Posts tagged: Donald Trump

Trump is Obligated to Follow Immigration Law

Written by Daniel Horowitz

If one district judge demands that a president take a given course of action and another district judge prohibits the president from making such a move, what’s a president to do? He should ignore the judiciary, of course, and only take executive action pursuant to the law and the U.S. Constitution as he sees it.

When leftist organizations forum-shop their political issues to liberal judicial districts, seeking a phantom nationwide veto on a law or executive policy, they are not always guaranteed they will get a likeminded judge drawn by random selection.… Continue Reading

I Wish I Were as Bad a Christian as Mike Pence

Written by David Limbaugh

I’ve repeatedly said that though President Trump gives his leftist enemies plenty of fodder in his tweets to attack him, they would malign any Republican president unless he totally capitulated to their demands — and switched parties. Indeed, they always have.

The liberals say Trump is such an awful person, which apparently excuses their monomaniacal obsession with destroying his presidency. Yet Vice President Mike Pence is one of the finest people around, and they can’t stand him, either.… Continue Reading

The Crowded (and Contentious) Democratic Party Race for Attorney General

Written by John Biver

There are more Democratic Party candidates for attorney general (8) than there are for governor (6). Speaker Michael Madigan’s daughter, Lisa Madigan, retiring after the end of her fourth term, has held the office since first being elected in 2002.

The candidates are State Rep. Scott Drury, Sharon Fairley, Aaron Goldstein, Renato Mariotti, State Sen. Kwame Raoul, Nancy Rotering, Jesse Ruiz, and former governor Pat Quinn.… Continue Reading

Ignore Rauner: The State of the State is Bankrupt

Written by John Biver

As one of those people who rarely watch our governor’s State of the State Address, Bruce Rauner’s speech on Wednesday reminded me why most people don’t bother. Much like his performance before the MUST-WATCH Chicago Tribune editorial board meeting, it was embarrassing. It was weak. It was silly. And it was predictable.

Illinois Republican voters can’t say they weren’t warned about Rauner. During the 2014 election cycle Doug Ibendahl, Laurie Higgins, and I wrote plenty of articles explaining why electing him was a mistake.… Continue Reading

Why Liberals Need to Look Down on Conservatives

Written by Selwyn Duke

A common theme among progressives is that conservatives aren’t just wrong; they’re dumb.  Reagan was dumb.  G.W. Bush was dumb.  Trump is dumb.  “Knuckle-dragger,” “mouth-breather,” “stupid,” and “uncultured” are typical pejoratives hurled at conservatives, who apparently tend to live in trailer parks, require dental care, handle snakes, and marry first cousins.  Why, I had a liberal actor (excuse the redundancy) tell me once that I wasn’t necessarily bad, just not as “evolved” as he was.  … Continue Reading

Congress Fails to Repeal Johnson Amendment in Tax Bill

Written by Michael Gryboski

A measure within the federal tax overhaul bill that would end the IRS regulation barring churches from endorsing political candidates has been removed from the proposed legislation.

The U.S. Senate’s parliamentarian struck out the language overturning the Johnson Amendment, with the Hill reporting last week that the reason was because it “did not meet Senate rules that require elements of the tax bill to have something to do with the budget.”

“The Senate is seeking to move a House-Senate conference report under special budgetary rules that prevent Democrats from using a filibuster,” explained The Hill.Continue Reading

WHERE is Congress on Court’s (Self-)Mutilation of the Military?

Written by Daniel Horowitz


Throughout our series on judicial tyranny, I’ve been trying to conjure up analogies and metaphors to describe the absurdity of judicial supremacism. Yet, no degree of absurdity or hyperbole could capture what was just promulgated from the mouth of a federal district judge.

Forget about legislating from the bench or even nullifying the Constitution; D.C. District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly issued an order Monday changing the laws of biology and ordered the Pentagon to admit anyone who decides to castrate themselves into the military by Jan.… Continue Reading

The Bergdahl Progressives

Written by Robert Knight

I’m minding my own business in a bookstore near the University of Maine’s campus here when I hear two women talking.

One of them is trashing Donald Trump as the other sagely nods. Then they start gushing about Barack Obama’s “greatness” and what “a fine president” he was.

Tempted almost beyond endurance to say something, I buried my head in the Brad Thor thriller that I had been thumbing through. Nothing I would have said could have changed their minds.… Continue Reading

The Mother of All Scandals

Written by David Prentice

There is an answer to Hillary’s question, “What Happened?”

And yes, it should be considered a dumb question rather than a book title.  But the short answer to her question is:  She fooled almost the entire left, for over two decades.  Oh wait, that was a book title, not a question.

And therein lies her biggest problem.  She’s not really asking the question as she should be, she’s not reflecting.  Instead, she’s wagging a finger and blaming everyone else for her loss.… Continue Reading

The Foul Stench in Washington

Written by Walker Wildmon

Traditionally in America, representatives and senators carry out the will of the people in our nation’s capital. Sadly, this is not the case in the modern political era. Many of today’s politicians are more concerned with their own interests rather than the interests of our country.

Mitch McConnell has been in the news recently for the fact that little good is getting done in the U.S. Senate under his leadership. Here are a few examples of this lack of progress.… Continue Reading