. Leftist ideologues, whose ultimate goal is complete control over the lives of all Americans, now encourage people to deny responsibility for their circumstances and view life as something over which they have no control.
There were more than a few storylines to track after one of the most intransigent liberals in the history of the U.S. Supreme Court, Stephen Breyer, announced he would be stepping down at the end of this term.
[On] Monday, Jan. 24, 2022, U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), conducted a hearing on the issue of COVID-19 interventions. More specifically, the senator invited testimony regarding our military’s new practice of requiring mRNA injections of all our nation’s soldiers. Mr. Johnson’s goal was quite simple and straightforward. He wanted to learn what the available data shows concerning this new drug’s efficacy and potential side effects. 
Could the Fourteenth Amendment, specifically the Equal Protection Clause, be the means by which Roe v. Wade is overturned? Dr. Steve Jacobs, program director of Illinois Right to Life, joins IFI’s Monte Larrick and Jenna Smith to explain why he is confident the U. S. Supreme Court will overturn this landmark decision. Beginning with the question of what “pro-life” really means, Dr. Jacobs discusses his reservations about basing law on states’ rights and shares why he feels the issue of equality ought to be the essence of the pro-life movement.
In 2020 we saw many examples of voting irregularities, even outright voter fraud, in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Nevada. In Illinois we have seen serious election integrity issues in DuPage, Kane, and Peoria counties, and of course there are historic problems in Chicago and Cook County. The 2018 election for Macon County Sheriff was finally overturned in June 2021. What are the most egregious issues?

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Liberal commentator Bari Weiss made headlines last weekend by prosecuting the actions of U.S. public health entities and government for their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, suggesting that future generations will consider them to have committed a "moral crime."
While Big Tech’s Washington lobbyists fend off antitrusters, Silicon Valley has not missed a beat in its “woke” censorship of views they don’t like.

COVID-19. Climate change. Vote fraud. Former President Donald Trump. Human sexuality. Whatever. Toe their leftist line or get muzzled.
On this edition of Spotlight, we feature the inspiring story of Virginia Prodan. Growing up in the communist regime of Romanian dictator, Nicolae Ceaușescu, Virginia’s passionate pursuit of truth led her to law school and a career as an attorney. In her interview with Monte Larrick, she describes how God used an appointment with a client to open her eyes to the Truth of the Gospel and relates the amazing story of the encounter that prompted the title of her book, Saving My Assassin.