Posts tagged: Illinois Republican Platform

The Next IL GOP Chair Will Be…

Written by David E. Smith and David E. Curtin

The Illinois Republican State Central Committee (SCC) will be meeting tomorrow to consider how to fill the vacancy left by Chairman Don Tracy, who resigned in June. We are only aware of a couple of candidates who are up for consideration. Of course, we want to see someone who is fully committed to uphold the planks on the sanctity of human life, marriage, family, immigration security and religious liberty.… Continue Reading

Illinois Conservatives Send Santa An Open Letter

Dear Santa,

We know you’re very busy this time of year, but we hope you’ll take a moment to consider our Christmas wish list.

As you know, we’ve been very good for goodness sake. You see us when we’re sleeping and you know when we’re awake, so you know many of us got very little sleep the past several election cycles. We were very busy contacting voters, raising funds, knocking on doors, attending fundraisers and supporting good candidates.… Continue Reading

News from the Illinois Political Front Lines: Part 1 – Last Week’s GOP County Conventions

Written by John Biver

GOP County…what? Conventions? Don’t feel bad if you didn’t know about them. The tired old guard Illinois Republican Party establishment didn’t want you hear about the conventions. The attendance of rank-and-file platform-supporting Republicans in this state would not have been good for them and they knew it. In fact, in Cook county the convention was run as a closed-door session where the party rules were not followed — you can read about one example here.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: 2018 Illinois Primary Recap (Part 2)

Illinois is NOT a Dark Blue State

Written by John Biver

On this edition of the IFA Spotlight podcast, Monte Larrick, John Biver and Dave Smith continue their discussion about the primary election last month, including the great conservative candidates down ballot, educating misinformed voters, and a summary of the results from down ballot races.

Reviewing the vote totals from the primary, the fact of the uptick in Democratic Party ballots cast versus the down tick in Republican ballots cast, Monte stated — “If you’re a Republican it sounds like we’re in big trouble in November.”… Continue Reading

GOP Gubernatorial Primary 2018: Competent Uniter v. Incompetent Divider

Here is the WBEZ headline and lede for an article about one of the big news stories this week in Illinois:

Surviving War, But Not The Veterans’ Home
Since July 2015, 13 residents of a veterans’ home in west central Illinois have died
from Legionnaires’ disease. Eleven families are suing the state for negligence.

Typically this kind of governmental failure cannot be blamed on a guy who just took office less than three years ago. However, among the most publicized accomplishments of the Bruce Rauner administration is that fact that state-funded social services got short shrift during the two-year state budget impasse.… Continue Reading

“Welcome to Illinois Family Action” (Illinois Family Spotlight #001)

On the inaugural episode of the Illinois Family Spotlight podcast, Monte Larrick and David Smith discuss how important it is to be involved in the public square and how Illinois Family Institute and Illinois Family Action act to advance pro-family, pro-life, and pro-marriage principles.  In the second half of the podcast, they revisit IFA’s involvement at the Illinois GOP convention in Peoria earlier this year.

We’d love to have your feedback!  Email us HERE.

"Welcome to Illinois Family Action" (Illinois Family Spotlight #001)
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2016 Illinois GOP Platform Report


Written by David E. Smith 

The 2016 Illinois Republican Convention was held in Peoria this past weekend on Friday and Saturday. We are thrilled to report that leftists within the party failed to advance their agenda in the newly adopted 2016 Illinois GOP Platform.

If fact, Illinois Republicans strengthened the Right to Life plank in the platform and rejected an attempt to water down and distort the Marriage and Family plank!

THANK YOU to all of you who took time last week to contact the members of the platform committee and helped to spread the word of the attempt to subvert the Marriage and Family plank. … Continue Reading

Will Illinois GOP Platform Committee Members Embarrass Themselves?


Written by John Biver

Remember those infamous Jay Leno Show man on the street interviews? It’s always painful to watch people reveal their ignorance.

There are reports that there is a majority on the Illinois Republican Party Platform Committee who aren’t exactly well-read. Get ready to cringe.

The word on the street is that there are geniuses who think endorsing the radical left-wing (cultural Marxist) LGBT agenda is a good fit for the GOP. … Continue Reading

Illinois GOP to Remove “Marriage” Plank in Platform


Written by David E. Smith

Some Illinois Republicans want to stay away from “controversial” issues. They think that removing the traditional marriage plank will somehow help liberal Republicans who are “hurt” by the platform in their swing districts.  First, if they think that they are going to avoid controversy by removing this important plank, they are woefully wrong.  Secondly, the Illinois GOP has its fair share of RINOs elected to office, who are the source of the problem at hand; but clearly demonstrating that liberal Republicans can win with the current state platform.… Continue Reading

Pat Brady Appointed to IL GOP Platform Committee


Written by John Biver

A couple of Illinois political friends and I have been joking for many years about the old saying “it can’t get any worse.” For the Illinois Republican Party, that saying has never been true. Things continually get worse, and failed party leaders are to blame.

One of those failed party leaders has just been appointed to an important post by the 6th District’s State Central Committeeman Brian Colgan, who formerly worked for Senator Mark Kirk and before that Congresswoman Judy Biggert.… Continue Reading