Category: Federal Issues

When One Party Runs It All

Written by Robert Knight

Here in the DC Swamp, local Democrats are rattling the cage for statehood. They want to make the 61.4-square-mile District of Columbia the 51stState, right up there with Virginia, Alaska and California. Even the smallest state, Rhode Island, has 1,212 square miles, about half the size of Joe Biden’s Delaware.

Politically speaking, statehood is not going to happen. D.C. is unique by design. And, the rest of the nation, or at least half of it, wouldn’t be keen on adding two more guaranteed socialists to the U.S.… Continue Reading

If You Believe Pelosi and Schumer, I Want to Sell You a Bridge

Written by David Limbaugh

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she’s praying for the president. Well, so am I, the difference being that I really am, whereas she’s cynically pretending to, to show her mock concern over his mental state.

Pelosi, U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and the rest of the congressional Democratic cabal have treated President Trump abominably, and it’s getting old. Do they assume Americans have endless patience for their ongoing investigation charade?… Continue Reading

The Party of No

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Another week in the news, and it is now irrefutable. The Democratic Party has officially lost its mind. The “progressive” left is truly mad.

This party — the Democratic Party — a party that for decades was led by some of our nation’s greats; men like FDR, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy and LBJ; a party that defended America against the aggression of the Empire of the Rising Sun, a party that stood resolute in the face of the evils of Nazi socialism; a party that stopped the global incrementalism of the USSR; a party that fought the barbarism of Ho Chi Minh; this party — the Democratic Party — is now a party without sanity and without a soul.… Continue Reading

The Suicidal Equality Act of 2019

Written by Star Parker

The U.S. House Judiciary Committee has voted out the Equality Act of 2019 (H.R.5). It now heads for a vote on the U.S. House floor with 240 co-sponsors, which means its passage is virtually certain.

The legislation amends all major civil rights law, including the 1964 Civil Rights Act, to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” along with race, sex and religion as classes that are protected from discrimination.

There is so much wrong here it is hard to know where to start.… Continue Reading

Liberal Hypocrisy About Sanctuary Cities

Written by Star Parker

No one can accuse Donald Trump of not being able to grab attention.

He lobbed his latest political hand grenade, announcing that he is considering shipping off illegals who have been arriving in droves at the U.S.-Mexico border to sanctuary cities.

These are municipalities with ordinances directing local authorizes to not cooperate with federal immigration enforcement being carried out by Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

States, cities and localities that have assumed sanctuary status are invariably Democratic and liberal strongholds.

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Regressive Progressives’ Hypocrisy

Written by Laurie Higgins

It’s difficult to take seriously “progressives”—you know, those who endorse human slaughter and sexual deviance—who caterwaul about Trump’s character. What are their criteria for assessing character?

We know “progressives”—henceforth referred to more aptly as “regressives”—don’t care about sexual continence or sexual propriety: They love John F. Kennedy, his Lady Killer brother Ted, and credibly-accused rapist Bill Clinton. They even reelected Lady Killer Kennedy multiple times. They also reelected Barney Frank 11 times after

it was discovered that Barney Frank’s boyfriend, Stephen Gobie, whom Frank had once hired as a male prostitute, was running a male-brothel out of the Congressman’s home.

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The Dems’ Plan to Make Elections Obsolete

Written by Robert Knight

With a fraudulent Russian collusion claim no longer in their hip pocket, Democrats are still optimistic about recapturing the White House and the U.S. Senate in 2020.

But they are tired of competing.  To ensure the desired outcome, they’ve proposed steps that would finish off the national, two-party system for all intents and purposes.

First, they oppose any efforts to strengthen the border and reduce illegal immigration.  They want to ensure a massive flow of undocumented Democrats and recruits for the Free Stuff Army.… Continue Reading

Obama’s DHS Secretary: “We Are Truly in a Crisis” at the Southern Border

Written by Trevor Grant Thomas

No less than Jeh Johnson, who served as Secretary of Homeland Security in the Obama administration from 2013-2017, has declared the situation at our southern border a “crisis.” Best of all, he did so on MSNBC.

Refusing to take the political bait from “Morning Joe’s” Mika Brzezinski when she condescendingly asked, “Do these proposals [from Kirstjen Nielsen, Pres. Trump’s Secretary of Homeland Security] even come close to representing America?”… Continue Reading

The Largest Border Surge in Border Patrol History

Written by Daniel Horowitz

The Department of Homeland Security has announced that the March border apprehension numbers will likely reach 100,000. A record 4,117 migrants were apprehended or “encountered” on Tuesday. If the numbers for March wind up smashing the February numbers, it would show an annual pace of 1.2 million.

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What Part of “No Religious Test” Don’t We Understand?

Written by Jerry Newcombe

The U.S. Constitution says there can be no religious test applied to those seeking office at the federal level (Article 6, clause 3). But lately some on the left are trying to apply a type of religious test against some would-be Trump nominees.

Two years ago, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) raked a Trump nominee over the coals because of the man’s theological views. Russell Vought, a nominee to the Office of Management and Budget, attended Wheaton College.… Continue Reading