Posts tagged: Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Science-Denying Joe Biden

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

“What you have just seen is the difference between those who voted on the basis of religion versus those who voted on the basis of science.” ~Ron Reagan, 2004

This quote comes from the son of former President Ronald Reagan. It was on the night of the 2004 presidential election, and the younger Reagan was serving as a political commentator for CNN.

As the polls closed and the nation’s votes were being counted, a major news flash was developing.… Continue Reading

The Unexpected Contest of 2016: Free Market Capitalism v. Democratic Socialism


Written by John Biver

Democratic Party presidential candidate Bernie Sanders brought back to life a debate many thought had died with the old Soviet Union of Socialist Republics, the German Democratic Republic (the former East Germany), and many other current and past failed states throughout history. The question of whether socialism can be made to work returned zombie-like from the dead in 2016.

Supporters of free market capitalism were asking how this could be in light of the fact that no matter where socialism has been tried in the world it has failed.… Continue Reading

Constitutionalists Need a New Political Home


Written by Jonah Goldberg

Perhaps it’s time to bring back the American Liberty League.

Forgotten by everyone save a few history buffs, primarily on the libertarian right and the Marxist left, the League was formed early in Franklin Roosevelt’s first term by John Jakob Raskob, a former head of the Democratic Party. Its leadership comprised mostly conservative small-government Democrats, including the party’s two previous presidential nominees — Al Smith, who ran in 1928 (the first major Catholic presidential candidate), and John Davis, who lost to Calvin Coolidge in 1924.… Continue Reading