Written by Dr. Michael L. Brown
I cannot prove this, but the caller to my radio show seemed totally credible. If what he said is true, then the animosity towards Donald Trump in leftwing circles is even more extreme than some of us would have believed. And that is saying a lot.
The caller, named Rob, from Tampa, Florida, said he had previously worked at an NBC News affiliate up north. (He didn’t want to give further details so as to be able to speak with total freedom.)… Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Obama, Donald J. Trump, Jack Shafer, Media Bias, Media Research Center, Nate Silver, Pew Research Center, Politico, Science Advances, The New York Times, Tucker Doherty
Media Watch, Political | David E. Smith |
May 23, 2020 7:55 AM |
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Written by Carol M. Swain
Under the guise of a venture called the “1619 Project,” revisionist history about race in America is being introduced into classrooms across America without undergoing the normal peer review expected of educational materials. August 2019 marked the birth of the project, a publication of The New York Times Magazine and the Pulitzer organization, containing a collection of essays and artistic works to commemorate the 400-year anniversary of slavery in America.… Continue Reading
Tags: Carol M. Swain, critical race theory, Cultural Marxism, Declaration of Independence, Founding Fathers, History of Black Americans, indentured servitude, Jake Silverstein, Philip Foner, Slavery, The 1619 Project, The New York Times, victim-hood, white guilt
Education, Media Watch | David E. Smith |
February 21, 2020 7:00 AM |
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Written by Robert Knight
What sets our current age apart from previous ones is not only technological wonders but the shocking abandonment of truth.
For Marxists, a lie is as good as truth if it works to advance their cause. A case in point was a recent article on the front page of The Washington Post’s Sunday Outlook section. Next to a large, serious portrait, the headline proclaimed: “Barack Obama: Conservative.” Sure.… Continue Reading
Tags: ACLU, Alfred C. Kinsey, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Bob Guccione, David Levithan, Dick Teresi, Dr. Rupal Yu, Judith Reisman, Kinsey, National Public Radio, Omni magazine, Piedmont Health Services, Planned Parenthood, Scholastic, Sex and Fraud, The New York Times, The Washington Post
Media Watch, Political | David E. Smith |
December 4, 2019 7:00 AM |
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Written by Robert Knight
This past week the Democrat media went ballistic over Republican congressmen and women “invading” the secret basement room where Adam B. Schiff is stirring his pot o’ impeachment soup.
Washington Post fake conservative Jennifer Rubin’s Oct. 23rd column was titled, “So much for ‘due process’: Republican mob crashes secure hearing room.”
Yes, they did, last Wednesday, showing that some of the Trump backbone has been transplanted.
Mr. Schiff, a California Democrat who chairs the U.S.… Continue Reading
Tags: Adam B. Schiff, Al Franken, Al Gore, CNN, Florida Supreme Court, George W. Bush, impeachment, Jack Bauer, Jennifer Rubin, Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald, Philip Hughes, The New York Times, Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, Washington Post
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
October 31, 2019 4:00 AM |
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Written by Michelle Malkin
ACT for America, a nationwide grassroots group that educates the public about radical Islam, was founded in 2007 by my vigilant activist friend and Lebanese Christian immigrant journalist Brigitte Gabriel. I was honored to accept Gabriel’s invitation to speak at her organization’s annual banquet at Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, on Nov. 7.
Gabriel has worked tirelessly to expose the Islamic imperialist agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic state; barbaric practices of female genital mutilation and honor killings by adherents of sharia; and the whitewashing of violent jihad in American middle school textbooks.
… Continue Reading
Tags: ACT! For America, Alliance Defending Freedom, American Principles Project, Ann Corcoran, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ben Carson, Brigitte Gabriel, CAIR, Carol Swain, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Daily Beast, Daniel Pipes, David Horowitz, Diana West, Eagle Forum, Frank Gaffney, Gavin McInnes, Islamic State, Jeanine Pirro, Jim Bridenstine, John Guandolo, Laura Ingraham, Laura Loomer, Maajid Nawaz, Mar-a-Lago, Marsha Blackburn, Miami Herald, Mike Pompeo, Muslim Brotherhood, Nicholas Nehamas, Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Ron DeSantis, Southern Poverty Law Center, SPLC HateWatch, Steven Emerson, The Guardian, The New York Times, The Palm Beach Post, The Remembrance Project, Walid Shoebat
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
October 15, 2019 7:26 AM |
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Written by L. Brent Bozell III and Tim Graham
In the midst of the daily tarring and feathering of President Trump by our “objective” press, we are treated to some precious moments where these badly disguised political operatives write something unintentionally hilarious.
Take, for example, The New York Times story on Aug. 25 headlined “Trump’s Allies Scour Internet to Punish Press.” Reporters Ken Vogel and Jeremy Peters ominously warned, “A loose network of conservative operatives allied with the White House is pursuing what they say will be an aggressive operation to discredit news organizations deemed hostile to President Trump by publicizing damaging information about journalists.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Arthur Gregg Sulzberger, Arthur Schwartz, CNN, Donald J. Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Jeremy Peters, Ken Vogel, L. Brent Bozell III, Media Research Center, Mohammed Elshamy, om Wright-Piersaniti, The New York Times
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
August 28, 2019 7:00 AM |
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Written by Brian McNicoll
A gubernatorial candidate in Mississippi invoked the Billy Graham Rule and declined to allow a reporter ride alone with him on a 15-hour campaign trip, a decision the mainstream media has condemned in nearly lockstep.
Mississippi State Rep. Robert Foster, who represents a district near Memphis, said he had made a promise to his wife before they married that he would not be alone with another woman in a situation that could be construed as compromising.… Continue Reading
Written by Ken Blackwell
President Trump’s enemies provided yet another disturbing glimpse of the bona fide fake news factory into which the mainstream media has morphed.
Late last week, Ian Bremmer tweeted a made-up quote from President Trump. Bremmer is one of the most well-known foreign policy experts in America. He didn’t offer any hint that the statement was fake. “President Trump in Tokyo: ‘Kim Jong Un is smarter and would make a better President than Sleepy Joe Biden,’” Bremmer wrote.… Continue Reading
Tags: Ana Navarro-Cárdenas, Ben Shapiro, Benjamin Netanyahu, CNN, Covington Catholic, Donald J. Trump, fake news, Ian Bremmer, Joe Biden, Kim Jong-un, Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, Ted Lieu, The New York Times
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
June 6, 2019 5:00 AM |
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Written by L. Brent Bozell
In the age of Trump, the American media insist that freedom of speech is in danger because they somehow consider mocking journalists a suppression of free speech. Now imagine if America had a law where you couldn’t mock Christian doctrines without facing a fine. The press would again denounce the curtailment of free speech but now you’d also hear the cries of “theocracy!”
And yet the First Amendment worshipers were missing on Oct.… Continue Reading
Tags: Aisha, Associated Press, Brendan O'Neill, Donald Trump, Erik Voeten, European Court of Human Rights, Fox News Channel, Los Angeles Times, Muhammad, Sekmadienis, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Tucker Carlson, USA Today
Islam & Sharia, Media Watch | David E. Smith |
November 6, 2018 7:00 PM |
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Written by Michelle Malkin
Move over, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Another unhinged liberal pathology is back:
Perhaps, in the interest of public health, the CDC should launch a weekly C-F-A-P surveillance report to map the recurrence of this culturally infectious disease. Early-onset symptoms include fear of pressure-cooked poultry, allergic reaction to waffle potato fries and an irrational hatred of cow costumes. Anti-Christian prejudice and coastal elitism are common comorbidities associated with this debilitating progressive condition.
Ground zero for the latest outbreak?… Continue Reading
Tags: Bill de Blasio, Chick-Fil-A, Dan Piepenbring, Howard Schultz, Kim Severson, National Gay and Lesbian Journalists Association, Rahm Emanuel, Starbucks, The New York Times, The New Yorker, Thomas Menino, Truett Cathy
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
April 23, 2018 7:50 AM |
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