Posts tagged: Anti-Defamation League

Don’t Let the Cancel Culture Take Down State Representative Chris Miller

Written by David E. Smith

Chris and Mary Miller are perhaps the most conservative elected Republican lawmakers in the state of Illinois. Inevitably, this makes them prime targets of the Left’s hate-and-smear machine.

Chris Miller is a state representative serving the 110th District at the Capitol in Springfield since 2019. His wife Mary Miller is a freshman Congresswoman serving the 15th District at the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C. They are a hardworking Christian couple who have raised seven children, operate a family ranch and farm, and are well-respected leaders in their local church and community.Continue Reading

The SPLC and JP Morgan Chase: Willful Ignorance in the Information Age

Written by John Biver

The Wall Street Journal (WSJis reporting this about the bank JPMorgan Chase and its willful ignorance:

The largest U.S. bank by assets will donate $1 million split between the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League “to further their work in tracking, exposing and fighting hate groups and other extremist organizations,” according to an internal bank memo sent Monday that was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

Is it possible that the executives at JPMorgan Chase have missed the national news about how the SPLC has disintegrated into a radical Leftist hate group?… Continue Reading

Muslim DNC Chair Nominee’s Anti-Semitic Past Surfaces

Written by Michael F. Haverluck

Keith Ellison, the Muslim Congressman from Minnesota who was sworn into office with his hand on the Quran, is skirting around questions about his anti-Semitic past as he is being considered as the number one contender for the next Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairman.

When asked about the anti-Semitic rants from his past, Ellison refused to answer. He then went on to blame his support for anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan on “bad reporting” by the news media.… Continue Reading