Posts tagged: Laurie Higgins

Is the Illinois GOP Civil War Finally Here?

Written by John Biver

Now that prominent conservatives are seeing Governor Bruce Rauner for who he really is, we arrive at a genuinely dramatic moment in a state where the Republican Party’s failures have paved the way for Leftist policies to ruin the state.

After signing several outrageously left-wing bills into law, an increasing number of rank and file conservatives and elected political leaders are finally seeing the truth about Governor Rauner. This gives conservatives in Illinois the opportunity to get their act together.… Continue Reading

Information on the ‘Transgender’ Bathroom/Locker Room Debate

Here is the latest national news regarding the bathroom/locker room issue as reported by LifeSiteNews.

President Trump is dropping his predecessor’s unpopular “transgender” federal order pressuring schools to let gender-confused boys use girls’ restrooms and locker rooms, and vice versa, according to the White House spokesman.

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Ryan Sorba, chairman of Young Conservatives of America, commended Trump for “keeping his word to the American people” by rescinding Obama’s transgender-school edict, which touched off lawsuits by aggrieved states and a cascade of criticism nationwide.

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Illinois GOP to Remove “Marriage” Plank in Platform


Written by David E. Smith

Some Illinois Republicans want to stay away from “controversial” issues. They think that removing the traditional marriage plank will somehow help liberal Republicans who are “hurt” by the platform in their swing districts.  First, if they think that they are going to avoid controversy by removing this important plank, they are woefully wrong.  Secondly, the Illinois GOP has its fair share of RINOs elected to office, who are the source of the problem at hand; but clearly demonstrating that liberal Republicans can win with the current state platform.… Continue Reading

Hillary Clinton Accidentally Admits Something True


Written by Laurie Higgins

Hillary Clinton accidentally admitted the inconvenient truth that the product of conception between two humans growing inside his or her mother is an “unborn person” and a “baby.”

According to Clinton, these unborn persons, these babies have no constitutional rights, which necessarily means no right to continue living—no right to be protected from being involuntarily killed.

According to Clinton, it is morally defensible to sacrifice babies’ lives but indefensible to sacrifice “a woman’s right to make decisions.”… Continue Reading

Trump is the Grotesque Creature; America is Dr. Frankenstein

**CAUTION:  Not for younger readers**

Written by Laurie Higgins

In response to Mitt Romney’s justifiable criticism of him on Thursday, TrumPolonius made this stunningly repugnant and obscene comment about his endorsement of Romney in 2012: “He was begging for my endorsement. I could have said ‘Mitt, drop to your knees.’ He would have dropped to his knees.”

Lest anyone think Trump—who is by all accounts a savvy communicator—is ignorant of the vulgar sexual allusion he used, you can see him use it earlier on The Apprentice:

Trump cunningly chose this double entendre so that he could speak vulgarly while falsely claiming innocence.… Continue Reading

Surprise, Parents! Co-Ed Restroom in North Shore High School


Written by Laurie Higgins

A couple of months ago, Deerfield High School (DHS) in Deerfield, Illinois quietly changed a multi-stall girls restroom to a co-ed restroom. Worse still the administration has not notified either parents or students. Rumors are circulating that the administration chose secrecy over transparency in order to avoid controversy.

This is not a single-occupancy restroom, nor is it a girls restroom restricted to actual girls and boys who wish they were girls. Rather, it is a co-ed restroom euphemistically called an “All Gender Restroom,” presumably to divert attention from the reality of what the administration has created.… Continue Reading

Pro-Life Doritos Commercial?


Written by Laurie Higgins

The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) objected to the Doritos Super Bowl ad for “humanizing fetuses.” Yes, you heard that right, NARAL wants no more of this nonsensical humanizing of humans. And libs call conservatives “science-deniers.”

 … Continue Reading

Chris Christie: Pugilistic Prevaricator


Written by Laurie Higgins

Chris Christie (aka the Pot) demonstrates an arrogant, caustic delight in calling kettles black. His most recent demonstrations occurred during the Republican debate in New Hampshire and during an interview Sunday morning with Chris Wallace.

During the debate Christie, with the characteristic brutishness that Christie mistakes for leadership, accused Marco Rubio of basing a criticism of Christie on “incorrect and incomplete information.” Then shortly thereafter, he accused Rubio of “truancy” for not being present for a vote on the Hezbollah International Financing Prevention Act of 2015.… Continue Reading

Student Privacy Bill in Springfield


Written by Laurie Higgins

State Representative Tom Morrison (R-Palatine) introduced the bi-partisan Pupil Physical Privacy Act (HB 4474), which if passed would require the following:

[A] school board to designate each pupil restroom, changing room, or overnight facility accessible by multiple pupils simultaneously, whether located in a public school building or located in a facility utilized by the school for a school-sponsored activity, for the exclusive use of pupils of only one sex.

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Fickle, Faithless, Feckless TrumPolonius


Written by Laurie Higgins

TrumPolonius is arrogant, unreliable, petulant, exploitative, vindictive, and cowardly. Does that cover it? Oh, wait, I forgot, nasty.

When faced with the prospect of being asked questions by debate moderator Megyn Kelly, TrumPolonius stamped his angry feet and stormed out of the upcoming GOP debate. Then after reneging on this commitment, he showed the world that he is indeed the man he described himself as being: the “meanest piece of sh** in the world.”… Continue Reading