Posts tagged: U.S. Supreme Court

U.S. Senate Confirms Biden’s 100th Judicial Nominee

Written by Jorge Gomez

This week, the U.S. Senate confirmed President Joe Biden’s 100th federal judicial nominee, reaching that milestone faster than his two predecessors. At this point in their presidencies, Trump had 88 judges confirmed and Obama had 67.

Biden’s judicial confirmations include one U.S. Supreme Court justice, 30 circuit court and 69 district court judges. The wave of confirmations this week included:

  • Cindy K. Chung to the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals.
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The Controversy Surrounding ‘Lawn Boy’

Written by Robert Knight

Nobody seems to know who leaked the U.S. Supreme Court’s draft in the Dobbs case overturning Roe v. Wade. Nobody seems to know how many serious adverse effects occurred shortly after COVID-19 shots. Nobody seems to know how the FBI was turned into a left-wing political weapon.

“Mainstream” media doesn’t find these things worth pursuing.

Thanks to an exhaustive investigative analysis by The Washington Post, however, we now know how many parents — 38 — around the country have challenged Jonathan Evison’s book “Lawn Boy” in school libraries.… Continue Reading

Darkness Before The Dawn

Written by Robert Knight

Have you ever boarded an airliner during a rainstorm and then, minutes later, broken through the clouds to bright sunshine? It can be quite startling. People blink like moles emerging from their burrow.

The sun has been there all along, of course, but when we’re unable to see it from below we can forget how bright it can be.

That’s how believers view this world under God. No matter how bad things get, there is a Creator God who loves us and inspires hope in this life and the next.… Continue Reading

Amendment 1 Proponents Double-Talk on Independent Contractors

Plus how recent (June 30) U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Presents a New Impediment to Proponents

This article continues addressing a ballot measure that Illinois voters must vote on this election cycle.
We urge voters to reject Amendment 1, a constitutional amendment that
would elevate collective bargaining rights in the Illinois Constitution,
allowing government union contracts to override state law.

Written by John Lopez

At the September 29 Amendment 1 virtual editorial endorsement interview hosted by the Daily Herald, two panelists from Shaw Media including Scott Holland participated. … Continue Reading

Democrats Get More Radical: Demand Court Packing

Written by Mia Gradick & Jorge Gomez

One political party appears to be turning more radical by the minute. Recent polls suggest the Democrat Party holds extreme positions regarding the U.S. Constitution and the structure of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Nearly one in four Democrats (23%) say the U.S. Constitution is “no longer a relevant document,” based on a new poll from Echelon Insights. Additionally, a recent Heartland/Rasmussen survey found nearly half of Democrats (49%) believe the Constitution “should be mostly or completely rewritten.”… Continue Reading

Democrats Are Taking Crazy To A New Level

Written by Robert Knight

You know, things haven’t always been this crazy.

I’m rereading a Robert Ludlum thriller, “The Sigma Protocol” (2001), in which two young Americans are tracking a post-war cabal of Nazi-connected business titans who — what else? — conspire to take over the world.

The Americans — a man and a woman — confront an elderly Nazi in Argentina who defends the monster Dr. Mengele’s hideous concentration camp experiments. This furthered medical science, the old Nazi says, so we all benefit.… Continue Reading

Conservatives Are Finally Winning a Culture War. Time to Double Down.

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Historically, even when conservatives appear to be temporarily winning on some issue, it’s really a sign of losing ground long-term to every leftward shift of the Overton window of politics. For example, as we temporarily appear to be winning on one cultural onslaught of the left, it’s only because we long ceded the previous battle, leaving leftists with new territory to claim, which they inexorably do. However, there are signs that with the transgender obsession, the Overton window might be shifting to the right – for the first time ever!… Continue Reading

A Lofty Fight Against The Left’s Godless Modernity

Written by Robert Knight

Deep in the Swiss Alps, a legendary retreat center is a spiritual oasis in an otherwise secular desert. And, no, regrettably, I am not writing from there.

Called L’Abri, it was founded by Christian thinker and writer Francis Schaeffer and his wife Edith, also a gifted writer. Since the 1950s, it has been a pilgrimage stop for thousands.

Visitors often have to do dishes and light housework, but they get to hear profound discussions of the Things That Matter.… Continue Reading

The Fight Over Abortion Continues

Written by Kristi Shaffer

The U.S. Supreme Court decision of Dodd v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned Roe v. Wade, is a victory for all who support life. The decision ends federal protection of abortion and sends the subject back to individual states to determine how and if abortion will be allowed in the state. It is estimated that at least 26 states will have strong restrictions or bans on abortion. While it indeed should be celebrated, conservatives should not let our guard down; the war for the pro-life community wages on.… Continue Reading

SCOTUS Unleashes the Left’s Outrage

Written by Robert Knight

You know it’s a good sign when President Joe Biden and lefty celebrities go bat crazy.

At a press conference in Spain, Mr. Biden trashed the U.S. Supreme Court as “destabilizing” because of its “outrageous” rulings on abortion and guns. He pledged to do an end-run on the U.S. Senate filibuster to pass a national abortion bill.

On June 24, a 6-3 court majority overturned Roe v. Wade in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.… Continue Reading