Trump has made his decision on the big cabinet post — secretary of State — and it’s ExxonMobil CEO, Rex Tillerson.
There is no way to sugarcoat this: Tillerson is a disastrous pick. Those who share the mentality of transnational corporate leaders like Tillerson are pre-conditioned to supporting the foreign policy establishment mindset on critical issues so as not to upset the applecart and what’s good for business.
While much of his issue portfolio is a blank slate, what we know about him and his past comments is disturbing.
There is a very interesting story that deserves to be resurrected in all this talk of Russian involvement in the recent election. The claim is that somehow Donald Trump encouraged the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton and DNC servers to confirm bad things about the Clintons that most everyone already knew and suspected.
Actual confirmed efforts to involve the Russians are there, but not with Donald Trump. It involves one of the patron saints of liberalism: U.S.… Continue Reading
Repeal and replace. That was and still is the Donald Trump promise for Obamacare. Congressional Republicans are ready to join in. Not that they haven’t been trying for the past six years, with over 60 attempts at repeal at the congressional level, all quickly dispatched by the Obama veto pen.
Now that there is a new sheriff in town, the veto threat is gone. Repeal and replace may actually happen. What will it mean?… Continue Reading
Democratic Party presidential candidate Bernie Sanders brought back to life a debate many thought had died with the old Soviet Union of Socialist Republics, the German Democratic Republic (the former East Germany), and many other current and past failed states throughout history. The question of whether socialism can be made to work returned zombie-like from the dead in 2016.
Supporters of free market capitalism were asking how this could be in light of the fact that no matter where socialism has been tried in the world it has failed.… Continue Reading
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith | December 12, 2016 8:08 AM | Comments Off on The Unexpected Contest of 2016: Free Market Capitalism v. Democratic Socialism
Americans’ assessments of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) remain relatively unchanged after the Nov. 8 election, with more continuing to disapprove (53%) than approve (42%) of the law. Going forward, the vast majority of Americans want to see the law changed. This includes the 37% who want it repealed and replaced, along with a total of 43% of Americans who want the law kept, but with major changes.… Continue Reading
Climate change is back in the news as President-Elect Donald Trump threatens to roll back much of the Obama climate agenda. The Obama administration added 229 major regulations at an additional annual cost of $108 billion, many of which involve energy policy. The “Clean Power Plan” is one such regulatory behemoth, jacking up the cost of energy under the guise of saving the planet from global warming.
Of course, the left believes that Trump will mandate dirty air and water, encouraging pollution on a mass scale. … Continue Reading
One thing the election reinforced is that “tolerance” is the last thing progressives actually want.
The vitriol-laden media coverage, student demonstrations and other forms of protest against the incoming Trump administration are ample evidence.
To which I say, mug them again.
Tolerance, properly understood, is a wonderful virtue. The progressive version, however is a weapon to intimidate and silence opponents. With enough shaming, people would not dare to buck their betters, even in the privacy of the voting booth.… Continue Reading
Monte Larrick, David Smith, John Biver, and Ralph Rivera reconvene to continue discussing the recent general election. In this episode, they review the four now-red House seats, the future of life and bathroom legislation, and how voters can influence an election beyond the ballot box.
Debrief: 2016 Election, Part 2 (Illinois Family Spotlight #016)
The term “alt right” is thrown around a lot these days to account for Donald Trump’s winning the U.S. presidency. Mainstream media, blindsided by results they should have been able to predict, are deflecting blame. Many conjure a vast, shadowy, menacing group that propelled Trump to power in hidden ways. A more accurate story is more complex—and far more of a problem for the generic worldview of current mainstream media.
I assure you that it will be controlled venting, without vitriol, hyperbole, or vindictiveness.
But venting it will be. Shall we call it holy venting?
Perhaps it will also reflect some of the holy frustration in your own heart.
But first, some caveats.
I do understand why many Americans are deeply upset with Donald Trump’s election, and up until election day, I said that I respected those who could not vote for him, urging them instead not to vote for Hillary.… Continue Reading