On this edition of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick speaks with Julaine Appling, the President of the Wisconsin Family Council, about what has happened in Wisconsin with Governor Scott Walker, and what could happen with a true conservative Republican governor in Illinois.
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A new ad for the Jeanne Ives for Governor campaign titled “Rauner’s Friends” brings attention to the support Bruce Rauner is receiving from radical left-wing organizations like Personal PAC. The ad points out that Personal PAC has spent four million dollars “helping Mike Madigan defeat conservatives.” Why would a pro-Madigan political action committee that opposes conservatives support a Republican governor for re-election?
Remember how they ridiculed Pence for saying he has a rule that he won’t dine alone with a woman who’s not his wife or attend events where alcohol is served without his wife? Pence didn’t originate the rule. I’ve heard variations of it from Christians, including my pastor, for years.
Monte Larrick sits down with Oak Brook Police Chief James Kruger and Kathy Valente, the Director of Operations at Illinois Family Institute, to discuss the Cook County referendum on recreational marijuana, and marijuana legalization in Illinois. Chief Kruger also is the president of the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, strong opponents of the legalization of marijuana.
I am pleased to announce that in an effort to help Illinois Family ACTION raise $40,000 by the end of February, two generous donors have offered to match donations to IFI all the way up to $20,000! So between now and the end of this month, you can double the impact of your giving!
Last week the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board, columnist Eric Zorn, columnist Rex Huppke, and “reporter” Kim Janssen all took shots at gubernatorial candidate Jeanne Ives’ campaign ad. The Ives campaign released an ad that criticized policies using actors to depict the constituencies Bruce Rauner serviced through his boneheaded Leftist decisions, and Leftists became apoplectic.

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There are more Democratic Party candidates for attorney general (8) than there are for governor (6). Speaker Michael Madigan’s daughter, Lisa Madigan, retiring after the end of her fourth term, has held the office since first being elected in 2002. Each candidate promises to fight President Donald Trump's agenda. The open race features a former governor, state legislators, a mayor, former federal prosecutors and a police reform activist.
The Illinois House seat that gubernatorial candidate Jeanne Ives is vacating has four GOP candidates vying to replace her: John Paul Augustynowicz, Ryan Byrne, Amy Grant and Burt Minor are on the primary ballot in the 42nd house district. At least two of those house candidates have chosen sides in that primary race for Governor. Burt Minor is supporting Bruce Rauner’s reelection and Amy Grant has endorsed Jeanne Ives.
The Chicago Tribune's John Kass recently interviewed conservative Republican candidate for Illinois governor Jeanne Ives. Their conversation helps listeners get to know the West Point graduate Ives as well as where she stands on the issues that face Illinois taxpayers. Jeanne Ives is a social and fiscal conservative, who is determined to get Illinois’ fiscal affairs in order. She also has a remarkable, detailed command of policy and a tireless work ethic.
There is a big election on the horizon. What occurs in the 2018 primary could have huge implications on the future of Illinois. Despite the sacrifices made throughout history to secure voting rights, far too many eligible voters decide to sit out midterm primary elections. When Christians do this, we allow humanists and socialists to dominate the election cycle. Ralph Rivera is back with Monte and Dave to discuss the March primary election, and the legalization of recreational marijuana in Illinois.