Posts tagged: pandemic

Washington Post Hit Piece on Home Schooling is Thinly Veiled Attack on Christianity

Written by Robert Knight

Home-schoolers consistently outscore government school students in every academic area. It’s no wonder that the public school establishment hates and fears home schooling.

The clearest evidence yet came in this past Thursday’s Washington Post. “THE REVOLT OF CHRISTIAN HOME-SCHOOLERS” (all caps in original) is a voluminous, front-page article almost entirely about one Loudoun County, Virginia, couple who had home-schooled their children before opting to enroll them in public schools.… Continue Reading

Biden’s Idea of ‘Freedom’ Should Frighten Every Liberty-Loving American

Written by Robert Knight

In this week’s column, I was going to summarize President Biden’s reelection video from last Tuesday. But George Orwell did it 74 years ago.

Big Brother’s slogan in the 1949 novel “1984” mirrors our sunglass-sporting “unity” president. Everything he says is the polar opposite of the truth.

As violent imagery flashes by, he says: “The question we are facing is whether in the years ahead we have more freedom or less freedom.… Continue Reading

COVID-19 ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Turned Out To Be True

Written by Robert Knight

One by one, the myths and lies propagated by the ruling elites about COVID-19 are falling like dominoes.

What was supposed to have been “misinformation” is the real deal.

The “wet market” theory, which never made sense, is turning out to be all wet. Major government agencies — the Department of Energy and the FBI — now say that the virus probably leaked from China’s Wuhan virology lab. It didn’t come from a bat sandwich after all.… Continue Reading

The Government’s Mass Migration From Disease-Ridden Countries During A Pandemic Is Quite Revealing

Written by Daniel Horowitz

What do you call a government that will mask an asymptomatic 2-year-old American but bring in people without measles and polio vaccines from the most disease-ridden countries in middle of a pandemic?

You have to give Australia credit. At least it is consistent about its totalitarian approach to the pandemic. While Australian officials repress their own people, they most certainly don’t allow foreigners into their country either. America, on the other hand, has now commandeered the bodily integrity of its own citizens under the guise of combatting a pandemic with a vaccine that doesn’t even work.… Continue Reading

BLM’s Legacy a Year Later: Terror on America’s Streets

Written by Daniel Horowitz

This week, the Biden White House hosted the family of George Floyd to mark the one-year anniversary of his death in police custody. His brother, Philonise, expressed hope that things are “slowly” moving in the right direction and that they are “making progress” in their war on cops. However, what is not going in the right direction is justice for victims of crime thanks to the agenda spawned by their movement.

Thanks to the pandemic and less social mobility, crime has been decreasing in most countries.… Continue Reading

Press Deceit Is a Pathology

Written by Laura Hirschfeld Hollis

A free country depends upon an honest and vigilant press to demand accountability from the country’s political, economic and cultural leaders.

We are in serious trouble; our press is neither honest nor vigilant.

To the contrary, the national media in the United States is hopelessly biased, selectively incurious and relentlessly deceitful about the most important issues we are facing today. As a result, the health of the nation is at risk.… Continue Reading

“Like Arrows In the Hand of a Warrior” (Illinois Family Spotlight #231)

Written by Monte Larrick

Finally, 2020, the year many have proclaimed the Worst. Year. Ever, nears the finish line. Joining us for the last podcast of this extraordinary year is Ben Smith, the producer of Spotlight. Ben is a 20-year-old college sophomore, part-time employee of IFI and IFA, and the son of Executive Director, David Smith. Follow Ben on Twitter @realbs19.

Our “eclectic conversation” includes a discussion of Michael Madigan’s future in the Illinois House of Representatives, the perpetuation of racial division in America, the relevance of biblical authority, Ben’s online interactions with Marxist professors and peers at the University of Southern California, the fate of religious freedom in a Biden-Harris administration, indoctrination in government schools and government intrusion in homeschooling, election integrity, the pandemic, President Trump’s potential post-White House role in the Republican Party, and much more.… Continue Reading

“Killing More Babies During the Pandemic” (Illinois Family Spotlight #206)

A new Planned Parenthood has opened in Waukegan; even in the midst of a pandemic the evil want to shed innocent blood. Monte Larrick joined a civil protest outside the new murder center recently and conducted a short interview with the Pro-Life Action League’s Executive Director Eric Scheidler. They discussed the need for a constant pro-life presence outside the clinic, possible legal challenges to the facility, and legislative action issues.

"Killing More Babies During the Pandemic" (Illinois Family Spotlight #206)
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Stop Equating Socialized Healthcare With Compassion

Written by Peter Heck

For decades, there has been a mantra embraced and utilized by advocates of the nanny state everywhere: “never let a crisis go to waste.” History demonstrates that the masses are most willing to tolerate, if not welcome, the intrusion of big government into their lives when they are panicked, fearful, or impoverished. It’s one of the reasons why former President Eisenhower always argued that the best weapon against the advance of communism wasn’t a strong military, but a strong economy.… Continue Reading