Posts tagged: Laurie Higgins

“Have We Lost Our Minds?!?” (Illinois Family Spotlight #137)

Laurie Higgins joins David Smith to discuss trans ideology, IFI’s sixth annual worldview conference, and a couple asinine bills pending in the capital.

Contact your state representative at (217) 782-2000.

"Have We Lost Our Minds?!?" (Illinois Family Spotlight #137)
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“A Christlike Response to Sexual Anarchy” (Illinois Family Spotlight #111)

This edition of Spotlight features another talk by Illinois Family Institute’s Cultural Analyst: Laurie Higgins. She speaks on the genesis of her involvement as a cultural activist; the importance of discriminating between the terms gender identity, gender roles, and cis-gender people; gender dysphoria in children and distributing puberty blockers to them; desistance and detransitioning; and the public eradication of sex differences for everybody everywhere.

"A Christlike Response to Sexual Anarchy" (Illinois Family Spotlight #111)
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“Is Marriage A Civil Right?” (Illinois Family Spotlight #108)

Back to 2011. Today’s special edition of Spotlight features Laurie Higgins speaking at an IFI Marriage Symposium, she starts out reproving Christians for consistently showing up late to cultural battles, then Higgins debunks common liberal talking points about same-sex marriage that we must be able to dismantle.

"Is Marriage A Civil Right?" (Illinois Family Spotlight #108)
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State Rep. Morrison: Vote for Jeanne Ives and Help Spread the Word!

Written by John Biver

A lot can be said in a matter of a couple of minutes as State Representative Tom Morrison demonstrates in this short video endorsing Jeanne Ives for governor.

Election day is this coming Tuesday,  and Ives is going to need every vote the pro-family community can help her get. Unlike so many primary races, this time conservatives have a genuine choice: genuine conservative Jeanne Ives or failed governor Bruce Rauner who has struck out on all 44 of his “turn around agenda” items and signed into law some of the most radical social policy legislation in the country.… Continue Reading

“Election Crunch-Time” (Illinois Family Spotlight #085)

The discussion focused on next Tuesday’s primary election, and began with Dave Smith, Laurie Higgins, and John Biver highlighting incumbent Bruce Rauner’s deceitful campaign ads attacking his opponent Jeanne Ives.

Higgins’ recent masterful article outlines the five big lies in “Rauner’s Deceitful Campaign Ads.” The claims are “absurd,” she said in the podcast, and #1 on the list, that “Ives is a career politician,” is just plain silly. As Higgins wrote:

Truth: The 53-year-old Ives began her career in the Illinois State House in January 2013, so she just completed her 5th year in Springfield.

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“Wait Till You See What LGBTQQAP Activists Have Planned for Schools” (Illinois Family Spotlight #084)

Laurie Higgins and John Biver join this week’s podcast with David Smith. They discuss the ongoing push in Springfield to pass a bill which would celebrate the LGBT movement in school curricula K-12, the Delaware proposal where students “may self-identify their race or gender identity at school, and, there will be no requirement that parents be notified if the child communicates to the school that their parent would be not supportive.”

They also discuss the champion female wrestler in Texas who is transitioning to a male taking cross sex hormones and steroids, and the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment).… Continue Reading

“Is It Okay to Be Angry with Leftists Promoting Transgenderism?”(Illinois Family Spotlight #075)

In this week’s Spotlight, is Laurie Higgins, the Cultural Affairs Writer for the Illinois Family Institute.

They converse on the Masterpiece Cakeshop case before the Supreme Court, something called the Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID) which Laurie asserts is similar to the transgender movement, the government’s role in the institution of marriage, and the role of Anger in the Christian Church.

Higgins emphasizes that it’s important to use proper analogies when writing about what the LGBT letters truly represent.… Continue Reading

“The Most Significant Revolution in History” (Illinois Family Spotlight #072)

Written by John Biver

In this week’s podcast, Laurie Higgins joins David Smith to discuss the Trans-Ideology and its effects on our schools, classrooms, and impressionable young children.

Laurie is the cultural affairs writer for the Illinois Family Institute, and “she does an amazing job writing thought provoking and compelling articles that help us think through the contemporary issues and the godless worldviews that dominate the public square.”

Laurie refers to what is going on today as “one of the most significant revolutions in history.”… Continue Reading

Illinois Senate Votes to Support Homosexual “Marriage”

Senator Jason Barickman Breaks With GOP

Written by David E. Smith, IFA Executive Director

Despite the fact that Illinois is facing serious financial and unemployment issues, including a bankrupt pension system, the Illinois Senate recently approved a bill to redefine marriage and family — on St. Valentine’s Day no less.

The vote results were 34-21 with 2 voting present.  This destructive and foolish decision reveals the ignorance — or in some cases cowardice — of those who voted for the legal recognition of same-sex unions as marriage.… Continue Reading