The real Vladimir Putin is not a nationalist, but rather a cunning creature of the Soviet KGB who saw the supposed collapse of Soviet communism a great geopolitical catastrophe, explains former CIA officer and leading national-security expert Clare Lopez in this interview.
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Something dawned on me a few weeks ago. I am far more intrigued and interested in writing about and discussing the frustrations and failures I perceive occurring within the modern Republican Party than I am the absolute fecal show that exists on the left side of the American political spectrum.
If you don’t know what the after party is, you should, because it could determine who wins the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate and the presidency this year... Stated simply, the after party is a crusade funded by Democrats targeting American churches.
It’s nothing short of amazing how fast gambling has been embraced by professional sports. After all, Las Vegas is the host city for Super Bowl LVIII. Something like 50 million people BET on the game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers. Plus, the broadcast ad lineup featured once-taboo spots for several betting services.
The Hail Mary pass. It’s a desperate, last-ditch attempt by a football team to score a touchdown in the waning seconds of the game. The pass usually comes from near midfield, well outside of the typical scoring zone, and, as the name implies, often requires a form of divine intervention to be successful. It rarely works, but when all else seems lost, why not try it?
President Joe Biden seemed to forget the name of a Catholic parish and confuse two foreign presidents during a Thursday evening press conference that was intended to defend the president’s memory after Special Counsel Robert Hur released his report regarding the investigation of Biden’s handling of classified documents.
This past week, as we watched the unfolding stories of illegal immigrants beating police in New York, chaos on our southern border, and the Middle East teetering on the edge of World War III, one of the most insidious bits of news that might have escaped your attention is called “the after party.”
In this episode of Spotlight, IFI's Executive Director, David Smith, sits down with Darren Bailey. Darren Bailey is a former state representative for the 109th district in Southern Illinois, and is now running for U.S. Congress for the purpose of fighting for Southern families, defending the Second Amendment, Protecting the Sanctity of Life, Demanding Border Security, and much more.
The Board of Directors at Illinois Family Action will soon be announcing our endorsements for the 2024 Primary Election! These candidates have shown an unwavering commitment to stand for family, faith and freedom and against bigger government. Together, we can work to turn Illinois out of the death spiral that Democrats seem to ignore or welcome. We are proud to stand with them and endorse their 2024 campaigns.
There’s more than meets the eye to the Democrats’ erasure of the nation’s southern border. The aim is not to establish permanent, one-party Democratic power, although that’s crucial. The real goal is to end self-government once and for all. And the government doesn’t have to own the means of production, as in socialist and communist countries.
Our we surprised to learn that recently revealed federal data shows that in December we saw 302,000 migrant encounters, and that shatters the previous record of 269,000 back in September. That is twice the size of Joliet and three times the size of Peoria -- in a single month. Among those who came in were 19 individuals on the Terror Watch List. 