There is one single major cause for the chaos surrounding Republican SCOTUS confirmations over the past thirty years – the fulcrum for the entire exercise of humiliating conservative judges.  It's not the Democrats, it's not the left, and it's not the feminists.  They aren't the crucial factor.  They simply take advantage of it. Quite simply put, it's the GOP weak links.
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America’s left showed its ugly intolerant face in the Kavanaugh confirmation fight. It’s only bound to get uglier as we approach the National Impeachment Referendum on November 6. When you’re facing ruthless opponents who are in many ways stronger than you, you face a moral dilemma. How much should you “rise above” their blatant and brutal tactics, and hope to win converts and sympathy? Or else, should you see that your very survival’s at stake, and “get down in the mud” and fight? Or should you do a little bit of both? And where do you draw the line?...
Remember the less bad old days when Leftists repeated Hillary Clinton’s disingenuous mantra that she wanted abortion to be “safe, legal, and rare,and I mean rare”? Well, that was then… this is now, and now women shout their abortions, salute abortion, and make romantic comedies about abortion. In the service of advancing the joyous celebration of human slaughter, a spanking new type of abattoir is opening in Skokie, Illinois called Carafem.
This week’s Spotlight podcast focuses on the deception and devastation surrounding legalization of recreational marijuana. Joining Monte Larrick is Dr. Karen Randall, an emergency room physician from Pueblo, CO. Dr. Randall trained in the areas of emergency medicine, pediatrics and family practice. She is well-acquainted with the expected and unexpected challenges that have overwhelmed Colorado since recreational marijuana was legalized almost six years ago and has a word of warning for Illinois residents.
If we are so busy “owning the libs” that we ignore the libs festering within our own ranks to the point where “our party” agrees with 90 percent of what the libs want, isn’t it time we focused on cleaning our own house? The biggest news of the day outside the Kavanaugh cloture vote in the U.S. Senate is that one Republican, Lisa Murkowski from the solid red state of Alaska, voted against him.

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How did we get here? The Kavanaugh U.S. Supreme Court nomination circus didn't happen by accident. The emergence of incredible -- and by "incredible," I mean the literal Merriam-Webster definition of "too extraordinary and improbable to be believed" -- accusers in the 11th hour was no mistake. It is my contention that this grand unearth-and-destroy spectacle was planned, coordinated and facilitated by U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats and their staffers.
With the November election just a month away, this podcast is especially timely! Joining Monte Larrick this week is Anita Bedell, executive director of Illinois Church Action on Alcohol & Addiction Problems. ILCAAAP is committed to preventing problems caused by alcohol, other drugs, and gambling by means of public information and education, as well as legislation.
In just the week since Part I of this two-part series was published, we’ve learned from a new study that the number of foreigners illegally living in the United States is twice as high as the conventionally accepted level of 11.3 million (and could be as high as 29.1 million, as suggested earlier); that Democrats intend to pressure President Donald Trump to raise the refugee resettlement number to 110,000 refugees a year (five times the number of foreign refugees taken in 2018); and that the Border Patrol found nearly 200 illegal aliens from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador wandering in the Arizona desert—the third such finding in the last month.
“So, is she lying or telling the truth?” That is the question on all the minds of the political animals, but that is not the most important question for the average citizen or for those who care about public policy. With a growing trend of sexual accusations coming forth from decades ago lodged against all sorts of people, this is about more than the two subjects of the public spectacle. The most important question is what sort of standard we are going to pursue for criminal justice, whether in a real court or a court of public opinion. Is such an accusation enough to destroy a man’s life in this case or any similar case?
It’s likely been quite a while since most of us cracked open a world history textbook or attended a political science lecture. So, if someone were to engage you in a conversation extolling the virtues of Marxism, would you be knowledgeable enough to form a response? Do you have a clear understanding of the Marxist ideals that laid the foundation for the monolith of communism?