Written by Pastor Calvin Lindstrom
Will The GOP Uphold the Sanctity of Human Life?
On March 20, 1854, at a schoolhouse in Ripon, Wisconsin, the Republican Party was established to stop the expansion of slavery into western territories. Six years later, Abraham Lincoln was elected as the first Republican president. After Lincoln, 18 other Republicans have been elected to the office of President of the United States.
Since 1973, the Republican Party has officially opposed abortion in its party platform.… Continue Reading
Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
In this week’s Spotlight episode, David Curtin, IFI’s Springfield Lobbyist, gives an update on the Illinois General Assembly.
As it relates to Assisted Suicide in Illinois, David Curtin has a hopeful update:
Assisted Suicide is dead for now. We don’t expect it to come up before the end of May. If it comes up during veto session in the Fall, maybe? If it comes up next year, maybe?
But, we are just ecstatic that IFI listeners registered their opinion on so many bills down here.
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Tags: assisted suicide, bill, David Curtin, Governor, Illinois family spotlight, Illinois General Assembly, legislation, Springfield
Illinois Politics, Marriage, Family & Culture, Political, Sanctity of Life | Alyssa Sonnenburg |
May 15, 2024 5:00 AM |
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Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
In this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Tom Brejcha discusses President Biden and his State of the Union address.
Tom Brejcha is the Founder, President, and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Society. He is a legal expert with over 50 years of experience in the federal and state courts.
Abortion is a top issue for the 2024 election, and Brejcha comments on states who are codifying abortion into their state laws and gives insight on how Christians and conservatives can counter this.… Continue Reading
Tags: abortion, President Biden, State of the Union, Tom Brejcha
Faith & Religion, Federal Issues, Illinois Politics, Marriage, Family & Culture, Religious Liberty, Sanctity of Life | Alyssa Sonnenburg |
April 25, 2024 5:00 AM |
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Written by Linda Prestia
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a bipartisan, pro-Israel political action lobbying committee, has been endorsing members of Congress for years in a bid to enact specific policies that create a strong, enduring and mutually beneficial relationship with Israel, America’s biggest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East.
AIPAC essentially raises millions of dollars by Jewish and Christian people and groups across the country, who want to see Israel protected.… Continue Reading
Tags: Adam Schiff, AIPAC, American Israel Public Affairs Committee, anti-Israeli, Barack Obama, Biden Administration, Biden-Harris Administration, Brandon Johnson, Chicago City Council, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Democrats, Ed Royce, Eric Swalwell, Gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi rebels, Iran Deal, Israel, JB Pritzker, Jim Himes, Ken Griffin, Lara Burns, Mark Kirk, Mark Rice, Martin L. Ritter, Muslim Brotherhood, Nihaw Awad, October 7, October 7th Terror Attacks, Omar Ahmad, Palestine, Palestine Committee, President Biden, Raja Krishnamoorthi, Rashida Tlaib, Richard Powers
Federal Issues, Political, Sanctity of Life | Alyssa Sonnenburg |
April 19, 2024 5:00 AM |
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Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
In this episode of Spotlight, Monte Larrick sits down with IFI Springfield Lobbyist, David Curtin, in order to get his perspective on the upcoming Illinois legislative sessions.
A bill that has a lot of conservatives in Illinois concerned is SB 3499 (Physician-Assisted Suicide). David Curtin comments,
The assisted suicide legislation is a very coordinated national effort and they’ve already done it in a few other blue states, and Illinois is the next state they usually stop at to try to pass something like this… [Physician Assisted Suicide] would allow physicians to dispense some pills to a person who is diagnose with a terminal illness to kill themselves at home.
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Tags: David Curtin, Illinois, legislation, physician assisted suicide, SB3499, Springfield
Drugs/Alcohol/Addictions, Faith & Religion, Federal Issues, Illinois Politics, Marriage, Family & Culture, Sanctity of Life | Alyssa Sonnenburg |
April 17, 2024 5:00 AM |
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Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
This episode of Illinois Family Spotlight features Reverend Ceasar LeFlore.
Reverend LeFlore is the director of Public School Exit , an IFI-affiliated organization dedicated to facilitating the exit of children from government schools. He is also the director of Good Soil Good Seed (GS2), a scholarship foundation designed to help children afford to attend Christian schools.
Reverend LeFlore has an event on April 18th, called “Saving Our Children for God.” Attendance is free and the discussion will focus on the danger of Illinois government schools.… Continue Reading
Tags: children, educaton, Good Soil Good Seed, GS2, LeFlore, Public School Exit, public schools, Spotlight
Education, Faith & Religion, Federal Issues, Illinois Politics, LGBTQ Agenda, Marriage, Family & Culture, Religious Liberty, Sanctity of Life | Alyssa Sonnenburg |
April 16, 2024 5:00 AM |
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Written by David E. Smith
In our day of weaponized government and intolerance for honest speech, it isn’t difficult to imagine a scenario where politicians would willingly relegate our individual freedoms – guaranteed to us in the U.S. Constitution – to the voters in the states to decide what levels of liberty – and restrictions of those liberties – they would allow going forward.
For those of us in blue states, it isn’t a stretch to imagine how this would play out for the Second Amendment.… Continue Reading
Tags: Brad Wilcox, Calvin Lindstrom, civil rights, Democrat Party, Donald J. Trump, embryology, human DNA, Human rights, in vitro fertilization, IVF, JB Pritzker, Republican Party, Roe v. Wade, SCOTUS, Success Sequence, The Declaration of Independence, The Success Sequence, U.S. Supreme Court, unalienable rights, Wendy Wang
Federal Elections, Political, Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith |
April 11, 2024 5:00 AM |
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Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
This edition of Illinois Family Spotlight features Mark Houck, a devout Catholic and peaceful pro-life protestor who was falsely accused of violating the FACE Act.
Houck was arrested and handcuffed in front of his wife and children by the Biden Administration’s Department of Justice.
With legal representation from the Thomas More Society and a unanimous jury verdict, Mark Houck was declared to be innocent.
This is a conversation you won’t want to miss.… Continue Reading
Tags: abortion, Biden, Department of Justice, FACE Act, FBI, Planned Parenthood, Sanctity of Life, Thomas More Society
Faith & Religion, Federal Issues, Marriage, Family & Culture, Political, Religious Liberty, Sanctity of Life | Alyssa Sonnenburg |
April 10, 2024 5:00 AM |
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Written by Daniel Horowitz
During his 2005 confirmation hearings, Chief Justice John Roberts compared the role of the U.S. Supreme Court to that of an umpire calling balls and strikes. But what happens when the umpire allows one team more at-bats than the other? Once again, the much-vaunted conservative U.S. Supreme Court is a one-way ratchet for left-wing litigation. Some things never change.
When Donald Trump was president, not a single major administrative policy went unchallenged by the officiously litigious left-wing legal movement.… Continue Reading
Tags: Alliance Hippocratic Medicine, Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trump, FDA, FDA v. Alliance Hippocratic Medicine, John Roberts, Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, Matthew Kacsmaryk, mifepristone, Neil Gorsuch, Population Council, U.S. Supreme Court
Federal Issues, Judicial Branch, Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith |
April 5, 2024 7:00 AM |
Comments Off on SCOTUS Waffles on Abortion Drugs
Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
In this episode, Spotlight is featuring remarks made by former state representative Peter Breen at the 2024 Speakout Illinois Pro-Life Conference.
Peter Breen is the executive vice-president and is the head of litigation for the Thomas More Society, which is a non-profit, public-interest law firm that champions the causes of life, family, and freedom.
In his speech, Peter Breen remarks on the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision, which overturned Roe v.… Continue Reading
Tags: abortion, Faith, Family, Freedom, IFA, IFI, Life, Peter Breen, pregnancy, pregnancy center, Roe v. Wade, Spotlight, Thomas More Society, U.S. Supreme Court
Faith & Religion, Marriage, Family & Culture, Sanctity of Life, Uncategorized | Alyssa Sonnenburg |
April 3, 2024 5:00 AM |
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