There is a concerted effort to divide our country, and the people responsible know that if they can get us to focus on ourselves, our grievances and our victimhood, the very fabric of our nation can be torn apart thread by thread. As Solomon said, “A cord of three strands is not easily broken,” but a cord of one is defenseless. In other words, divide and conquer.
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Every Republican seems to agree that our country has been taken over by a post-constitutional junta that usurps power to achieve its insidious objectives rather than follows the rule of law. But when it comes to redressing those usurpations with the only tool James Madison gave us — federalism — our elected officials too often shirk their responsibilities. Worse, they declare that the egregious usurpations are, in fact, the law of the land.
This Cook County voter guide includes endorsements of candidates from anti-family, anti-life groups and ratings from the Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago.
Alex Schadenberg is the Executive Director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition based in Canada. Illinois recently introduced HB3499 (currently SB3499) which "Authorizes a qualified patient with a terminal disease to request that a physician prescribe aid-in-dying medication that will allow the patient to end the patient's life in a peaceful manner." Because of this legislative development, Schadenberg's comments are timely for Illinois.
If you live in a northern climate, you can’t help noticing that the groundhog was right; spring is coming early.

Warm winds are turning the land green again in many places. Along with those warm winds, we also see welcome breezes blowing wisdom through unlikely places.
U.S. Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) has introduced legislation that aims to hold COVID jab-makers financially responsible for needless injury and death. "The American people deserve justice for the infringement on their personal medical freedom and those medically harmed deserve restitution."
Illinois Family Action is proud to be part of a federal lawsuit against the Illinois State Board of Elections for its failure to clean up our state voter rolls, as is required by federal law. “Illinois should take immediate steps to clean its rolls to both prevent fraud and increase voter confidence in the elections,” says Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
Judicial Watch announced this week that it filed a federal lawsuit against the Illinois State Board of Elections over their failure to clean Illinois’ voter rolls and to produce election-related records as required by federal law, the National Voter Registration Act of 1993. The lawsuit requests the court to require Illinois to “develop and implement a general program that makes a reasonable effort to remove the registrations of ineligible registrants from the voter rolls.”
The over-politicization of our culture has ruined so much. Among plenty of other things, our language has been one of the greatest casualties of our 24-hour "news" culture, our obsession over ideological purity and political scandal. Words don't mean what they used to mean anymore.
It’s March, and you know what that means — lots of change and celebration in the air.

Daylight saving time begins March 10. St. Patrick’s Day is March 17. On that day, everyone’s Irish — even the English among us. The spring equinox is March 20. And there’s March madness.
If you’ve driven anywhere in the last week or so, turned on a tv or radio, or gone to the mailbox, then you are probably well aware that the 2024 election season has officially begun. Campaign signs are on every street corner, political ads are airing on tv, debates are being held, and campaign mailers are hitting mailboxes. Over the last decade, politics have felt increasingly tense, so how should we navigate the election season as Christians?