Posts tagged: Civil Rights Act of 1964

How Conservatives Misjudge the U.S. Supreme Court

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Six of the nine U.S. Supreme Court justices have been appointed by Republicans, yet red states are now being prevented by federal courts from keeping boys out of girls’ bathrooms. What was the point of the generation-long battle for control of the high court?

A three-judge panel for the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in August upheld a lower court ruling forcing the Metropolitan School District of Martinsville, Indiana, to allow people to enter the school bathrooms of their choice, not the one that matches their sex.… Continue Reading

A Postman “Carries the Mail” for Religious Liberty: Groff v. LeJoy

Written by Dr. John A. Sparks

In January 2019, Gerald Groff left the Holtwood Post Office in the small rural community of Holtwood, Pennsylvania, located in Lancaster County. When he left, he figured it was likely for good. He resigned his mail carrier position there because he knew that he was inching closer and closer to being fired. He had already endured various steps of the Post Office’s progressive discipline. What drove him to leave the USPS was its failure to accommodate his sincerely held religious convictions.… Continue Reading

‘Great Unifier’ Biden Tells Half The Country To Go To Hell

Written by Robert Knight

President Biden went down to Georgia on Tuesday, following a trail blazed by the devil.

Bemoaning Georgia’s new election law, which is less strict than that of Mr. Biden’s Delaware or Elizabeth Warren’s Massachusetts, Mr. Biden played a tune hatched in hell, the kind of stuff that stokes a civil war, not healing.

Mr. Biden, who earlier called “white nationalists” the greatest security threat facing America, went full demagogue at an Atlanta college: “I will defend your right to vote and our democracy against all enemies foreign and, yes, domestic.”… Continue Reading

U.S. Senate Democrats Reintroduce Dangerous Bill That Could Gut Landmark Federal Religious Freedom Law

Written by Jorge Gomez

U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ)—joined by more than two dozen of his Democratic colleagues as co-sponsors—recently reintroduced the “Do No Harm” Act (DNHA), a bill they claim would help “restore the Religious Freedom Restoration Act’s (RFRA) original intent.”

To refresh your memory, RFRA is a federal law crucial to the protection of religious liberty. Signed into law in 1993 by Democratic President Bill Clinton, RFRA has stood for over a quarter century as a legal bulwark and helped protect Americans from government infringement on their constitutional rights.… Continue Reading

16 Questions Conservatives Should Ask Any SCOTUS Nominee

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Democrats never have any doubts about their court nominees. They know with certainty that once their picks are on the court, they will be willing to do anything in a real case to interpret the U.S. Constitution the way they see it. They will rule with the party’s preferred political outcomes regardless of past precedent or the plain meaning of the Constitution. There is no reason why conservatives cannot have that same confidence that GOP nominees will rule on the side of the original meaning of the U.S.… Continue Reading

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley Launches Deserved Attack Against Roe v. Wade

Written by Laurie Higgins

On Sunday, in an interview with the Washington Post, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) took a dagger to the heart of Roe v. Wade like abortionists take a needle to the hearts of babies floating in their mothers’ wombs. Hawley made this statement about the infamous Supreme Court decision—a statement that has sent shock waves into the fetid, swampy “progressive” pond in which pro-feticide cheerleaders ferociously swim:

I will vote only for those Supreme Court nominees who have explicitly acknowledged that Roe v.

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Rejecting the Marxists’ Version of the Constitution

Written by Robert Knight

The first rule of any Marxist revolution is that rules are fine if they advance the cause or cripple opponents.  The rules can be discarded the minute they get in the way.

That’s the way America’s Marxists, socialists and many liberals operate when it comes to the U.S. Constitution, especially the First Amendment.

Here’s the relevant portion:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press.”

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The Suicidal Equality Act of 2019

Written by Star Parker

The U.S. House Judiciary Committee has voted out the Equality Act of 2019 (H.R.5). It now heads for a vote on the U.S. House floor with 240 co-sponsors, which means its passage is virtually certain.

The legislation amends all major civil rights law, including the 1964 Civil Rights Act, to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” along with race, sex and religion as classes that are protected from discrimination.

There is so much wrong here it is hard to know where to start.… Continue Reading