Did you know that when the nine justices of the U.S. Supreme Court meet to deliberate the law of our land, they do so under the watchful eyes of a sculpture of Moses carved in stone on the courthouse’s east pediment?
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Cindy Young committed no acts of violence on January 6, yet she faces four years in prison. Montez Terriel Lee Jr. burned down a building and killed a man, and he’ll be out in less than eight years.
The View's "Republican" strategist says Biden is “the most religious president I can recall." She might be right.
There is good reason for Americans to be concerned about individuals from Afghanistan coming across our southern border.
This week's Spotlight episode features Dr. Scott Lively and his speech, "Recovering Biblical Manhood" from IFI's 2024 Worldview Conference. Dr. Scott Lively is an author, attorney, commentator, activist, and the founder and leader of Scott Lively Ministries. 
The government spent decades trying to make fathers unnecessary. The failure of that experiment put society on the long-term path to collapse.
Why do so many women, a majority of them, support Joe Biden? Is it because of his abortion stance? There was a surge of support for him in 2022 after the Dobbs ruling. Is that the reason? Are women so committed to the “my body, my choice” mantra of the left that they can’t see beyond this issue?
On March 20, 1854, at a schoolhouse in Ripon, Wisconsin, the Republican Party was established to stop the expansion of slavery into western territories. Six years later, Abraham Lincoln was elected as the first Republican president. After Lincoln, 18 other Republicans have been elected as President of the United States.
Forever earnest Brian Stelter tweeted out his late-night appearance on CNN with Abby Phillip.
Government-run schools keep failing. It shouldn't surprise us. Monopolies rarely serve customers well. People call them "public schools," but "government-run" is more accurate. After all, charter schools are available to the public. Privately run supermarkets are open to the public for more hours than "public" schools are.
In this episode of Spotlight, David Smith and Richard Hartian continue their discussion on fatherhood with Kent Evans. Kent Evans is the co-founder of the ministry, Manhood Journey and is the author of Bring Your Hammer.