Category: Voter Integrity

Even High Profile Democrats Claim That Voter Fraud Is A Major Problem

Written by David E. Smith

If you think that voter fraud is a fabricated issue, conjured up by Republicans who were desperate over the 2020 election results, then you need to watch the video at the end of this introduction.


One America News Network’s Pearson Sharp provides us a formidable lineup of Democrat—yes, Democrat—officials who all have sounded the alarm over the vulnerabilities of America’s voting machines. All at various points in time, Democrat politicians such as Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, Amy Klobuchar, Adam Schiff, Ron Wyden, and many other government officials have warned Americans about the threat of hackers and foreign agents meddling in American elections. Continue Reading

Bank Your Vote or Go For Broke?

Written by Nancy Hayes

Republicans’ new idea for winning the upcoming 2024 election is a nationwide campaign they’re calling “Bank Your Vote,” a Republican National Committee (RNC) strategy that is trickling back to the GOP in the states, including in Illinois.

The gist of it is, that local GOP officials are encouraging Republicans to vote early in 2024. The campaign is meant to maximize pre-Election Day voting through in-person voting, absentee voting, and ballot harvesting where legal.… Continue Reading

ERIC – A Voter Roll Maintenance System or a Left-wing Voter Registration Drive?

Written by Nancy Hayes

Given the ongoing national conversation about voter fraud and election security, it would be encouraging to know states are looking for an effective, nonpartisan solution, wouldn’t it? A majority of states have joined something called ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center), a nonprofit established in 2012 as a consortium of states to help maintain our voter registration rolls, but don’t get too excited.

Judicial Watch, a conservative, nonpartisan educational foundation that promotes transparency, accountability, and integrity in government recently published a document entitled, “ERIC white paper.”… Continue Reading

Ranked Choice Voting Will Exasperate Our “Crisis of Confidence”

Written by Carol Davis

Among many Americans, there is a “crisis of confidence” in our nation’s election processes and procedures. The myriad of problems that have been exposed in recent election cycles have only added to that crisis. How can we encourage Americans to continue to cast their ballots if they think their votes don’t count? As someone who has been both on the frontlines and behind the scenes in America’s elections for over a decade, I’m grateful to say I’m more encouraged now than ever.… Continue Reading

Ranked-Choice Voting – Missing the Point on Needed Reform in Illinois

Written by Nancy Hayes

History tends to repeat itself. This is certainly true of “Ranked Choice Voting” in Illinois.

You may remember a junior state senator in Illinois by the name of Barack Obama. In 2001, then-Senator Obama introduced a bill that would have put on the ballot a Constitutional Amendment to elect the Illinois House of Representatives by “fair voting” in 3-seat districts elected by voters given cumulative voting rights.

Then, in 2002, Obama introduced a bill that would have required that partisan primaries for congressional office be conducted by “instant runoff voting” or IRV, also known as ranked-choice voting.… Continue Reading

Deceased Voters Still Live on Illinois Voter Rolls

Written by Nancy Hayes

In 2020, the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) wrote an article about voter rolls in America. On the heels of the Democrat’s push for vote by mail, their research revealed a large number of deceased registrants still on the voter rolls. It’s no wonder many Americans, let alone those in Illinois, don’t have much confidence in the system. After all, it would seem that if we could get rid of dead voters still on the rolls, eliminate duplicate registrants, or remove those who have moved, we would gain more confidence in the system.… Continue Reading

Proof Fair and Honest Elections are Vital

Written by IFA Staff Report

While we are working to get the best conservative candidates across Illinois on the ballot for election or re-election in 2022, there is a reality we must deal with: doing all we can to ensure our elections are conducted fairly and accurately.

In 2020 we saw many examples of voting irregularities, even outright voter fraud, in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Nevada. In Illinois we have seen serious election integrity issues in DuPage, Kane, and Peoria counties, and of course there are historic problems in Chicago and Cook County.… Continue Reading

Macon County Sheriff Election: Irregularities in Elections (Part 2)

Written by Kristi Shaffer

The 2018 election for Macon County Sheriff was an example of nearly everything that can possibly go wrong in an election. Unsurprisingly, the problems that occurred in Macon County illustrate the issues facing the entire state of Illinois. Elections and election results are often uncertain in Illinois for several reasons, and many of the related problems surfaced in the sheriff’s court case.

As a result of the legal proceedings in the Macon County Sheriff election, the ballots were recounted.… Continue Reading

Macon County Sheriff Election: Irregularities in Elections (Part 1)

Written by Kristi Shaffer

The right to vote is nearly sacred in the United States. Elections are closely monitored for an accurate count and assurance that the voices of the people are heard. At least that is the intended outcome of the election process, but, far too often, things go awry. Many of us watched back-and-forth recounts, audits, and legal battles in various states over the 2020 presidential election. However, there was a battle right here in Illinois for election legitimacy of which few were aware.… Continue Reading

Illinois’ New Election Date and Laws

Written by Edward Ronkowski

Senate Bill 825 will soon be on it’s way to Governor Pritzker’s desk for his signature. It passed in the Illinois House by a vote of 72-46, and in the Illinois Senate by a vote of 41 – 18. If signed into law, it would make the following changes to the Illinois Election Code:

  • Primary Election Day is moved to June 28, 2022; General Election Day will be November 8, 2022 and will be a state holiday.
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