Posts tagged: Illinois Democratic Party

The Illinois Gubernatorial Dilemma

Written by David E. Smith

A good number of folks–especially on social media–are asking why I continue to refuse to vote for the incumbent Republican governor even in the wake of the Sam McCann betrayal. It’s pretty straight forward. I believe that Bruce Rauner is more dangerous to the conservative cause than J.B. Pritzker could ever be.

Bruce Rauner, the leader of the Illinois Republican Party, has severely damaged the conservative cause and has battered the GOP brand in inconceivable ways over the past four years.… Continue Reading

Illinois Republicans Set National Record for Losing Elections

Written by John Biver

The Illinois News Network reported some big news about a new national “political power” record that was set this week:

Illinois’ longest serving House speaker is now the United State’s longest serving statehouse speaker.

The title was held for years by a South Carolina politician from the 1970s, but the title now goes to Chicago Democrat Michael Madigan.

Madigan has been speaker of the Illinois House every year since 1983, except for two years in the 1990s when Republicans were in the majority.

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Democratic Party Candidates for Illinois Governor: Paterakis & Pawar

Written by John Biver

Last time we discussed Democratic Party declared gubernatorial candidates Bob Daiber and Chris Kennedy, before that Daniel Biss. Rounding out those formally in the race at this point are Alex Paterakis and Ameya Pawar.

We noted previously that candidate Daniel Biss is young — but he’s not the youngest candidate in the race. That position is held by Alex Paterakis, born in 1987 — and as we go to press he hasn’t seen his 30th birthday yet.… Continue Reading