Written by Billy Davis and Steve Jordahl
A variety of advocates for conservative causes are watching closely as the Republican Party completes a draft of its official party platform.
Platform committee members met Monday and Tuesday in Cleveland to finalize the party’s stance on immigration, military readiness, and other issues that will be put before convention delegates for a final vote.
Many of the debated topics were hot-button social issues, including abortion and traditional marriage.
“Emerging Republican platform goes far to the right,” a headline at the reliably liberal New York Times declared earlier this week.… Continue Reading

Written by Don Irvine
GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump escalated his war with the media yesterday when he decided that his campaign would no longer issue press credentials to The Washington Post because of the paper’s “incredibly inaccurate coverage” of his campaign.
Trump issued the ban in a Facebook post on Monday:
“Based on the incredibly inaccurate coverage and reporting of the record setting Trump campaign, we are hereby revoking the press credentials of the phony and dishonest Washington Post.”
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Written by Jonah Goldberg
Perhaps it’s time to bring back the American Liberty League.
Forgotten by everyone save a few history buffs, primarily on the libertarian right and the Marxist left, the League was formed early in Franklin Roosevelt’s first term by John Jakob Raskob, a former head of the Democratic Party. Its leadership comprised mostly conservative small-government Democrats, including the party’s two previous presidential nominees — Al Smith, who ran in 1928 (the first major Catholic presidential candidate), and John Davis, who lost to Calvin Coolidge in 1924.… Continue Reading

Written by Robert Knight
Ever notice how threats of force invariably follow the Left’s pleas for “tolerance?”
Let’s call this criminalization of dissent “totalitolerance.” This term has been around since at least 2013, but it deserves wider circulation, given the ferocity and frequency of progressive attacks on free speech.
In California, Attorney General Kamala Harris demanded the names of donors to conservative nonprofits in order to expose them to the kind of harassment endured by supporters of the Prop 8 marriage amendment referendum in 2008. … Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Obama, Bathroom Wars, Bernadette B. Wilson, Bill de Blasio, Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, Chick-Fil-A, Claude Walker, Donald Trump, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Eric Schneiderman, Eugene Volokh, Gender Dysphoria, Hans Bader, John Chisholm, Kamala Harris, Loretta Lynch, Phil Hanlon, Prop 8, Scott Walker, Totalitolerance
Federal Issues | David E. Smith |
June 1, 2016 4:00 AM |
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Written by Katie Kieffer
Hillary Clinton is working alongside billionaire Tom Steyer to sow a garden of climate change paranoia. Clinton is scaring young voters into supporting her campaign by leading them to believe that a Republican president will unleash a climate apocalypse.
Calling Millennial voters the 2016 presidential election’s “biggest cohort,” Steyer announced his plan last month to inject $25 million into targeting young voters. Specifically, Steyer will allocate millions toward an aggressive ground campaign based on climate alarmism.… Continue Reading
Tags: Bernie Sanders, Charles G. Koch, Climate Change, David Koch, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Ipsos Public Research, Jonathan Karl, Katie Kieffer, NextGen Climate, Ted Cruz, TIME Magazine, Tom Steyer
Federal Elections | David E. Smith |
May 28, 2016 8:49 AM |
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Written by Steve Jordahl
The leader of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference implies that the votes of millions of born-again Hispanics in America are up for grabs in the coming presidential election.
Hispanic evangelicals met in Anaheim, California, last weekend for what was tabbed as “Latin Leaders Fest.” The two-day event featured speakers such as evangelist Luis Palau and Pastor Alberto Delgado, and the husband-and-wife worship team Nic Gonzales and Jaci Velasquez.
During the gathering, both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump made video pitches to the Latin Leaders Fest.… Continue Reading
Tags: Alberto Delgado, Donald Trump, Election 2016, Gus Reyes, Hillary Clinton, Jaci Velasquez, Luis Palau, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, Nic Gonzales, Samuel Rodriguez
Federal Elections | David E. Smith |
May 26, 2016 7:29 AM |
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Written by Robert Arvay
Both major political parties are now locked in a death struggle. The irony is that they are attempting not to annihilate each other, but rather to survive the onslaught of the voters. No longer is the struggle between Democrat and Republican; it is between the landed gentry and the peasants.
Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are the villains, as far as the ensconced parties are concerned. Thus, we have the very bizarre spectacle of Republicans saying that, in a general election, they will defect, preferring Hillary Clinton to Trump, and Democrats vowing to vote for Trump rather than for Clinton. … Continue Reading

Written by Israel Wayne
The 2016 Election cycle has finally narrowed to just Donald Trump on the Republican side. It appears that Hillary Clinton will handily win the Democratic primaries.
This series of events brings us to a place that every election reaches. Is it morally right to vote for the lesser of two evils? As no human is perfect, this question will always emerge in politics. Some years may be easier than others for conservative voters, but this year is no easy choice.… Continue Reading

Written by Bryan Fischer
An O’Fallon, Missouri man was arrested on April 23 after allegedly secretly filming women in a Target dressing room.
Matthew Foerstel, 26, faces felony charges for invasion of privacy in the second degree and unlawful possession of a firearm.
The Brentwood Police Department arrested Foerstel on April 23 after he allegedly held a camera phone under a dressing room door while a female shopper tried on swim suits at the Target store in Brentwood.… Continue Reading
Tags: Bernie Sanders, Charles Krauthammer, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, John Kasich, Matthew Foerstel, Target, Ted Cruz, transgender bathroom
LGBTQ Agenda, Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
May 3, 2016 7:26 AM |
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Written by Maggie Gallagher
With the Left attacking North Carolina as if it were, oh say, Saudi Arabia for wanting to protect the privacy rights of women in bathrooms and locker rooms, The Donald ran for cover (as I reported).
Guess who is running towards the good people of North Carolina and common sense values? Lion Ted:
“There have been very few complaints the way it is,” Trump told The Today Show. “People go, they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate, there has been so little trouble.”
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