Posts tagged: The View

Network ‘News’ Bows Supinely to the Trans Commands

Written by Tim Graham

Trans woman activist Dylan Mulvaney did a happy-go-lucky softball interview tour to promote the book “Paper Doll: Notes from a Late Bloomer.” The “mainstream” media are out of the mainstream on trans issues, and their extreme fawning and flattery only underlines it.

On “CBS Mornings,” correspondent Natalie Morales sounded like a supporter:

“What do you want people to see and know about you?”

“I would ask them to please not make it harder for us,” Mulvaney said.… Continue Reading

Media Know They Must Change. They Won’t…

Written by Peter Heck

The numbers speak for themselves. MSNBC is suffering through a ratings catastrophe as the disillusioned loyalists, who kept believing the network’s stable of left-wing hosts who continued to promise that Trump was an unelectable Hitler, have walked away.

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Media Bias Makes It Easier To Run a ‘Flawless’ Campaign

Written by Tim Graham

There is never a level playing field in an American election. For example, the two major political parties have major advantages that third parties can’t muster. Another example is the major Democratic Party advantage of the home-team announcers calling the action on the playing field. Our national media set the terms and the tone of our democracy.

The pro-Democrat tilt of every election comes to mind when the pseudo-conservative Alyssa Farah Griffin gushed on ABC’s “The View” on Sept.… Continue Reading

What the Heck: Whoopi, The Best Women Are Men, And Capitalist Chicken Sandwiches

Written by Peter Heck

I’m not ashamed to admit that I didn’t know Whoopi Goldberg was even back on the daytime gab fest The View. Last I had heard, she was sidelined after making foolish and racially buffoonish comments about the Holocaust. But apparently that was like a year ago. Time flies when you’re doing anything but watching The View, I guess.

Anyway, it’s nice to see that she’s been back making a fool of herself over other topics she knows nothing about as well.… Continue Reading

Can Deception & Smooth Talk Hide This Huge Divide on The Sanctity of Life?

Written by Micah Clark

This is a tale of two candidates as far apart as night and day. Last week, President Donald J. Trump boldly spoke in defense of life to millions watching his State of the Union address. Using an example of a mother and daughter who were guests in the U.S. House chamber for his speech, the President said:

“Ellie reminds us that every child is a miracle of life. And thanks to modern medical wonders, 50 percent of very premature babies delivered at the hospital where Ellie was born now survive.

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The Media Was Still Unglued in 2018

Written by L. Brent Bozell III

President Trump has been in office for almost two years, which should mean that by now, all the crazy talk in the media about his impending dictatorship ought to be abandoned. Democracy is still vibrant, as we saw with record voter turnout in November. But the wild conspiracy theories about Trump never stop. Some of them qualify as the worst media quotes of the year.

Don’t go looking for “fact-checkers” to evaluate how much evidence the cable “news” folks have mustered.… Continue Reading

I Wish I Were as Bad a Christian as Mike Pence

Written by David Limbaugh

I’ve repeatedly said that though President Trump gives his leftist enemies plenty of fodder in his tweets to attack him, they would malign any Republican president unless he totally capitulated to their demands — and switched parties. Indeed, they always have.

The liberals say Trump is such an awful person, which apparently excuses their monomaniacal obsession with destroying his presidency. Yet Vice President Mike Pence is one of the finest people around, and they can’t stand him, either.… Continue Reading

It’s Time for Hillary Clinton to Tell the Truth About Her Abortion Views


Written by Mary Powers

It looks like the Republican candidates were right all along.

During a February debate in New Hampshire, U. S. Senator Marco Rubio called out the mainstream media for not asking the Democratic candidates about their positions on abortion. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, too, has consistently talked about Secretary Hillary Clinton’s extreme stances on the issue. Two months later, while vying for New York’s vote, Clinton decided it was time to bring out her favorite issue—abortion—and call out the media for not asking her about it in debates (town halls don’t count apparently).… Continue Reading