After two winter storms put the kibosh on our efforts to hold a gubernatorial forum, Illinois Family Action was thrilled to be a sponsor of a forum hosted by the Tazewell County Republican Party in cooperation with the Peoria County Republican Party and the Woodford County Republican Party.
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Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin’s campaign backers’ mantra is “Irvin’s the only one that can beat Pritzker in the General.” But is Richard Irvin really the only IL GOP candidate that can beat the current governor in the upcoming 2022 General Election? And who is Richard Irvin? Let’s take a closer look.
As originally published in late February, the Illinois 11th Congressional District Republican primary election presents the Republican Party with a solid chance to flip the U.S. House seat currently held by Congressman Bill Foster (D, Naperville).
In one of the most unprecedented bombshells in political history, an apparent draft of Justice Sam Alito’s unreleased majority opinion overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked to Politico Monday night. While this opinion will dredge up endless commentary stemming from legacy moral divisions on the issue, most of the political prognosticating will miss the mark. Moreover, as welcoming as this news is for any pro-life conservative, it does come with some potential pitfalls long-term unless we build on the momentum for other issues as well.
During this edition of Spotlight, we present a timely message on truth from Dr. Everett Piper’s keynote address at IFI’s 2022 Worldview Conference. You will definitely want to follow along as Dr. Piper superbly explicates the four pillars of a Christian worldview: the primacy of Jesus Christ, the priority of Scripture, the pursuit of truth, and the practice of wisdom. In the second half of the podcast, Dr. Piper calls Christians to be men and women of integrity, integrationists, and people who live their lives in light of the reality that truth matters.
Dedicated to speaking truths that were once self evident, and doing so in love.
The overlords at Google/YouTube have banned the IFA video of our U.S. Senatorial Forum. Why? The reason for the ban is that the topic of widely suspected voting irregularities during the 2020 election was briefly touched on during the forum. That is a "conspiracy theory" Leftists will not tolerate despite the mounting evidence. What conspiracy theories do they tolerate?

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Illinois Republican candidates for U.S. Senate gathered at the Church of Christian Liberty in Arlington Heights on the evening of March 26, 2022 for an IFA candidate forum. Of the seven official candidates running for the GOP nomination, five candidates were able to join us for this special event... We are pleased to make this video presentation of the full program available to you for your consideration.
In man’s continuous effort to try to supplant God’s purposes and instructions and replace them with his own, we’ve witnessed incessant attempts to erect ideological and philosophical towers of Babel. Through Modernism, generally speaking, or Enlightenment Humanism, man asserted that reason and science provided the accurate, objective, and reliable foundation for knowledge, truth, and life’s meaning.
Just 40 miles west of Chicago, the crowd was hot Tuesday night at the Fire Pritzker Rally in St. Charles’ Arcada Theater. And with good cause! “We the people” of Illinois have had enough of J.B. Pritzker’s tyrannical mandates. Illinois Gubernatorial Candidate Darren Bailey is proving himself to be the man to lead the people and scale back the reach of government in the lives of Illinoisans.