Category: Sanctity of Life

Clear and Present Media Bias

Written by David E. Smith

In hosting the second presidential debate of the general election season, ABC News once again exposed themselves as left-wing ideologues and staunch allies of Kamala Harris.… Continue Reading

Kamala’s Husband Tells Men to Defend the “Right” to Kill Preborn Babies

Written by Peter Heck

Could there be anything more creepy?

Last weekend, the “second gentleman” of the United States, Douglass Emhoff, took to X to post his personal support of child killing for convenience:

I understand the politics behind the post. Since the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v Wade, Democrats have been capitalizing financially and electorally on the issue of aborting children in the womb.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Go Public for Pro Life

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Illinois Family Spotlight features remarks from the Go Public for Pro Life rally, organized by Vision 2020.

Julie Garofalo, executive director of the women’s crisis pregnancy center, Waterleaf; Matt Yonke of the Pro Life Action League; and Veronica Janiszewski with Students for Life, all speak on the vital importance of speaking truth and hope into the lives of women facing unexpected pregnancies.

“Our voices are a gift from God, and we must use them for good.

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Alienating the Base

Written by Erick Erickson

In the real world, no nationwide abortion ban is going to pass Congress, so Donald Trump will never have the opportunity to veto it. As a practical matter, concerns from pro-life activists amount to nothing because nothing is going to happen at the federal level. But for Trump and JD Vance, how they have improvised answers to the concerns of pro-life voters could hurt them more than help them. At the local level, the pro-life movement is on defense and losing every state that puts the matter up to a public vote.… Continue Reading

Chicago…Weeping For Her Children

Written by Mark Elfstrand

The alarms were sounded throughout every village and upon every non-existent city hill—the Democrats are coming to Chicago! And indeed it’s true! The Democratic National Convention chose Chicago as their host city in 2024.

The dates are Monday, August 19th through Thursday, August 22nd.

They could hardly have picked a more like-minded community in which to gather. A cursory look back at the city’s history would inform us that William Lane Thompson was the last of his kind to be Mayor of Chicago.… Continue Reading

Voices Crying in the Internet Wildernesses

Written by Rev. Ceasar I. LeFlore

Besides Jesus Christ, John the Baptist is by far one of my most favored and respected heroes of the Christian Bible. His boldness and fearless proclamation of the truth concerning the imminent coming of the Kingdom of Christ, even to a hostile and spiritually blind world, caused him to be identified in New Testament Scripture as “the voice of one crying in the wilderness,prophesied by the prophet Isaiah in the Old Testament.… Continue Reading

“What Kind of Country Do You Want to Live In?” In Speech to Teachers’ Union, Kamala Harris Revives Culture War Against People of Faith, Families, and Freedom

Written by Kathy Athearn

Vice President Kamala Harris spoke before the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) last Thursday. This was her first speech as a presidential candidate, since President Biden ended his campaign and endorsed Harris as the Democratic nominee.

Rather than hiding the fact that the AFT has had a tremendous amount of power and influence on the Biden administration and the country, Harris proudly announced it, thanking AFT president, Randi Weingarten, in particular saying that she has been a “great force” and “an incredible friend and adviser” to the president and her.… Continue Reading

JB Pritzker Wants More Dead Babies for His Legacy

Written by David E. Smith

In October 2023, Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker launched a national nonprofit group named “Think Big America,” which is focused on normalizing abortion and making the slaughter of pre-born babies legal in every state across the country. The New York Times reports that this new group “will support ballot measures to codify or restore abortion rights, seeking to elevate an issue that has energized Democrats.”

According to the Think Big America website, their mission is to take “the fight to right wing extremists all across the country.”Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Doctor-Assisted Suicide From the Perspective of a Doctor

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this week’s episode of Spotlight podcast, Dr. Benjamin German discusses physician-assisted suicide from his perspective as a medical-care provider.

Dr. German is a primary caregiver in the Lawndale Christian Health Center and serves as an Illinois Representative in the Academy of Medical Ethics, which is the biomedical arm of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations.

Dr. German’s speech will discuss how medically-assisted suicide works and the ethics surrounding medically-assisted suicide.… Continue Reading

Republicans Backing Away From Most Important Issue of Our Day

Written by Terence P. Jeffrey

When can you deliberately kill an innocent human being?

Answer: Never.

But that is not what the Republican Party says in the new platform it approved at its convention this week.

When President Ronald Reagan was running for reelection in 1984, the Republican Party adopted a platform that unequivocally called for the legal protection of all human life — from the moment of conception to natural death.

“The unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed,” said that platform.… Continue Reading