Posts tagged: CNN

The Pro-Biden Press Corps Is Deeply Embarrassing

Written by Tim Graham

President Biden’s first formal press conference is in the books, and it was deeply embarrassing to anyone who thinks the media’s job is to hold presidents accountable.

Taxpayer-enabled PBS White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor was the worst. She complimented the president, saying: “You’ve said over and over again that immigrants shouldn’t come to this country right now; this isn’t the time to come. That message is not being received. Instead, the perception of you that got you elected as a moral, decent man is the reason why a lot of immigrants are coming to this country and are trusting you with unaccompanied minors.”… Continue Reading

CNN Should Shut up About ‘Misinformation’

Written by Tim Graham

Brian Stelter and Oliver Darcy, CNN’s in-house cheerleaders for censoring or squelching conservative media outlets, celebrated a letter in which Democrats on the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee pressed TV providers to punish right-wing spreaders of so-called “misinformation.”

California U.S. Representatives Anna Eshoo and Jerry McNerney asked, “What moral or ethical principles (including those related to journalistic integrity, violence, medical information, and public health) do you apply in deciding which channels to carry or when to take adverse actions against a channel?”… Continue Reading

The Tyrannical Left’s Sinister Conspiracy to Silence Conservatives

Written by David Limbaugh

Why does the left want to silence conservatives? Why do rank-and-file Democrats go along with this abomination? Leftists have bad intentions, but how about the Democrats who enable them? I prefer to think they’ve being manipulated.

As worried as we should be about the hyperexploding national debt and our inevitable fiscal catastrophe, I am even more worried about the left’s success in turning America into a police state (ironic, given its simultaneous war on the police).… Continue Reading

Beware Those Hysterical Historians

Written by Tim Graham

Liberals love to insist they’re on the “right side of history,” and their confidence crests in the liberal dominance among historians. Just as the liberal media dominate our evaluation of day-to-day developments, liberals count on their historians to dominate our evaluation of the decades behind us.

It’s not just historians but our taxpayer-funded storytellers, like the insufferable PBS documentarian Ken Burns. On the day before President-elect Joe Biden‘s inauguration, NPR’s “Morning Edition” presented him as an American treasure with no partisan bias.… Continue Reading

Hollywood Elites and Violent Thoughts

Written by Tim Graham

Big Tech’s rush to take down and ban social media accounts or de-platform entire websites that they believe in some way caused the horrible rioting at the Capitol is based on fear — that Joe Biden’s inauguration will devolve into another riot. Or that there will be riots at state capitols.

Social media platforms such as Twitter are only focused on President Donald Trump and his millions of devoted fans. They don’t seem to focus on violent thoughts on the left, most prominently the Hollywood left.… Continue Reading

The News That Biden Voters Didn’t Know

Written by Tim Graham

Journalists have strongly slanted the “news” during the Trump era in order to destroy Donald Trump’s presidency, and to destroy it early if possible. Their actions betray that they feel they have important and influential platforms from which they can and should run America in between elections. The voters can have a say for about two weeks every two years.

Recall 2004, when Newsweek‘s Evan Thomas admitted the press would go all in for Democratic presidential and vice presidential nominees John Kerry and John Edwards, and that the effort would “be worth maybe 15 points.”… Continue Reading

The Richness of Leftist Fascists Decrying ‘Fascism’

Written by David Limbaugh

The fascist left regularly typifies the very qualities it professes to abhor. The only thing more pronounced than its totalitarianism is its stunning lack of self-awareness.

It’s ironic that leftists think of themselves as liberals, as the term “liberal” is historically and etymologically connected to the concept of liberty. Not only are they merely selective champions of liberty but the logical extension of their agenda is an eradication of liberty, from socialism to U.S.… Continue Reading

Fallout or a Boost from a VP Pick?

Written by Micah Clark

Traditionally this should be a good week for the Democrat Party with their national convention. Traditionally too, the announcement of a running-mate, the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ticket, should be a boost. But is it?

A new CNN poll now shows the presidential race at a virtual tie. President Donald J. Trump is down 4 points, but the poll’s margin of error is 3.7 percent, making it a possible tie. In many battleground states Trump is just 1 point behind, according to CNN, no friend of the President.… Continue Reading

Kasich’s Conscience Prefers a President Who’ll Put Boys in Girls’ Locker Rooms

Written by Terence P. Jeffrey

John Kasich wants people to believe he is supporting Joe Biden for president because his “conscience” compels it.

Assuming Kasich is being honest about this, a rational observer can draw only one conclusion: He is a moral idiot.

On Monday, the Columbus Dispatch ran a story with this headline: “Kasich Says Conscience Led Him to Biden.”

In an interview with that paper, this former Republican governor of Ohio presented himself as a moral hero for backing the former vice president.… Continue Reading

How to Cultivate Racism and Hate in America

Written by Robert Knight

What would we do without virtue signalers instructing us about how hopelessly racist America is?

They’ve been out in force even more than usual since the tragic death of George Floyd and the riots that followed.  It’s hard to escape their false narrative, peddled by CNN, the major networks, every major newspaper and most politicians.

They say America has made little or no racial progress in the last 60 years, that the police are all wannabe Bull Connors, that income inequality is enforced by “institutional racism,” and that “America is a failed social experiment,” as Harvard professor Cornel West says.… Continue Reading