Written by Peter Heck
It doesn’t annoy me that people have disparate opinions on issues that matter, or more specifically, that others would find my own personal opinions ill-informed or wrong. The world might well be a boring place if everyone agreed on everything, so you won’t find me in the camp of those wishing to eliminate intellectual or ideological diversity.
What does annoy me is when a sizable group of people are willing to suspend intellectual curiosity to the issues that matter, put their fingers in their metaphorical ears, and refuse any modicum of critical thinking when forming and spouting opinions.… Continue Reading
Written by Peter Heck
Sometimes, particularly in the toxic world of social media, it’s difficult to know whether people are being honest and earnest in their questions or whether they’re trying to make a statement.
Usually, after a modicum of research it becomes apparent, as was the case with the recent query posted by online anti-Trump activist John Collins:
I know that’s an attempted jab, a straightforward slight, smacking of an arrogantly patriarchal mindset, directed at women who see the world differently than him.… Continue Reading
Tags: Biden-Harris Administration, Democratic Party, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, John Collins, Kamala Harris, Peter Heck, Republican Party
Federal Elections, Marriage, Family & Culture, Political | David E. Smith |
September 19, 2024 6:03 AM |
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Written by Peter Heck
To say it was a bad look would be an insult to bad looks.
Over the weekend, Jonathan Karl, host of ABC’s Sunday morning talk show “This Week” humiliated himself in a conversation with U.S. Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR).
One of the worst sycophantic performances I’ve seen coming from a mainstream network anchor.
I am a fan of Tom Cotton. Consistently, I find him to be measured, mild mannered, affable, and, on the rare occasions where I disagree with him, reasonable and logical in his approach to issues.… Continue Reading
Tags: ABC News, Brent Baker, Democrat Party, Donald Trump, George Stephanopoulos, Jonathan Karl, Media Research Center, Peter Heck, This Week, Tom Cotton
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
August 29, 2024 6:00 AM |
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Written by Peter Heck
The over-politicization of our culture has ruined so much. Among plenty of other things, our language has been one of the greatest casualties of our 24-hour “news” culture, our obsession over ideological purity and political scandal. Words don’t mean what they used to mean anymore.
People who aren’t bigots are called bigots because it’s easier to call names than make arguments.
Things that aren’t racism are deemed racist because shaming is easier than logically engaging.… Continue Reading
Written by Peter Heck
It was several years ago that in preparing a speech for an upcoming event, I flipped on the local evening news.
The first story of the night was a double homicide on the city’s northeast side. The second story was that police feared a serial rapist had struck again. The third story involved a string of armed robberies. And then it happened: The anchors turned to the fourth item on their laundry list of bad news, and detailed the removal of the Ten Commandments display at the local courthouse following a legal challenge.… Continue Reading
Written by Peter Heck
In case you missed it last week, it seems some small outfit called the Satanic Temple won the right – on religious freedom grounds – to display a statue of Baphomet, a satanic occult figure, in the Iowa capitol building. The spectacle was to appear for a period of two weeks, but thanks to a Navy veteran named Michael Cassidy, the freakish ram’s head-on-a-mannequin didn’t quite make it that long.
Claiming he was outraged by the “blasphemous statue,” Cassidy said his conscience drove him to chop the thing’s head off and topple it.… Continue Reading
Written by Peter Heck
I think we all remember where we were when we heard the news on June 30, 2021. Our long national nightmare was finally over. At long last, Americans – my countrymen – were going to be given a 3rd gender option on all State Department documents like passports. It was moving beyond words.
Besides correcting the discriminatory oversight of those humanoids who are neither male nor female, it was the surest sign yet that, as promised during the 2020 Biden campaign, the “adults were back in charge.”… Continue Reading
Written by Peter Heck
A month or so ago, I wrote about the new acronym I’m pushing: LTKA – Leave the Kids Alone. I’m an LTKA activist, and the number of things that concern those of us who champion this movement continue to grow.
Don’t get me wrong: Christians were warning that this assault on the innocence of young people was always part of the left’s agenda. You don’t champion someone like Alfred Kinsey and not have wicked intent when it comes to young people.… Continue Reading
Tags: Alfred Kinsey, Chase Lanford, Chris Rufo, gender-affirming, Leave the Kids Alone, Libs of TikTok, Newsweek, Peter Heck, Walt Disney Company, William Scott Lowe
LGBTQ Agenda | David E. Smith |
July 13, 2023 7:00 AM |
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Written by Peter Heck
Years ago I remember being floored when I realized that Abercrombie and Fitch – which is a clothing company – was actually selling clothes by using nakedness.
I should have known then that it was only a matter of time before I’d see Nike, a company historically associated with athleticism and even masculinity, selling sports bras and women’s athletic gear by using a man.
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Written by Peter Heck
Better late than never. And I’m serious.
I’ve been adamant about holding woke warriors like outspoken NBA coach Steve Kerr accountable for his inexcusable moral hypocrisy when it comes to matters of social justice.
Kerr’s persistence in pointing out to everyone how sensitive he is to the plight of those treated unjustly counterbalanced against his flagrant unwillingness to say a single word on behalf of the most oppressed and mistreated victims of systemic injustice in the world is mindless.… Continue Reading
Tags: Candace Buckner, Christian persecution, Daryl Morey, Hong Kong, Houston Rockets, human rights abuse, LeBron James, NBA, Peter Heck, Steve Kerr, Uighur, Washington Post, Woke
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
August 6, 2020 7:00 AM |
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