
Written by Michael Gryboski

Social liberals are using the Orlando shooting massacre to ignite a “war on Christianity,” according to prominent conservative columnist David French.

Last weekend, 29-year-old Omar Mateen murdered 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. During the attack Mateen called 911 and pledged support for the Islamic State terror group.

Despite Mateen’s stated ideological leanings, some liberal journalists and social commentators are blaming conservative Christians instead, French said in the National Review on Wednesday.

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Written by Suzanne Shattuck

Not only has Obama essentially issued a stand down order to our entire federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies when dealing with the increasing Islamic war occurring on American soil, but he implies a passive response from all Americans as he would have us lay down our arms in response to an attack.

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What is Wrong with the Southern Poverty Law Center?

Written by Cliff Kincaid

Why is the FBI missing the extremists in our midst? Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the organization consulted by the Department of Justice for information on extremists is in bed with them.

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Written by Don Irvine

GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump escalated his war with the media yesterday when he decided that his campaign would no longer issue press credentials to The Washington Post because of the paper’s “incredibly inaccurate coverage” of his campaign.

Trump issued the ban in a Facebook post on Monday:

“Based on the incredibly inaccurate coverage and reporting of the record setting Trump campaign, we are hereby revoking the press credentials of the phony and dishonest Washington Post.”

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Written by David Limbaugh

Could it be possible that an increasing number of voters are tiring of liberals stuffing identity politics down our throats? True or not, we must keep hope alive.

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Written by Michael F. Haverluck

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Written by Jonah Goldberg

Perhaps it’s time to bring back the American Liberty League.

Forgotten by everyone save a few history buffs, primarily on the libertarian right and the Marxist left, the League was formed early in Franklin Roosevelt’s first term by John Jakob Raskob, a former head of the Democratic Party. Its leadership comprised mostly conservative small-government Democrats, including the party’s two previous presidential nominees — Al Smith, who ran in 1928 (the first major Catholic presidential candidate), and John Davis, who lost to Calvin Coolidge in 1924.… Continue Reading


Written by Thomas Sowell

The great promise of socialism is something for nothing. It is one of the signs of today’s dumbed-down education that so many young Bernie Sanders supporters seem to think that the cost of their college education should — and will — be paid by raising taxes on “the rich.”

Socialism sounds great. It has always sounded great. And it will probably always continue to sound great. It is only when you go beyond rhetoric, and start looking at hard facts, that socialism turns out to be a big disappointment, if not a disaster.… Continue Reading



Sanctimonious Lawmakers Lecture Soverign Officials While Springfield Burns

Written by Monte Larrick and David E. Smith

Illinois is on the brink of bankruptcy, yet dozens of Illinois state senators found time to criticize the public policies of other states. Instead of passing a balanced budget, finding ways to reduce our deficit, cutting out-of-control spending, making Illinois more job-friendly, and fixing the overwhelming pension problem, our state senators are making out-of-state bathroom policies a priority.

Senate Resolution 1752 (SR 1752) passed by 32-14, the last day of the scheduled session. … Continue Reading
