Posts tagged: Hillary Clinton

DNC Chairman Dumbfounded When Asked About the Difference Between Democrats and Socialists


Written by James Longstreet

Democratic National Committee Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz got a jolt of introspection, a quick glance at oneself, like walking by a picture window and being surprised by the reflection.

Chris Matthews, bravely admitting that he once knew the answer to this question, sought the answer from Debbie.

“What is the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist?” Matthews asked.  Wasserman Schultz was at a loss (video):

She didn’t answer the question. … Continue Reading

Hillary Clinton Unveils Climate Change Alarmism Policy


Written by Catherine Garcia

In a new campaign video, Hillary Clinton calls out the Republican presidential candidates who deny “the settled science of climate change” and “would rather remind us they’re not scientists than listen to those who are.”

The video is titled “Stand for Reality,” and also includes two “ambitious national goals” that Clinton said she will implement on day one of her presidency: By the end of her first term, Clinton says, more than half a billion solar panels will be installed across the country, and within 10 years, the U.S.… Continue Reading

Hustler’s Larry Flynt Endorses Hillary Clinton


Hustler Magazine Founder Larry Flynt’s recent endorsement of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is not only raising eyes across political lines, but hopes on the Left … and for good reason.

Written by Michael F. Haverluck

As a longstanding supporter of the Clintons, the millionaire who’s built his fortune on pornography for decades is fully aware of the far-reaching ramifications of a Hillary election.

“I’m endorsing Hillary Clinton for president,” Flynt told Bloomberg. “If Hillary gets in, chances are she’s going to have an opportunity to appoint two, maybe three justices … and we could shift the balance there.”… Continue Reading

Hillary Clinton Takes Private Jet to Give Speech on Social Inequality


Written by Andrew Stiles

Hillary Clinton gave a speech Tuesday near Ferguson, Mo., site of anti-police riots inspired by the controversial shooting death of Michael Brown. Clinton’s speech at Christ the King United Methodist Church of Christ in the nearby town of Florissant focused on issues of racial and social inequality. “Despite our best efforts and our highest hopes, America’s long struggle with race is far from finished,” she said. “We can’t hide from hard truths about race and justice.… Continue Reading

LaHood vs. Flynn in the 18th Congressional District Special Election

Mike Flynn

Written by David E. Smith

Good people who vote are beyond weary of all the lying and hypocrisy that goes on in politics.  I suspect many good folks turn off politics entirely because many of our elected officials have abandoned integrity and will say whatever the voters want to hear during a campaign with no intention of keeping their word.

Mike Flynn — candidate for the vacated Congressional seat in Illinois’ 18th District — is the latest example.… Continue Reading

Five Reasons Why Republicans Won’t Nominate Jeb Bush


Written by Aaron Goldstein

Yesterday officially marked the entry of Jeb Bush into the 2016 Republican presidential race. Although the former Florida governor has instant name recognition and vast resources, they will not be enough for Republicans to pick him as their nominee for the White House. I believe this to be so for the following five reasons.

1. Illegal Immigration is Act of Love

At a town hall meeting in April 2014, Bush told Shannon Beam of the Fox News Channel the following about illegal immigration, “Yes, they broke the law, but it’s not a felony.… Continue Reading

Ready For A ’92 Redo?


Written by Gary L. Bauer

Forty-eight hours after Hillary Clinton relaunched her presidential campaign, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush formally declared his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination. (The governor began speaking moments ago and I’ll comment on his remarks tomorrow.)

The last time America faced a choice between Bush and Clinton was 1992. Anyone excited about a decades-old redo?

That question may dog both of the presumed party frontrunners. As CNN noted today:

“A 2016 campaign between Bush and Clinton would undoubtedly be clouded by questions about legacy, nepotism and the vitality of a political system seemingly dominated by a pair of powerful families with close ties to wealthy elites in Washington and on Wall Street .

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Carly Fiorina’s New Anti-Hillary Ad is Indescribably Awesome


Written by Dan Calabrese

Just in case Carly Fiorina is not the Republican nominee next year – and I’m starting to wonder if it’s a good idea not to nominate her – whoever does carry the flag needs to watch the following 3-minute ad at least 100 times. Not because there’s anything in here that you don’t already know if you’ve been paying attention, but because this is how you tell people about it:

I get the impression sometimes when I watch the Republicans who are running for president that they’re extremely nervous about really going for the jugular where Hillary Clinton is concerned.… Continue Reading

Brady Deflates, Hillary Skates


Written by Daniel John Sobieski

That the standards of transparency are seemingly higher for an NFL Super Bowl quarterback than for a former Secretary of State and presidential wannabe does not bode well for our republic nor speak well of the state of the so-called mainstream media. But the double standards regarding media treatment of Tom Brady versus Hillary Clinton are many and troubling.

We should all be asking ourselves just why there is more concern and angst over Tom Brady’s use of slightly deflated footballs to get a better grip and improve his chances of winning a football game than regarding Hillary Clinton’s use of private email accounts on a private server and her deleting of 30,000 emails to improve her chances of winning the White House in 2016.… Continue Reading

Hillary Rodham Romney


The battle to define Hillary Clinton is on—and she’s losing

Written by Matthew Continetti

Hillary Clinton is moving so quickly to the left that it’s hard to keep up. Her aides are telling the New York Times she wants to “topple” the One Percent, she’s pledging solidarity with union bosses over lunch meetings at Mario Batali restaurants in Midtown, she supports a constitutional amendment to suppress political speech, she’s down with a right to same-sex marriage, she’s ambivalent over the Keystone Pipeline and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, she’s calling for an end to the “era of mass incarceration,” she wants to go “further” than President Obama’s illegal executive amnesty.… Continue Reading