A number of candidates for state representative have signed a pledge declaring they will not vote for Michael Madigan as Speaker of the House. In the first part of the show, Rep. Tom Morrison and guests state why voting against Madigan is so important for the future of Illinois. Afterword, John Biver (special projects coordinator at Illinois Family action) joins Monte and Dave to discuss Madigan, the pledge, and why fiscal reform is so desperately needed.… Continue Reading

Written by Michael F. Haverluck
The latest research conducted by George Mason University’s Mercatus Center reveals that predominantly Republican states are by far the most fiscally sound, while the most heavily weighted Democratic states demonstrate the least fiscal responsibility.
The Mercatus Center study divulged that the 10 states managing their budgets best are virtually all solidly Republican, with researchers saying that “Red is the new black.” A state’s “solid” Republican or Democratic status is determined by voters’ selection in the last four presidential elections — with a state being solid if its party won all four contests from 2000 to 2012.… Continue Reading