One of the most remarkable stories you’ll read is that of John Newton, author of the globally famous song Amazing Grace.  Newton was a slave ship captain who repented of his sins, became a minister, and whose personal testimonies of the horrors of the slave trade were used effectively by the great William Wilberforce to prosecute the practice before Parliament.
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The Islamic State (ISIS) has now taken credit for the Muslim massacre of Christians in Sri Lana. On average over 300 Christians a month are killed for their faith globally. This is the end result of a campaign of disrespect and hate towards Christians that have become a significant theme of American politics as well.
I’ve been surprised at the number of Christians who appear stunned that Mayor Pete Buttigieg made startlingly depraved remarks regarding the intentional murder of full-term babies in their mothers’ wombs. It happened on Morning Joe when co-host Willie Geist explained that while religious conservatives were intrigued by Buttigieg, they could not get past his support for the heinous act of third-term abortion
Thirty years ago, the good guys won the Cold War, yet today we have a frontrunner candidate for president, Bernie Sanders, who is an out-of-the closet socialist. He loved the old Soviet Union so much so that he spent his honeymoon there.
The belief that our nation has a political corruption crisis is shared by 53 percent of women, 52 percent of men, 51 percent of white voters, 55 percent of black and Hispanic voters, 54 percent of rural voters, 53 percent of suburban voters and 52 percent of urban voters. This is truly an issue that cuts across partisan and demographic lines.
Joining Monte Larrick for this week’s Spotlight podcast are Dr. Karen Randall and Jo McGuire, both Colorado residents and marijuana experts in their respective fields. Sixty Illinois legislators, Republicans and Democrats, have issued a resolution calling for a slowdown regarding legalization and commercialization of high-potency marijuana – and our guests say a slowdown is well-warranted.
The question is often raised:  Who is Jesus?As C.S. Lewis wrote, the Gospels leave no gray area:  Either Jesus was God Incarnate or a madman for claiming to be so.  Merely being “a good teacher” doesn’t cut it.
No one can accuse Donald Trump of not being able to grab attention.He lobbed his latest political hand grenade, announcing that he is considering shipping off illegals who have been arriving in droves at the U.S.-Mexico border to sanctuary cities.
I published a piece recently on the reaction to President Trump’s condemnation of socialism in his State of the Union. He said something indisputably factual and indubitably obvious to most Americans: “Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt socialism in our country. Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.”
Myths usually sound fascinating. Myths are things that never happened, stories that aren’t true, though often we wish they were, for various reasons.As a young boy, I wanted to know if Big Foot was an actual animal. I saw almost every documentary that claimed to show evidence of Big Foot’s existence. And don’t get me started on flying saucers.
Our guest on this edition of Spotlight is Pastor Doug Wilson of Moscow, Idaho. Pastor Wilson recently spoke at the fifth annual IFI Worldview Conference which focused on “trans” ideology. He joins Monte Larrick and David Smith to discuss the cultural/creation mandate, the genesis of worldliness, socialism (especially as it relates to the decline and failure of public schools), the value of a classical, Christian education and the growing LGBTQ agenda in government schools, appropriate responses to liberal overreach and civil disobedience.